did anyone ever perfect the MKII replica?

been awhile since i posted here...had a period of wonder if i would be able to afford one in the future. probably end up going down the TS path

but anyways i just had to ask as i remember people telling me about the trans-axle problems that someone might come across unless they used a ZF and babied it.

did anyone make a better tranny?
Hi Andrew

I am not at liberty to say to much at this time but there is a company in the process of making a very accurate Mk11 complete with an original pattern monocoque with steel roof, they are also casting the T44 trans for the car. I am told that it should be ready in Spring next year at a comparable price to the CAV.

Ron Earp


I think the MKII info was posted with name of the company almost a year ago. It came from a very reputable source if I remember correctly. I haven't searched but those that are interested might fine the info.

While anything is possible I doubt anyone can make a T44 for a price. Lee Holman, with help from me and others can now make a T44 but I bet they'd cost 25K easy. I have several spare T44's including a auto version and they are very complex. Much of the tooling that was done to replicate these boxes was wrong and Lee spent a lot of $ to fix it. The Weisman lockers in them are also very complex and $. MKII's are also IMHO much less street friendly than MKI's. If I was building a MKII replica for a price I'd use a Hewlett can am box which can be bought for a price would fit, (my Lola had one which I repalced with a ZF for the street) and could handle the HP. They do require a bit of skill to shift but they are very strong.
Hi Jim
I can confirm that the T44 will be made by this company, they have large resources, they have invested $75,000 in pressing tools already for the monocoque.

I hope they do. What will they charge for one? Will it be an exact replica including Weisman Locker and drop gears? Will it be a bolt in replacement fit? If this is the Co. Andre talked about in SA I could never get answers to those questions.
Hi Jim
Answers to these specific questions will be available when they launch the product next year. My only reason for posting was to let our community know that this vary accurate MK11 would be available early next year. It will be sold in the USA on a minus minus basis as you know manufacturing costs outside the USA are considerably lower

Confound you Chris to tempt us unknowledgeable so! So are you and Ron implying that those who are iniated may find more information about this yet-to-be-officially-announced Mk. II replica elsewhere on the world wide web? Just curious, as Mk. IIs are my favorite GT40s. At least a hint, yes?
So far as I know there's no mystery. Andre talked about it here several times. It's a group in S Africa who have been involved in the scene for a while and seem to have the $ to attempt it. Chris already has nice MKII bodies available.
talk about putting a target on this.
Ron referred to a posting from a "reputable source"
Jim referred to our friend "Andre"
I inferred that it was from oversea's
Why not search the forum?
Try 14 March 2003
You must find it

Ah, you know. . .I didn't even bother doing that. . .I don't know why. . . Anyway, I found it. The monocoque looks great. To make it perfect (as we are not converting to hydrogen combustion anytime soon) it would just need air conditioning (which isn't historical I know, but I don't care). Thanks for the info.
Chris, are you going to be assisting Andre in the creation of the Mk.II? I observed your "GT40 MK11 now in the UK" post and was amazed at your artwork. How did you do it? Although the rear clip looked a little high over the wheels, the replicas looked eerily carbon-copied from the real thing. Very nice. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
As I reported from the Monterey Historics weekend, Superformance is producing the mk II complete with steel roof and T44 transaxle. At least thats what one of the factory reps told me.
Is this MK2 project supposesed to be a secret? I thought it was common knowledge...

Jim... How does the A/C work in J6? Will it keep the cockpit cool on a hot day? I've heard that the A/C systems in most GTs are marginal at best... anyone care to comment?

Anything we did to J6 we did in a way that it can be removed without leaving a trace. The AC therefore works only on the highway at a good rate of speed otherwise it causes the water temp. to climb too high. If I hadn't mentioned that it has AC you wouldn't notice it the installation as it's pretty hidden. On long summer highway drives I do use it and it helps.
On my Lola I've added an extra water rad. in the rear which really keeps the water temp cool. The AC in that one really works. To get real AC in a 40 you need a lot of cooling capacity. It depends on what your looking for. It also helps as a demister in the summer when it's raining. I kept it on when I ran up the hill at Goodwood one year as it was pissing rain and was very muggy. With those Boeing wipers and my AC I could really see.
Superformance! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif They have two cars on my top three favorite list. But a Mk. II made by Superformance? No comment. Guess Superformance would be creator of the three greatest cars of all time.
It's my info that Superformance is making a GT40 replica and it will be available late next year. No spy pics as of yet.
if spy picks are what you need here are a couple to keep you happy.
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