
Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
I've observed that as well. He'll pick some aspect of any reply and spin it into some nitpicky side issue just to keep the 'joust' exemplified in his post #17 above.

Still, sometimes I just can't help myself!

Larry you said no one cared about the 107 deaths under a Republican administration because "no one lied".

You made this statment, is it true?

I'll ask again........

Larry, did anyone lie about the 107 deaths during the Republican Administration?

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter

You said, "Folks MAY have lied. They MAY have gotten the causes wrong for some period of time, and so on."

Use an argument like that in court and you'll LOOOOZE every time. As a lawyer you ought to know that...depending on how good a lawyer you are, that is.

You're pulling a 'Craik' here,' I don't feel like spending any more time on the subject.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
I win in court plenty. But I'm sure you know more about lawyerin' than me...

Point remains. For those other embassy/consul attacks inwhich 107 people died you have no idea if others lied or gotten things wrong. They likely did. But the point is YOU DIDN'T GIVE A DAMN.

Why is that? President. And because.....Fox News. I'm only half kidding this time.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
From my out sider looking in point of view it is just as racist to call Obama black when he is half white. Why not call him white? Because then you can't play the racist card?
During the election process much was made of Obama being the first black President, nothing mentioned about his white mother, have you thought that might be because if he campaigned as a white guy he would have lost the black vote?
The reason those right wing nazi racist gun loving Republicans equate Benghazi with Watergate was because both were a cover up and in both cases you have a President who condones telling lies about it.
In some opinions Watergate may have been worse but if you rob a bank of a dollar or 10,000 dollars it's the same crime.
But not if you call yourself black apparently.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Most people call the President an American!

This was posted Jan 17, 2014

The bipartisan report on Benghazi released Wednesday by the Senate Intelligence Committee should finally convince conspiracy theorists of the obvious: There is no there there.

Administration officials did not orchestrate any kind of attempt, politically motivated or otherwise, to deceive the American people. In their public statements, including the infamous talking points, they relied on what intelligence analysts told them.

In other words, if Susan Rice was wrong when she went on the Sunday talk shows and said the attacks were the violent outgrowth of a spontaneous anti-American demonstration rather than a long-planned terrorist assault, it was only because the intelligence community was wrong.

That said, the initial assessment given by Rice—then serving as ambassador to the United Nations, now as President Obama’s national security adviser—may turn out to have been correct. We don’t yet know. Says the report: “The IC [Intelligence

Other preposterous claims about the Sept. 11, 2012, attack, in which U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed, are also debunked in the Senate report. Most spurious is the claim that the administration failed to launch a rescue attempt that might have savedlives.

“The committee has reviewed the allegations that U.S. personnel ... prevented the mounting of any military relief effort during the attacks, but the committee has not found any of these allegations to be substantiated,” the report states.

Armchair warriors have argued that an aerial assault might have driven off the attackers, but Pentagon officials told the committee there were simply no U.S. fighter jets in position to reach Benghazi in time.

All available military and CIA assets in Benghazi were mobilized, and they likely prevented additional deaths.

I am under no illusion that these findings will quiet the hard-core Benghazi conspiracy crowd. Nor will it stop some cynical Republicans from using the tragedy as a political weapon against Obama—or against Hillary Clinton, who was then secretary of state, if she makes another run for president.

But perhaps others, including thoughtful critics of the administration, can focus on what really happened. There are important lessons to learn.

First, and most elementary, is that it wasn’t anyone in the Obama administration who shares fault for the attacks in Benghazi. It was a bunch of radical Islamic militants, terrorists, extremists—call them whatever you want. The killers who perpetrated the atrocity deserve the blame.

Second, it is not possible to plan for every contingency and thus prevent every attack. The United States has diplomatic and military facilities around the globe. Officials should do everything in their power to keep all of these installations safe, all of the time.

The historical record—including the bombings of the Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the USS Cole in Yemen—suggests that the goal of perfect security will not be achieved.

Third, it is always obvious in hindsight that officials could have done more to anticipate or prevent an attack. This is certainly true of Benghazi, and the administration should be held accountable for making sure the appropriate lessons are learned and implemented.

According to the report, it had been clear for months that the security situation in Benghazi was deteriorating.

Stevens informed the State Department of the worsening conditions. In July, he asked for an additional 13 security personnel to protect his staff in Tripoli and Benghazi; the report says there is no indication that officials in Washington ever responded to this cable.

*****A month later, however, Stevens twice turned down an offer by the Defense Department to extend the presence of a 16-member military team that had already been providing extra security.*****
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Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
No. Just no. One was a several year long attempt to use illegal campaign money to fund a subversion of the electoral process via illegal attacks/break ins and other "dirty tricks" to defeat the opposing candidate, using parts of the government to do so.

the other was at worst misstatements about a confusing situation on the ground for the period of about one week during an attack on a backwater consulate in a very dangerous country.

So again, no. Just no.

From my out sider looking in point of view it is just as racist to call Obama black when he is half white. Why not call him white? Because then you can't play the racist card?
During the election process much was made of Obama being the first black President, nothing mentioned about his white mother, have you thought that might be because if he campaigned as a white guy he would have lost the black vote?
The reason those right wing nazi racist gun loving Republicans equate Benghazi with Watergate was because both were a cover up and in both cases you have a President who condones telling lies about it.
In some opinions Watergate may have been worse but if you rob a bank of a dollar or 10,000 dollars it's the same crime.
But not if you call yourself black apparently.
You guys are so hooked into your Divisions. That's what does us all in. Here too, but, the U.S! Crazy boys. Crazy.