GT40 45th reunion at Road America

I hope you are still planning on bringing your car even though you are not going to participate in anything on the track. 1 lap at touring speed would still be a thrill with 20 plus replica 40's. If folks on the coasts are making an effort to get their cars to RA the least we midwesterners can do is show up with our cars. I will be there with a CAV. This will be the highlight of the summer for me.

Steve Salasek
I hope you are still planning on bringing your car even though you are not going to participate in anything on the track. 1 lap at touring speed would still be a thrill with 20 plus replica 40's. If folks on the coasts are making an effort to get their cars to RA the least we midwesterners can do is show up with our cars. I will be there with a CAV. This will be the highlight of the summer for me.

Steve Salasek

I'm absolutely bringing my car! I was just responding to the question about what we replica owners might expect in the way of track participation. Heck, I may still pay the $75 to parade around as well. Anyone who has never driven the track should do so, as it is a beautiful facility. I really wish there was a way for all of us to get the chance to drive it at speed. I've loved racing at Road America for years in a 2 litre sports racer, but booting my GT40 around there last fall was a thrill at a whole different level. Electrifying.
We have rented a home on the lake and have some rooms available that are surplus to our needs. We will offer anyone bringing their Superformance to join us at the house for a share of the cost, as well as at our display area with your GT40. There will be lunch and other goodies for all SPF owners who visit us at the track.

You can email me or call Time Machines Motorsports LLC at 716-407-0975.


Mike Trusty

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
Jack and I(with wifes) will be staying at the Sleep Inn & Suites in Sheboygan. Twenty miles from the track.
Staying with relatives in Osh Kosh. Its about 40 miles from the track but the price was right. Is there an official area designated at the track for all replica owners? Does someone need to step forward and coordinate the gathering of "our people" ? Has anyone heard anything new from track management? It is time for updates.

Steve S.

I'm interested in bringing my car. What did the guy quote you? From where to where? Is it enclosed?

Hey, you're a pilot... let's fly!
Hi GT40 lovers...I am a french member, owner of a GTD 40. As a journalist, I will cover the event for a new magazine about GT40s and Cobras I am launching in june.
I am currently looking for a ride in a GT40 during two parad laps. If one of you has an empty passenger seat, let me know !
Thank you in advance...
Jacky Morel

Jack Houpe

GT40s Supporter
Staying with relatives in Osh Kosh. Its about 40 miles from the track but the price was right. Is there an official area designated at the track for all replica owners? Does someone need to step forward and coordinate the gathering of "our people" ? Has anyone heard anything new from track management? It is time for updates.

Steve S.

I believe that turn 5 is set a side for us, please someone correct me if I am wrong. Yes, we need someone to coordinate some place and time for a gathering. I was thinking that we need some type of identification so we know who each other is at this gathering. I could pass everyone on this forum on the street (exception of 3) and not know who they are. I'm looking forward to meeting Randy (bigfoot) and many others so I volunteer my laser to cut and laser etch some name tags for the meeting. (if there is to be one) Maybe we could start a thread of names only going, call name and real name, I will make these for everyone to pick up at the meeting place. Jacky, I would love to give you a ride. You got some velcro for your pants? :)
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I believe that turn 5 is set a side for us, please someone correct me if I am wrong. Yes, we need someone to coordinate some place and time for a gathering. I was thinking that we need some type of identification so we know who each other is at this gathering. I could pass everyone on this forum on the street (exception of 3) and not know who they are. I'm looking forward to meeting Randy (bigfoot) and many others so I volunteer my laser to cut and laser etch some name tags for the meeting. (if there is to be one) Maybe we could start a thread of names only going, call name and real name, I will make these for everyone to pick up at the meeting place. Jacky, I would love to give you a ride. You got some velcro for your pants? :)

Randall Thomas is working on the "corral" I will follow up with him. The nametag thing is a good idea. We (Time Machines, an SPF GT40 dealer) will be doing a grilled lunch for SPF owners at the track. Let's keep this fun and low key, my wife, who is NOT a car person still talks about the 1989 Glen GT40 reunion for the fun and friends we had. Let's surpass that......
Hi GT40 lovers...I am a french member, owner of a GTD 40. As a journalist, I will cover the event for a new magazine about GT40s and Cobras I am launching in june.
I am currently looking for a ride in a GT40 during two parad laps. If one of you has an empty passenger seat, let me know !
Thank you in advance...
Jacky Morel


I'm driving up to Road America by myself, so my passenger seat will be available to you.
Ron, I am staying with Bill Musarra. He rented a house pretty close to the track. I love the idea of the name tags, Jack. I look forward to meeting everyone too.

