First transgender NCAA player...

I think this point is a bit off...are you saying Samoans aren't the same species? That smacks of racism...
Hehe, I was pretty you sure you'd pick up on that. :) Serious answer - Same species adapted for/by local environment (just like me).

A long time ago I used to train in a gym with a couple of large Islanders and they were truly awesome. There is no way I could ever compete on a strength basis with those guys.
Hopefully I might be better adapted for something else, although I'm really not sure what - girls rugby perhaps... ;)

One could argue that is exactly how the current system is already set up (we have CO-ED and gender-specific teams at universities here)...
Now that's cool. You guys did something right at last. ;)

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That's great! Kye Allums really deserve the chance to play for the women's basketball team and keep his scholarship. NCAA has made the right decision on allowing him to play because they know that Kye Allums is a woman by genes, just living as a man. And saying that, we can't change the fact that he remains woman and he is eligible to join the team.
So he/she is not on any hormone/steroid treatments to complement her/his transgressions.

Pretty sure most hormone/steroid drugs would be classed as a banned substance and would cause him/her to fail a drugs test.

But then i would think the lawyers and publicists must have squared that one away, her/his money grabbing entourage/backers can't be that stupid.....