GT40 Silencers

Hi all,
after realising that meeting package constraints and noise requirements for a GT40 will be a challenge, I’ve been researching what would be a feasible solution.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
P><P><FONT face=Arial><FONT size=3>I’m in rather unique position where through my work (at Lotus Engineering), I’ve got access to some very knowledgeable people and pretty powerful software. This result of this is that I’ve designed a silencer specific for a 302 V8 in a GT40 package envelope and a <
<st1:place w:st="on">UK</st1:place> silencer company to manufacture them.<o:p></o:p>

The basic design of the silencer is a reactive design (a series of inter-linked chambers & tuned length connecting pipes), as opposed to the more conventional absorption design (perforated pipe & absorbent material). There is some absorption material in the design, to dampen the radiated noise from the casing and take out the high frequency elements of the generated noise. All internal pipes are bell-mouthed to improve the high speed gas flow. The design will also work for other V8 engines (351’s, Rover/Buick etc), although not as a fully optimised design.<o:p></o:p>
Whilst I’m making no guarantees about the performance, either acoustically or back pressure, I will be fitting them to my car. When checked using the Lotus engine simulation software & a model of a 302 V8 (based my specific engine spec) there was no difference in engine performance between the proposed design & a single chamber expander silencer. <o:p></o:p>
If anyone is interested in a pair of these silencers (see attached file for construction & package dimensions), let me know and I can put together a batch order. These will have an all stainless steel construction with a polished outer case and should be around £250/pair, depending on the volume ordered. Sorry but due to shipping hassles I will only be supplying these to the UK & Europe.<o:p></o:p>


  • GT40 – Basic Silencer Schematic.pdf
    6.1 KB · Views: 665


AKA The Mad Hat Man
Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply

am intrigued......

"I’ve designed a silencer specific for a 302 V8 in a GT40 package envelope and a "?????????????
Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply

The (vehicle) package envelope is the space that is available for the exhaust system. It assumes that a cross-over manifold is fitted and the length of the silencer takes into account the 4 into 1 collectors
Hope that clears this up a bit

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply


I'm certainly interested - mine are far to loud!

But the collectors are not very good (politely saying total crap)
Can you get the 4 into 1 bits to go with it - going from a 1.5 inch priimary?

Also need Lambda bungs in the collectors

Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply

I'd be interested too - I want to do some track work, but my present GTD silencers won't give much below 108dB, when I need 99dB. And no, it's not a super-growly lump, just a 302SVO.
I'd like to send you dimensions a bit nearer the time - header diameters, mounting point measurement, tailpipe clearances etc - to make sure the new silencers stand a good chance of fitting out of the box.
Sounds intriguing, and if they're quality manufacture, very good value for money.
Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply

Hi Ian
I wasn’t going to supply collectors, only the silencer. I can talk to them to see if they can manufacture them<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com<img src=" /><o:p></o:p>
Hi Tony<o:p></o:p>
The dimensions of the silencer I’m looking to supply is in the attached pdf file. Although I’ve based the size on a Tornado, this will be pretty close to a GTD etc<o:p></o:p>
Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply

I will be looking for a silencer at some time in the future, main requirement for me is that it's quiet!
Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply

I'll be needing a set of silencers in the future, and if these are designed for the Tornado chassis then I'm interested.

99dB could be quite a challenge for my engine.
Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply

Hi Guys,
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com<img src=" /><o:p></o:p>
Regarding the silencer manufacture I offered, I’ve decided I’ll get the first set build & tested before I offer them for sale. I wouldn’t want to take deposits or pay for several sets of my own back, if they don’t do what they should.<o:p></o:p>
I’ll keep you informed of my progress<o:p></o:p>
Andy <o:p></o:p>
Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply

Hi guys,

this is how I did it, delivers something below 90db

YouTube - Ford GT40 sound

The look is not as nice a original, but you can drive the car even for longer trips without loosing your ears :)


Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply

See the first post by Andy above

Click where it says attached files and it will download



AKA The Mad Hat Man
Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply

Ah - I see the problem. It looks different in Safari!


Hence my post #2! This is what I get when looking in Safari. Not sure why - maybe the admins can see?

Tiz Ok in IE.


  • untitled1.jpg
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Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply

I get the same thing in Safari on my Mac.

Yet FireFox on my Mac shows the page normally....

Very odd...
Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply


I'll follow this with interest... I'm going to need silencers at some stage, especially ones that are IVA compliant...


Re: Potential GT40 Silencer Supply

Hi Richard,
These are not re-packable design. They are what’s known as a reactive design and consist of a series of inter-linked chambers & tuned length connecting pipes. This is what is used by the main stream manufacturers. The design you are thinking about is known as an absorption design and has a perforated pipe surrounded by the absorbent material. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com<img src=" /><o:p></o:p>
There is some high temperature absorbent material in my design, but it only used to control the high frequency noise.<o:p></o:p>