GT40 Experts

I ran into a GT40 expert yesterday, and thought I'd share the experience with you guys. Normally, I run into Cobra experts, so this kind of stood out.

I met him while dining at Jacques in the Box and working on some GT40 details (paint layout), so I had paperwork spread out everywhere. He came up to me, and deftly pointed out that the line drawing I was looking at was a GT40 (I didn't bother to point out that it said "GT40" in very large letters on the page).

Then he said that back in the 70s he picked up one of these cars from a dealership up in L.A. and drove the hell out of it.

He regalled me with tales of his driving expertise and showmanship for a good 20 minutes. I was very impressed. Not so much with the stories but with his ability to chew, talk and swallow at the same time.

He ended his story with "yeah, but it was getting old - like ten years or so - so I found an ad in the paper, called the guy and convinced him to trade my car straight across for a '74 Pantera. The Pantera was only two years old at the time and with almost no miles on it! I bet that guy is still kicking himself!"

Fascinated by his knowledge, I asked him a few more questions, and was dismayed to learn how very far off my single-donor replica was from the original car; I had no idea that the GT40 was made by Shelby, used a Chevy V8, and was mounted on a Mustang chassis - well, only the early ones were anyways.

And then he said my car probably wouldn't sell, because he could tell by the pictures that it was a replica. He pointed to this picture:


from some little race back in '66 and said "see? The steering wheel's on the right side. Only the replicas had steering wheels on the right side. They did that so that the English would buy 'em."

I wish to one day have as much knowledge as this guy did. I guess I can only aspire to be as smart as the "experts."

Your pal,
I'm sure Ford will be dismayed to learn that their Le Mans winner was actually Chevy-powered.

They sure pulled the wool over the eyes of the cheering crowd in the picture, as well--bet they didn't know they were looking at a replica!

Jim Rosenthal

Hey, Meat; by any chance did you write down Bozo's phone number? This is a guy we ought to invite to national meetings to enlighten us. I bet he'd show up for the cost of hotel, drinks and a small honorarium. We could all stand to learn something at the feet of the master.
Clearly, the solution is to design the next great GT-40 in McDonalds instead of Jack; As guys such as this fellow will tend to be more representative of your clientele (I believe ERA designs their stuff in Applebee's, so they don't sweat you), it should be interesting to watch your customer service department in operation. While your knowlege of products is tremendous, Sean, based on the problems you've demonstrated in dealing with people on forums, I can't imagine buying something from you and then having to deal with you when something goes wrong. When my garage clears in the spring, I'll be going with the RF kit, tho I am a tightass and love the idea of a FFR-type program. Credibility and respect are earned, my pal, and it is clear that the successful vendors in both Cobra and GT-40 worlds take the time to politely deal with each and every person that approaches them, no matter what their apparent stature; You would be wise to follow their lead, for there are plenty of curmudgeons sitting in the corner with great ideas, wondering what the hell happened. I personally have never had a problem with you, but I've seen you belittle enough people on these forums to discourage me from doing business with you; It strikes me that, if it were anyone else talking about designing a GT-40 in a fast food joint, you'd rip them up- were you expecting Shelby to stop by your table? LOL! -John (real names come in handy when you're in business; I don't do surgery under my nickname, my patients seem to appreciate it)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jcazin:
"...Clearly, the solution is to design the next great GT-40 in McDonalds instead of Jack; As guys such as this fellow will tend to be more representative of your clientele (I believe ERA designs their stuff in Applebee's, so they don't sweat you), it should be interesting to watch your customer service department in operation. While your knowlege of products is tremendous, Sean, based on the problems you've demonstrated in dealing with people on forums, I can't imagine buying something from you and then having to deal with you when something goes wrong. When my garage clears in the spring, I'll be going with the RF kit, tho I am a tightass and love the idea of a FFR-type program. Credibility and respect are earned, my pal, and it is clear that the successful vendors in both Cobra and GT-40 worlds take the time to politely deal with each and every person that approaches them, no matter what their apparent stature; You would be wise to follow their lead, for there are plenty of curmudgeons sitting in the corner with great ideas, wondering what the hell happened. I personally have never had a problem with you, but I've seen you belittle enough people on these forums to discourage me from doing business with you; It strikes me that, if it were anyone else talking about designing a GT-40 in a fast food joint, you'd rip them up- were you expecting Shelby to stop by your table? LOL! -John (real names come in handy when you're in business; I don't do surgery under my nickname, my patients seem to appreciate it)..."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Um...The only people who seem to have a problem with me are the ones who either don't read what I write, don't understand what I write, or who seem to have a compulsive comprehension disorder.

You said "...It strikes me that, if it were anyone else talking about designing a GT-40 in a fast food joint, you'd rip them up..."

That's not exactly true on two counts:

(1) you don't know (and didn't research) that I'd say that (I have never ripped on anyone about designing anything in a food establishment, or anywhere else for that matter. Creativity can strike at any time, any place. You either go with it or you don't.) and it's been patently proven on numerous occasions that the only person who seems to know what I'm going to say is next probably me...and I'm not always that sure about it, either.

(2) I never said I was "designing a GT-40" in a "fast food joint" in the first place. You did.

