Build Diary - RCR Lola T70 Spider

Very nice, Ron (and Fran). Pity about the rollcage - spoils the looks somewhat, but if the rules say that's what is needed to race, I guess that's what had to go in. Let us know how the shakedown goes, and be careful if the weather doesn't improve. That beastie would be enough to put your bowel in your back pocket in the dry, let alone in the wet...

Ron Earp

Hi Garath,

Yes, the roll cage does spoil the lines of the car a bit. I sort of knew that was the case going into it. Cage rules and design structure has changed quite a lot in the last 40 years and it just isn't possible to run in a modern sanctioning body event without a modern cage. Competition Cages built the original structure and RCR needed to modify it somewhat in order to correct a couple of oversights.

The car will have both SCCA and NASA logbooks. We'll race the car a bit and see where it goes. If we're successful with our win intentions at the VIR 13 hr then we might very well retire the car to street / club day use. In that event we'll remove the two down tubes and maybe lower the main hoop. I think it'd look perfect in that configuration.

SCCA require restraints in SRF's and, I assume, all formula and sports racers. The only time they bother me is when they slip down my arm and get tangled up in the shifter. Have to do something about that!

You might be wearing them too low.. although I have seen forearm instructions as well. Make sure you can reach cut-off and fire system control.
This from crower :

• Instructions for Arm Restraints: Part number 11572-11574
1.) Arm Restraints are to be worn on the biceps of the arms.
2.) Attach around bicep with D-rings and tighten until the fit is snug.
3.) Adjust length of tether so wrist will not go outside of the cage area.
4.) Arm Restraint with the SFI tag MUST be worn on the left bicep. Arm Restraint with the warning tag MUST be worn on the right bicep.
5.) Make sure the arm restraint doesn't interfere with the steering wheel or any other equipment.
That roll cage mounted masterswitch linkage looks like it could cause a severe case of cranium leakage given the right/wrong circumstances.


Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
And more Cow Bell on those thin battery cables :)

BTW Ron that car is F'n hot! I love the paint scheme, get a ton of in-car-cams going for the track testing!


Ron Earp

That roll cage mounted masterswitch linkage looks like it could cause a severe case of cranium leakage given the right/wrong circumstances.

I think that one picture is a bit of an optical illusion. The switch is about 14" off the centerline of the seat. With the side window net/restraint down the middle of the car your head is just about going to need to come off to hit that thing. Still, we need to round down those edges there and protect the driver better. It is a bit close depending on the driver/height but I don't think it'll be a issue with the net and helmet in place.

Ron Earp

Well I got back from time away this weekend and started looking into getting things done on the car to make it ready to race. Finished up the belts, transponder, nut and bolting up front and having a look to see how we'll align it up.

I really do like it. RCR did we well and there isn't anything on it I would have done differently and lots of things I couldn't do at all. Everything works, fits, and does what it is supposed to, very nice. I've got to adjust the seat back for one of our drivers but that isn't a big deal. Tires should show up tomorrow, the race wheels are here already, and I got the Carbotechs on for the track day. Our local tech inspector is coming over tomorrow night to issue it a NASA and SCCA logbook and I'm hoping to complete an alignment tomorrow night. Here are a few pics from today.


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Ron Earp

Alright, got a bit more progress. Our technical inspector was over last night and we now officially have a logbooked race car. Sounds sort of simple but a hell of a lot of work went into making that happen smoothly. The technical inspector loved the car and construction, himself being a Lola fan who watched the real deals race back in the day. No issues with respect to tech inspection so we are legal to compete in sanctioned races now.

We got the race tires and wheels in yesterday so we spent time aligning the front of the car. Pretty simple to do and we settled on about -1.7 neg camber, around 1/16" toe in, about 5.5 on the caster, with a ride height of right about 4". Car looks mean with the Aero wheels (blacked out with yellow pin stripe) and the Achilles Tendon Slicer a couple of inches off the ground.

We've got a track test day Thursday but it'll be tough to make. Weather is pointing to rain and we've got a lot of prep to do before she's ready to go out for the first time. If I didn't have this JOB thing I could get on with this important stuff.....lunch over, back to the job.....

Ron Earp

Hey Malcolm,

The VIR 13 hour is Oct 31st and it is going to be tight. We've had the car a little over a week but I have been sick for the last four days and my fever has not let go yet. On top of that Jeff Young now has the flu, probably from trying to come over and work Friday and Saturday, so we're both down for the count. Still, we're going to try.

So, due to flu not much has happened on the car since last report. Fran Hall did an awesome job making some spacers for the Aero bolt on wheels I'd selected and got them down to me in record time. For you RCR knock on guys who need some good looking, strong, and inexpensive bolt ons you might want to have a look at them. One of the test days I'd signed up for to run the Lola will not allow knock on wheels so for those doing track work standard wheels might be necessary.

Today Jeffrey Rousel, our pit and graphics man, came over and graphiced the car up. It looks fantastic, very nice. I was only able to go out and peek at it since Jeffrey didn't want to be exposed to the creeping death. I'll get some pictures up as soon as I can of the car back together with the wheels, graphics, and hopefully ready to race. I'll also put up Jeffrey's contact information as he does graphics to order and does a great job. It is one mean looking car!

Anyhow, back to bed for me. I've been quarantined on the third floor of our house with HD TV and computer, so that isn't all bad, but I'm really tired of talking to the cats and sitting on my ass.

Ron Earp

I'll put the finished pics here too for those not looking at the race stuff.


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Ron Earp

It has been a long road but the final pieces are now in place - registration and a license plate. The T70 Spyder now has a valid SCCA logbook, valid NASA logbook, a valid NC license plate, and a 1966 replica Lola T70 registration. Whoo hooo!

Many times throughout this project I was wondering if all this was going to be possible. But with the help of RCR/Fran Hall and their crew, my local racing friends Jeff Y, Jeffrey R, Jeffrey G, Ed P, and Jeff L (too many Jeff's down here), the car is finished up the dream of having a sanctioned race car with a valid license plate is complete. And none too soon - the track events for the year are kicking off in four days.

My intent is to continue development of this car via track days and the occasional mini enduro, with the eye toward getting it 110% ready for this year's 13 Hour Charge of the Headlight Brigade. Yeah, we've said that before....but I now think we're in a position to make it happen. And of course drive it out to a show or two this year, drive it to work, and continue shaking it down.

I'm still campaigning the 260Z in SCCA ITS and there is a full schedule for me and the Z this year. I wish to seriously pursue the points races for the SARRC championship and depending how I do maybe the ARRC in October.

Should be a fun year!


Dave Lindemann

Lifetime Supporter
Congratulations Ron! I know it's been a long and sometimes bumpy road for you to get to this point. You can finally start to really have some fun!

Dave L
Great news Ron....well done

with the ups and downs during your previous replica ownership its a testiment to your perseverance in the hobby as much as anything else.
Another cool car on the grid !
Just a small suggestion: you need a screen in front of your radiator.
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