GT40 45th reunion at Road America

As an addendum to Johan's comment, If you are bringing your car, you will be with 15-20 replicas that have said they are coming. If you purchase the "package" that is being offered(see my NEWS FLASH post above), you will get 2 tickets for each day, a designated parking in the track area where your car will be on display for all to see at the track, you will have access to every part of the track(paddock and pits) except the track itself. You will have a parking space in the Concours on Saturday night. If you win one of the prizes, your car will be on display on Sunday for the final judging. You will get a tour of the track on Sunday morning, and you will have a breakfast with Redman and Hobbs. The only thing you might have to pay extra for is if you want to tour the track with all the SUVS and regular cars on any of the four days around noon for $75 a trip.
Extras will include breakfast with the Windy City Cobra guys(I am sure we will have to contribute something in exchange for their generosity) and a great area to view all the action as well as meeting your fellow GT40s.COM guys. I am sure some of the guys may want to tour the neighborhoods in the area, as 4 days should leave a lot of time on our hands.If you go to :
and leave the names of the people coming with you, you will have a free set of nametags to remember the event by plus it will be easy to identify the guys you have been conversing with over the months/years..
I think that should cover it. If I can be of further assistance let me know. I even have(I think they are still good) some locations that are good for staying in and around Elkhart Lake. I can forward the info to you but you will be on your own to secure them(if they still are available).

What if you dont have a car to bring. Could I meet up with you guys at some point? I might bring my '68 911 but still debating...
Hi, I've asked Bill privately, but maybe I'll post in case others fall in the same bag.... I bought my SuperTicket almost two months ago, before knowing any of these great add-ons were available. If anyone else has done something similar, can anyone advise if Susan, or someone else is the best person to call re: the track tour, the concours and paddock parking/access?
Many thanks.
ps thank you Johan for additional encouraging info.

Jack Houpe

GT40s Supporter
As an addendum to Johan's comment, If you are bringing your car, you will be with 15-20 replicas that have said they are coming. If you purchase the "package" that is being offered(see my NEWS FLASH post above), you will get 2 tickets for each day, a designated parking in the track area where your car will be on display for all to see at the track, you will have access to every part of the track(paddock and pits) except the track itself. You will have a parking space in the Concours on Saturday night. If you win one of the prizes, your car will be on display on Sunday for the final judging. You will get a tour of the track on Sunday morning, and you will have a breakfast with Redman and Hobbs. The only thing you might have to pay extra for is if you want to tour the track with all the SUVS and regular cars on any of the four days around noon for $75 a trip.
Extras will include breakfast with the Windy City Cobra guys(I am sure we will have to contribute something in exchange for their generosity) and a great area to view all the action as well as meeting your fellow GT40s.COM guys. I am sure some of the guys may want to tour the neighborhoods in the area, as 4 days should leave a lot of time on our hands.If you go to :
and leave the names of the people coming with you, you will have a free set of name tags to remember the event by plus it will be easy to identify the guys you have been conversing with over the months/years..
I think that should cover it. If I can be of further assistance let me know. I even have(I think they are still good) some locations that are good for staying in and around Elkhart Lake. I can forward the info to you but you will be on your own to secure them(if they still are available).

Bill I registered yesterday, Susan is a very nice person to deal with. I could hear cars racing in the background. :) I would like to let everyone know the cut off for the name tags is going to be July 7th. I will be busy after that.
Hi, I've asked Bill privately, but maybe I'll post in case others fall in the same bag.... I bought my SuperTicket almost two months ago, before knowing any of these great add-ons were available. If anyone else has done something similar, can anyone advise if Susan, or someone else is the best person to call re: the track tour, the concours and paddock parking/access?
Many thanks.
ps thank you Johan for additional encouraging info.

