Gear and Tire Calculator Web Based


Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
I got back to a hacked up project I started working on a while ago and got it almost working. Basically a simple web based Tire and Gear calculator. It was modeled after the windoze version GearCalc that I use but wanted a web version. It is still missing some things (Metric, tire diameter override, graph), but will get them going soon. I may still have a glitch with data entry validation but to see how it works hit the SAMPLE button then CALCULATE. You will get the idea.

Gear and Tire Size Calculator (Shift Points, etc)

Just the Tire Size Calculator is here

Tire Size Calculator

Both are v0.1 so works in progress...

Thanks Sandy, it is the first calculator that combines all of the necessary elements in a single source.
Hewland offers a gear calculator. It has to be downloaded, but offers everything you need. It's of about two years ago.


Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
Your missing the point, one it is not a hard piece of software to find to down load with an excel spread sheet or with an applicaiton GearCalc for example. But a simple WEB based version. While not yet complete I'll add more stuff to make it a bit more useful such as the missing graphs, etc.

BTW this is not magic software all the formulas are simple just making a Web version of it.

Fantastic, this means you can access this on any computer on any platform so long as you have an internet connection.


Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
That is the idea easy to access from your browser, I have not tried it on Safari (Mac). I will need to do the work to make it support KMH still, but that is not too hard.

And for my 930 I have stock 1st/2nd 3rd and 4th are set up close ratio and to better suite the top speed which would be way to high with stock gears for me. I think the gear are listed on the build thread or in the engine thread.

Here's a link to a page that has a great downloadable Excel file. It's a gear calculator that allows you to change the values in green (shift point, individual gear ratios, rear end ratio, and tire diameter).

It's set up with the stock gearing on a typical Pantera ZF gearbox, plus an overdrive 6th gear. But you can put whatever gearing you like in, and it will spit out the numbers.

Pantera gearing
I guess the real point here is that Sandy doesn't want there to be any downloading that needs to be done. It never really seemed to be a problem to me but whatever. I guess if you are at someone elses computer that doesn't allow downloads, or for some reason you just don't want to, then this will solve the problem.


Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
That is part of it, some folks don't have excel or the excel free reader that you can find from MS. But this was more of an exercise in doing some Javascript. The Pantera one allows you to edit about the same thing as the one I put up (Green fields) except you enter tire diameter instead of the tire sizes. About the only information that is different is the somewhat less then useful graph of every gears at every RPM where I just want to see the shift points between max power and max rpm. The one that was good was the one I downloaded (yet another excel sheet) from EMCO Gears. In any case, like I mentioned, no shortage of calculators all do about the same thing, this is just a web based one. Will do more work to add the graphs and make it a bit more fun.


Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

Great tool - and real easy to use

I did a copy and paste of the results to Excel but they did not format to each number in a culumn etc

Perhaps easier thing would be to get a print of the results page - I could only ge it to print the part showing in the window, (But then I'm not too computer savvy)



Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
Ian -

The easiest way to print is to copy the edit box with the result to Wordpad and print from that, click the edit box with the results, hit CTRL+A (Select all), then CTRL+C (copy) then open a program like Notepad and CTRL-V (Paste). IF you do want to import it into excel you have to do 2 steps, copy out the data (just the data between the separators lines of "*")

Save that to a file called Gears.txt then do an Import into excel. I think the import will ask you if you want fixed column import say yes, and it should all work. I'm going to add charting soon and hopefully will remove the need to do the import work. Just need more time ;)



Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
I have updated the Gear Calc program, now supports a nice data entry form as well as interactive charts. Still a little bit of work to do but now you can better visualize the data.



Tire Size Calculator

Some tips to navigating the charts

Zoom In:
* Left-click + drag down and to the right.
* Mouse Scroll Wheel
Zoom Out:
*Left-click + drag up and to the left.
* Mouse Scroll Wheel
*Ctrl + left-click + drag (only applicable when zoomed in)
*Right-click + drag (not applicable in all browsers)
Point Selection:
*Hover over point with the mouse (only displays hint while mouse remains within the proximity of the point)


Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
Added a simple Speedometer Gear Calculator.

Speedometer Gear Calculator

Nothing fancy does the simple math for you. Not sure about how to 'Metric' it up, but if anyone has that info I can add it in as well.


Bill Hara

Old Hand
GT40s Supporter
I had posted a calculator on the forum about 4 years ago - HERE

I think I upgraded it to show a heap of different ratios for the 2 main audi boxes that could be cut and pasted into the calculator.
Being excel means you can add ratios to the file that suits your needs......

Just another choice for those that dig this sort of thing although admittedly it is nowhere near as slick as Sandy's version.



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