Jack, "Dean Lampe" on the tag would be great, Thanks.

Are we all going to try to represent or hobby as a group in the turn 5 area, or are we going to segregate ourselves by manufacturer? I would be willing to work on a committee to organize a meeting place at the track or any other activity that you would like to talk about for a general hobbyist group. I don't care what you drive. Mark IV, would you be willing to open your invitation to all gt40 hobby guys if we all help defray to the cost? We don't get a chance like this very often and I would like to hang with all the guys here, even if they do own an SPF! :thumbsup: (just kidding)
I could sure use a "Johan" tag and a "Willis" tag !
A few things I have been working on:
George Stauffer has graciously allowed me to drive the Lemans winner 1046 over to where ever you guys end up as a group so that we could do a group photo or individual photos (or part it out). Group photos are very difficult to organize and shoot but we could just wing it and be satisfied with whatever we get.I won't even have a camera so I'm not the photographer. If you do not care about that type of thing then at least I still have a nice pit vehicle ! The best informal place to park is inside turn 5 with the Windy City Cobra guys. There is not a nicer bunch of guys and gals to hang out with and they cook GREAT food all weekend(breakfast and lunch). I think possibly I could bring a surprise guest (Brian Redman) to a breakfast or a lunch. We could chip in and use the cobra guys grill or whatever. If you want a formal corral for GT40s or SPF GT40s then it will probably be on the outside of the straight between turns 5 and 6. Nice viewing area as well. This would have to be arranged with track management.
I have been working to arrange a room at the Osthoff and the nice thing about it is that the balcony overlooks the center off all the action both Friday and Saturday nights. While at the track I am in a bus that says Lola on it pulling a trailer that says Lola as well. I plan to race a Lola T70 in group 5 with all the GT40s but obviously can not run the Lola in the GT40 feature race.
Friday night I am driving my race car to town but it must return to the track at dusk. Saturday night however I plan to stay at the Osthoff and the balcony is a great home base. For instance, we could hang a banner and meet under it for a drink at the outdoor bar. For those seeking a nice dinner "Lolas on the lake" is a nice place centrally located (In the lobby of the Osthoff) and is directly under my balcony. Regarding my views on a dinner; it is really better to just gobble a sandwich and walk around with a cocktail and look at the cool cars in the street instead of sit in a restaurant Friday or Saturday night.
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If we could guesstimate the number of GT40's we might have, I could call the guys at the cobra club and let them know we are coming. What do you guys thinks? More than 10 but less than 20?

Johan, your right about just hanging out. That's the best. We need a "" banner.
I would like a tag as well. "Bill Musarra" will do fine. Dean and I are staying on Crystal Lake right next to the track. I like the idea of hanging out as well.
I have one question. What type of ticket should I/we have for the track. I am looking forward to riding on the track. Have we heard for the guys at the track about a parade lap/get together? Time and day? My wife is coming on the road trip with me. I offered her a flight up. Hope we are not at each others throats!!LOL I haven't gotten my tickets yet but I will be getting in touch with the officials to see what they say. Any info from you guys wouldn't hurt.


Mike Trusty

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
I really look forward to this event. As far as separating the cars into different makes I feel the same way as Johan does about dinner. It is a waste of time to try and make a formal separation of the cars. I think if it looks like a GT40 from fifty feet away it qualifies. I don't care if it's SPF, GTD, original or whatever. We show up and park next to the car that just got there before you.

Since Jack has so gracously offered to make name tags he would be a good source for the number of people coming. Send him a private message or email with your name for the tag and I will help him compile the list of names from the forum going to the event. I/we will then post the number or names to the list.