I also bought my Superticket some time back. If there are several of us we should make one call to address the issue rather than pester her individually.
Just a small tip for those that plan to participate in the Saturday night Road And Track street car concours. if you signed up in advance (the only option) you will have a window sticker that allows you past the police barricades after something like 5:30 and you will proceed into the downtown area on a first come first served basis. You will park your car in the street and then wait a few moments with your car to be sure that it does not need to be moved to tighten up the formation. When parking your car, if at all possible, try to parallel park in a regular spot along the curb or at least claim one of these spaces by angleing into it backwards. This way at 9:30 pm or thereabouts when the street re-opens to traffic
you will not have to move your car from the center of the street and can continue to enjoy the festivities (which run on well into the night), instead of either going home early or circling endlessly trying to find a spot to re-park. Also, have a few quarters for the parking meter. You will get a ticket for any parking infraction in Elkhart lake. Other than that the Police are really not in the habit of quashing the fun. They are used to the big crowds of race fans and the town's economy is helped in large part by the tourism industry.
Be forewarned that if you stand next to your car for the event at least get a drink in hand first as the flow of on-lookers with a multitude of questions is never-ending. The Friday night gig is similar but all the cars arrive at the same time with a police escort because they are not street legal and they leave at the same time just before dark.
Another tip is to bring your own mosquito spray. It sells out of the local stores if the previous week was rainy. The mosquito is the state bird. Listerine mixed with water works well, as does whiskey but then what if you get pulled over.
Also of interest is that on Saturday afternoon the paddock sometimes gets put on "lockdown" meaning that no matter what type of sticker or permit you have you can not drive into the paddock because it becomes so gridlocked. so many people are walking around that it becomes difficult for the race cars to make it to the grid. racing cars generally do not have horns so they drive through the crowds revving their engines in an effort to part the crowd. Be aware of them because it is easy to get clipped in the ankle by a spoiler.
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Timely advice. I will add that you need to get your tickets before the deadline(7/8 I believe). I don't think they will gouge you for our setup, but I wouldn't take a chance. They have to make their plans as well. When parking remember we need a little more room for the doors. Don't get "locked in" to a parking space. You may not be able to go home early. Remember also the parade is early Sunday morning. I want to say it is at 7 or 7:30, which means get there early. If this time is incorrect someone please correct me. I am at work and don't have my notes with me.
If you don't want to waste some good alcohol, try AVON's Skin So
Soft. I think they now have a mosquito repelant which is their old Skin So Soft. Cut it with water by 50%. It doesn't smell so good but it works. I used to live in Savannah and we didn't let the kids play outside without it. Has anyone tried the new product that is a tiny clip on fan that supposedly keeps the mosquitoes away?

I wear them as earrings. No, you can not leave early from the concours. The parade laps will probably occur three times over the weekend and not just Sunday. This is in addition to the touring sessions. I think everyone should sign up for at least one touring session just in case you miss the parade laps.
Response to Bill Musarra. Thanks Bill for above advice. Spoke to Susan today,very helpful. It seems I could keep Superticket I bought 6 weeks ago, and simply added on $60 to include the concours on Saturday night (street legal cars), the preferred parking at the track, a Saturday am guided tour of the track (in car?), the Sunday 7am (yes, seven) on track tour followed by the breakfast with Redman and Hobbs. I did not sign up for the noon track laps. Likely too hot and too crowded for me. I grew up in England, we like it a bit foggy and cool!
Hope this helps anyone else with a Superticket wondering what to do next.
The event is really shaping up. For the dispaly we have both winners of the 66 LeMans event, 1046 and 1015, the declared winner and the one that crossed the line first. Also on display two cars from the Collier collection, 1037 & 1031/1047. also from the Larry Miller Colection J4, 1037 & 1102. AM GT40/1, 1076 and some local cars 1051 & 1043 will be here. Lee Hollman, David Hobbs, Mose Nowland will all be in attendance. The concours has linited space so if you plan to place an entry do it now please. Thanks everyone for your interest. I look forward to a special event and seeing your cars.
Brilliant! Thank you Bruggenthies for posting the cars that will be there. I was really curious. Thank you so much once again! i cant wait to see 1031/1047. I read the article on that car!! Wonderful.
Glad to see all the info spelled out. Now we can see who is where. On a side note, I am glad to see Jack is bringing a mystery car. Must be a "ringer"!!!

Houpe, Jack Confirmed
11 1968Ford GT20 MKI SPF


Jack Houpe

GT40s Supporter
Glad to see all the info spelled out. Now we can see who is where. On a side note, I am glad to see Jack is bringing a mystery car. Must be a "ringer"!!!

Houpe, Jack Confirmed
11 1968Ford GT20 MKI SPF


Bill I have had a couple friends already make note of that. The car is only 20 inches tall. :)
Obviously I suck at this but here is a general idea of the layout. I'll be there Wednesday around noon. Please stop by and say hello when you are in the paddock. Look for the "Schweinwagon" which is a motorhome that says Lola on it or a big semi that says "Predator Motorsports".

YouTube - cobra racing at Road America


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This is the current schedule but it will probably change a bit here and there.

\ Schedule 09 updated 7-10-09(1).pdf

The group 11 thing is the current gray area. Which cars in group 11 either do not have a race licensed driver or are not prepared to racing specs. Several of the forum members are in group 11 for parade laps but of course a race is a different matter. Also, are there going to be cars attending that would like to race and have not yet entered.
Group 11 may be parade laps but the speed of the pace car has yet to be determined.
The big race is the group 5 race pitting many Lola T70s against a fair amount of GT40s.
There really are not enough raceworthy original GT40s or GT40s with raceworthy drivers or owners willing to risk their cars to have an "All GT40 race" . This was a shock to the event management. MK IV J6 (Jim) recognized a long time ago that few originals would be racing in the future (now). How many of you guys have track experience ? How fast do you want to do the parade laps ?