Chocolate advertisement - a classic

A great advert for sure! and I read that the 90 second slot prior to the Rugby last weekend cost Cadbury's £700K..... money well spent I think.

What's the betting there's another advert this coming weekend too?
I believe the gorilla is an actor who learned drumming in a couple of weeks prior to the take.
He has a small LCD screen inside the head via which he can see what he is doing!

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
My wife is deeply dismayed when I pointed out that it is not a real gorilla. She asked me how they managed to train a gorilla to play the drums - was it shown endless tapes of Phil Collins or whatever. Now, she says this advert is a waste of her time when previously it was funny. Strange things. Wives that is, not gorillas.
I thought it was Phil before his morning coffee!

Years ago here in the states, Red Rose had a commercial with a bunch of chimps "playing" band instruments and "singing" the Red Rose song. My old Italian grandfather watched one day, thought long and sagely announced "I don't think those monkeys are really playing those instruments!!" To this day anything of dubious validity in our house is described as "I don't think those monkeys are really playing those instruments"

Gotta love digital effects..........
HA HA - I completely forgot it was a wonderbra spoof and kept telling myself "Damn, they could have made it so her boobs bounced around more." :p: