ERA or hold out for Superformance?

Re: Oliver twist Comedy hour

I'm going to keep on writing in the same manner...and not going to change. If i mispell words..So what! i thought this was a forum about cars! Besides...i never like teachers and teachers never like me because i was smarter. Soooo mr. Earp...thanks but no thanks for the google spell check.


[/ QUOTE ]

Well, oil be a m unkees oncle. vis fred as degenewated indo a slackin mach witch as got apsolootly nuffink wotevver to do wiv der motos like.

Nah, stop yore stooped bitchin’ and talk proper abaht der motors or goe to colidge and lern sum maners. Wile yor ther, praps yoo cood also lern sum spellin’.

Luv, 40

[/ QUOTE ]

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Yhea wut he sed! LMFAO! ........ Sory fo du cus ledder
Re: Oliver twist Comedy hour


Your brilliance is overwhelming to me! You are a Legend in your own MIND. Such egotistical self-confidence is truly a rare treat.

You must be a very lonely man.

Why didn't you answer most of my original questions?

John B

Temp Selling Pass
Re: Oliver twist Comedy hour

Typical hockey player that uses insults and fist for lack of education.
Re: Oliver twist Comedy hour

Interesting profile? NO? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif


  • 65676-DUMBASS2.JPG
    123.6 KB · Views: 255

Ron McCall

Re: Oliver twist Comedy hour

How long are they going to let this BULLS@$#$T go on!? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Can we get back to GT40s?
PLEASE /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: Oliver twist Comedy hour

Ron. Many years ago here in Melbourne there was a Stockbroking firm called Callaway and Day, which was affectionatly known as "crawl away and die" Let's hope this is an end to this thread. Regards
Re: Oliver twist Comedy hour

The only sure way to end a thread is simply to stop responding to it. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Well, apart from locking it of course /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: Oliver twist Comedy hour

OK guys....last warning, play nice or I WILL lock down this thread.

Some good natured kidding, ribbing and volley is OK, but under the "use" agreement we can't degenerate into some of those other forums where personal attacks and potty mouth are the norm. And obviously, if you post an attachment the censor does not pick up the 7 words you can't say on Please, lets not make Ron go thermonuclear on ours a$$es..... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

I did see a spark of Don Rickles style banter going on but it is rapidly sliding down the slipery slope towards anarchy.

Like Sgt. Estherhaus used to say "lets be careful out there..."

Rick /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Ron Earp

Re: Oliver twist Comedy hour

Remember guys, this is in the "Off Topics" forum - so naturally a lot more is allowed in this area of the board.

Have a look at this Wikipedia definition of an Internet Troll:

There are various ways to deal with Trolls, but one way is to simply not respond to comments they may make. They then get frustrated and quit posting, or increase posting frequency and acidity so much they get kicked from a forum.

Re: Oliver twist Comedy hour

Now Mr Erp – I fink yoo are not bein verry fair to uz trols spesshly those of uz oo r spellin chalinjed. I did oosed to be on de kobera bord but those guys went an kiked uz of ‘cos ar spellin’ was too good 4 them . Pliz, we needs to be sumwere, my preshus, ‘cos we needz it, we wontz it an uz cant livz wivout itz. Luv, 40.
Re: Oliver twist Comedy hour

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that besides being inarticulate,
Trolls leave lint in situ and are oblivious to the cosmesis of the umbilicus.
You have to be a brain surgeon.