I hope that - as a doctor - you're a bit more comprehensive in your patient diagnosis than you are at reading my paraphrase your post "your patients may appreciate it."

I presented a funny story about "experts" that proves that life is sometimes more humorous than anything we can make up. You post reinforces my point...expertly.

Your pal,
Back in 1983, I worked the entire L.A. Auto Show for Jim Russell...after that experience, I no longer tolerate people who want to insult my intelligence with pure BS about "their" experiences.

I rarely meet pure BSers but I simply don't suffer them any more.
A typically funny story that I can associate with....until the last few comments. I feel I have to say, and I think that I speak for most on this forum, that the bickering and bad-mouthing of others has to stop. I don't care who has the last word, just do it somewhere else and don't subject us to your personal infighting. It goes against the spirit of this forum, which I hope is for people to enjoy 40's and get help with their projects. Such behaviour is becoming tedious and I feel unacceptable. Stop it Gentlemen or I'll get the duelling pistols and we'll settle this once and for all!

It was a funny story, and that's the end of it...NEXT!
If any of you gentleman have a personality
problem about one another or have a dislike
for the others comments, you have two choices.
You ignore them or you take it through the e mail feature.
Our forum will stay clean of bickering.
Contribute or move on.
Please consider this as fair warning from this forums moderator.

Thank you,




I sincerely hope so, from BOTH ends. Only time will tell.

NASA Racer is right.
There will always be a bountiful supply of
"experts" that feel driven to explain to you
their prior experiences and how they somehow
relate to your car...sometimes good...sometimes not.

When I was a young lad (sigh), I was prone
to arguing with these "experts" and get
my blood pressure rising. But now that I'm
an oldie, I realize life's too short.
Just smile, say " no kidding?" and forget
about them!

To put a positive spin on this thread, for every know it all pinhead, there are a few dozen people who actually know what a GT40 is, and hundreds who want to know, after having seen one. These people are part of the fun of owning a GT40. They are a pleasure to talk to, listen to, and answer questions for. The positive comments about GT40's are endless! Let's not dwell on the "GT40 challenged" (pc for GT40 idiot),
like the guy described above.

LOL! Oh Sean, ever the subtle bully. My views are hardly unique, and your capricious attitude is already well known; It's difficult to tell at this point whether or not you're simply daydreaming on the back of a napkin.... regardless- the realities of business will become apparent to you. I do appreciate your advice with regard to my business- seriously, are you available for consultation? I will pay you- better than Jack's, I would guess!
Many years ago while on the way to Nelson Ledges for the local SCCA regional we stopped into a Sunoco station to fuel. As we tanked the van what should roll in at the pump but a.....GT 40! A friend, one of the western worlds great ball-busters leaped out of the truck, ran around the 40 twice as the driver popped the right hand fuel filler and started pumping 39 cent 260 (this was a LONG time ago) Greg, the friend told the 40 driver "great car, really neat, very impressive (as 40 driver beams with pride).........this is the best Fiberfab Avenger I have ever seen!" 40 guy goes nuts! "This is a Ford GT 40 he yells" "yeah, I see you even put the Ford on the side" Greg replies. 40 guy now really torked runs back and flips the deck open, Greg states "wow! you even put a Chevy in the VeeDub chassis!" After Greg laid several more lines on the guy, we drove off. You could see the steam coming from his ears in our mirrors as we left.

Point? Take it easy, you know what you have and what you know. Have fun, take naps, play nice.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:
"...Take it easy, you know what you have and what you know. Have fun, take naps, play nice..."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hee hee hee!

Y'know, you're right. I'm sorry that - for whatever reason - there are those that feel they have to come over here to the GT40 forum and take pot shots at me.

I apologize to the forum for my rebuttal post above. If I were the person others seem to say that I am, I could simply point out and say that "they started it!" and sink to their level; post in anger until someone gets banned. Well, I'm going to do my best to not let that happen. I can - and usually am - the bigger man, and I'm sure that you guys are all smart enough to see that I'm not the one taking unprovoked pot shots at others.

Actions speak louder than words, and since I've got a veritable plethora of verbiage and an exhaustive concordance of usable (though not always correctly spelt) words - not to mention the perspicacity, wit, and wisdom necessary to properly disseminate said verbosity to the best and highest effect by many methods and in many different mediums of media - I believe that it falls on my shoulders to have a great deal of actions that will prove beyond the shadow of doubt that what I have said is both true and correct: I'm better than they would have you believe that I there. neener, neener, neener.

Your pal,

P.S. I'll be dining at Ruby's today, looking at different wheel choices, should any of you choose to drop by.

While this is my first post, I have enjoyed viewing the posts on this forum.

Please do not go down the same path with this forum as you have with others. Take the high road, so you can continue to be a contributor and not an unwelcomed guest.

Ross Nicol

GT40s Supporter
Your GT40 expert story was funny and I enjoyed it as did others. It seems to me you
have have offended on this forum and elsewhere. Nobody likes critisizm and I hate it too, but I find an emotional and irrational retort can quite often leave you with with some regret for your outburst.I hear this in your "bigger than that line".I enjoy some contoversial comment, but like others and the moderator, when the conduct gets to a (below reasonable level)the forum and decency suffers. Ron's words heading this forum say it all.

Regards Ross