Christmas Quiz.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Quite a few years ago we used to come up with a motor sport quiz that we could play about with on Christmas day and Boxing day.
Questions :
!: Do we want it reinstated?
2: Would you contribute say 5 or even more questions and as a reward
those would all be scored as correct on your answers.
3: None of this should be rocket science or very obscure.
4: You never know, you might be brighter than your family think you are.


David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
OK. If any of you gentlemen can come up with something (it has to be clean - its Christmas after all) and send those questions to me at [email protected] and then I'll sort out any duplicates. Hopefully we'll get a hundred questions and of you that send questions, you will get credit for the number questions you send. (on the grounds that you already know the answer. Don't send any answers to that email address because that will spoil it for me and I will get 100% - but you can send the answers to [email protected]
Again, Grazie

PS a Christmas truce - for December I like everyone. That does not mean a football match though.