Favorite Lib Logic Quote for the day!


Welcome back, how are things in Wyoming?

Good morning, Jim.

It's 6*F and a foot of snow on the ground...it's a tit bit nipply, but then again, that's how I prefer it. ;) Practically a winter wonderland outside.

How is that lovely SF Bay weather treating you?
That's a lot of ground to cover, Terry. Seems like you say one thing around here, and you spend a day or two dealing with all the replies from that one. If I were to cover all the bad players' actions here, I might get accused of over posting, but I'll try. Brownback seems a minor tussle with a child prodded on by the news media, Gingrich is a very flawed man, but a great historian/Secretary of State (?), Pelosi has been getting away with insider stuff for a very long time for her husband and the press slapped her wrist where a Republican would be facing daily editorials for stunts like that. Another example would be Clinton accepting Chinese money while opening Los Alamos to them which led to their stealing our multi warhead nuclear secrets and then letting one of his biggest American donators, Loral, sell missile guidance technology to the Chinese. That one seems the worst of all, but of course, J. Reno made sure Starr investigated something important like a blow job instead!

I guess I went a little too weird on that (sorry). My point was with all the mud throwing going on about the libs, no mention has been made about the GOP candidate issues, Brownback's tweet situation in KS, Gingrich's hypocrisy with FANNIE MAE, or Pelosi's inside trading called out by the liberal news media.

My assumption is that you're a balanced critic of anything not morally or ethically correct about our politics, economics, or social ills, yet your lack of posts related to the above (for example), indicates the assumed balance is skewed. I can only come to the conclusion that those noteworthy issues are not accessible to you (thus countering the claims of your rivals that you get all your information from Fox News), or else you'd have called them out as well?