color options - any chance to tweak do you think?

i'm assuming the answer is "bugger off", but my dealer has no official clue.

what i'm wondering is whether or not there'll be any flexibility in colors for the car.

the odds are virtually zero that you can get a color other than what they list in the catalog, i assume - though i'd love to be told otherwise.

what seems less radical a request though is to get a different colored stripe than what is "standard". for example black comes with a silver stripe according to the paperwork, but i think a black car with a white stripe ("The Skunk") would be very interesting.

anybody have a clue on whether the line might be flexible on either point?


Because of the way the car is being built and where (Wixom) I do not think they will have a "bespoke" capacity. Order it without stripes and apply them locally....

My guess is they will offer the Gulf colors at some point.

That is what I would choose if I could buy one.