Go Like Hell, by A J Baime

I just finished reading A.J. Baime's book, "Go Like Hell". It's a remarkable true account of Ford vs Ferrari in the 1960's, culiminating in the 1,2,3 GT40 victory at the 1966 Lemans. I found it hard to put down.

No doubt everyone here is aware of this book, but I didn't find it mentioned in a forum Search. I bought my copy at Cole's...most expensive paperback I ever bought at $18.99.....LOL.

Here's a link:

For those interested in this book, do an internet search on the ISBN number. I found mine locally for $11.29. You won't put it down either.
I read it nearly straight through. Same with "Racing in the Rain", by John Horsman (though it took a bit longer...more pages).

Both great reads. If you're into GT40s, you should have read these already.
There was talk about making a movie....Brad Pitt, Russel Crowe, and others are interested. Now that would be a keeper, even if the movie wasn't good, there would have to be lots of GT40 footage.

Jim Rosenthal

OK, so this will be some fun: suggestions for actors to play all these guys?

My nominations:

Henry Ford: Anthony Hopkins
Enzo Ferrari: Robert Deniro or Al Pacino
Ken Miles: Daniel Day-Lewis
Carroll Shelby: Pamela Anderson

And now I will open the floor for further suggestions........
Pamela Anderson? to play a guy? I think most people would notice she's female. LOL.

How about James Coburn?...oh darn.....he died.

Jim Rosenthal

It WOULD make a great movie; it's an epic story, the cars are fascinating and wonderful to look at, and it has a happy ending (if you're a Ford fan) And there's lots of human interest and potential for hot actresses, too: Henry Ford's wife, Jackie Stewart's wife Helen, who was seriously hot back in the day,Jacky Ickx's wife, who was also a model, I think.

Enough of the original protagonists are still alive that you could also have them narrate parts of the film in retrospectives....Jim G, are you interested in this?

Best of all, all the original cars are still around to play themselves!!! you can't do any better than that!!!

Jim Rosenthal

I was just kidding about Pamela Anderson. I actually couldn't think of an actor that looks like Shelby. I'm sure there's one out there, though. I just hope Pitt or Russell Crowe aren't in the film. They would be better off with unknowns who resemble the actual people, and let the story speak for itself. They ruined "Master & Commander" by casting Crowe, he was not an asset to the story, let me tell you.

One of the great things about making a film of the Ford v. Ferrari story is that there are so many fascinating characters; John Wyer, in particular, would be a great opportunity for an actor that was up to the task.

Racing movies tend to have narrow appeal, because the cars become the stars etc; but in this case, the story is so compelling and suspenseful that it would hold the interest of general audiences, too. Plus, the LeMans venue is still there- you could film in the original location WITH the original cars.

Wow......this thread has made my day, I have to tell you.
Well, I'm glad I started the thread then. Being a Cobra buff, I will always enjoy Gumball Rally, as goofy as it is.

Grand Prix was an excellent movie (of course I'm biased about 1960's racing), but I found Lemans a bit of a disspointment. Maybe too much story with Grand Prix, and certainly not enough with Lemans. Somewhere between the two would be good.

And "yes", I'm sure Pamela Anderson could fit in somewhere......chuckle.

Edit: here's some movie info:

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Seymour Snerd

Lifetime Supporter
Love the Beast

The article mentions Eric Bana as a potential actor for this project. For those who don't know, he made a movie of his own car-building and racing exploits that in my opinion is an absolute must-see for any car guy, but especially for this group of wrenches and iron mongers. It's on Netflix right now (including "watch instantly", and on DVD in the US in early November:

IMDB: Love the Beast (2009)
Official Site: LOVE THE BEAST | Eric Bana, Jay Leno & Dr. Phill, Jeremy Clarkson | ON DVD JULY 15
Netflix: Netflix: Rent as many movies as you want for only $8.99 a month! Free Trial

For us yanks the phrase "Ford Falcon" will never have the same meaning....

Jim Rosenthal

Well, Bana is a real car guy, no question on that. AND a Ford guy, too. Their Falcons are a bit better than ours, aren't they....same engines, though.
It WOULD make a great movie; it's an epic story, the cars are fascinating and wonderful to look at, and it has a happy ending (if you're a Ford fan) And there's lots of human interest and potential for hot actresses, too: Henry Ford's wife, Jackie Stewart's wife Helen, who was seriously hot back in the day,Jacky Ickx's wife, who was also a model, I think.

Enough of the original protagonists are still alive that you could also have them narrate parts of the film in retrospectives....Jim G, are you interested in this?

Best of all, all the original cars are still around to play themselves!!! you can't do any better than that!!!

Too bad Jim G. is no longer in the movie business. Although I have never seen one of his films......

Jim Rosenthal

You're not kidding...he'd get it right. Well, if they get there, maybe J6 can audition for a part...and the P4 as well....might as well have authentic machinery.

What would be very cool is to write the script as a mixture of contemporary footage and documentary footage, with interviews of the players who are still around- so many of them are still with us and active, it would be a pleasure: Foyt and Gurney, Ickx, Jackie Stewart and Jackie Oliver, Brian Redman- the list just goes on and on.

Well, we can dream, right? that's why we're all here to begin with.
Getting back to the Baime book, I too enjoyed the story. However, there was a glaring mistake that shook my confidence in Baimes grasp of the facts. The footnote on page 253 says, "Andretti's third son, Marco, today a top Indy -car competitor, was not yet born". I think it's fairly common knowlege that Marco is Mario's grandson (Michael's boy). Makes you wonder if there are other errors in the main text. Still, it was well written and a captivating read.
Getting back to the Baime book, I too enjoyed the story. However, there was a glaring mistake that shook my confidence in Baimes grasp of the facts. The footnote on page 253 says, "Andretti's third son, Marco, today a top Indy -car competitor, was not yet born". I think it's fairly common knowlege that Marco is Mario's grandson (Michael's boy). Makes you wonder if there are other errors in the main text. Still, it was well written and a captivating read.

An error? In a book NOT written by Wally? Tell me it ain't so!