Paddock Politics Thread

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Lifetime Supporter
You should trade in politics for macrame and relax a little before you give yourself a heart attack.
President-elect Trump blasts media for inciting protests - POLITICO

'Trump, after Mitt Romney's loss in the 2012 presidential election, called the election "a total sham and a travesty."

"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy," he tweeted. "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!"

“He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!” said Trump in another tweet that has since been deleted.'
Oh well, too bad! At least I don't have to listen to my nephew saying he hugged his wife and cried because they had voted in the first female as he did when he voted for the first semi black. Excellent criteria for voting.
I read this comment elsewhere this morning and thought it summed it up quite well....

Now what? How about following Obama's playbook when he was elected. To paraphrase, he told Republicans in Congress at the time: "I won, elections have consequences". "Get out of the way and let us fix the mess you made". "You can come along for the ride but sit in the back".

Paybacks are a B. Oh, I bet Donald has a pen and a phone also. (Along with both houses of Congress. Along with 33 out of 50 Republican Governors. Along with 68 out of 98 State legislative chambers. Along with the probability of having a Supreme Court that respects the Constitution. The people have spoken. This is a repudiation of epic proportions.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I sure hope things settle down and we can get away from this hatred of Blue vs Red...

It's obvious within whom the true hatred lies. We didn't see conservatives pull something like this after Obama was elected...either time. In fact, we don't see 'the right' doing it at all:

Riot declared in Oregon as anti-Trump demonstrators damage cars, buildings | Fox News

What do those who participate in riots like these think they're going to accomplish? Do they think Trump's response to this criminal idiocy (riots are class "C" felony in Oregon) is going to be to resign the presidency, or what? Seriously. What do they think they're actually going to accomplish other than to once again make their side look like the anarchists some of them clearly are?

The "tolerant", "inclusive" left is quite obviously neither.
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
...the gloating-racist-xenophobe-proignorance crowd...

Hillary Clinton herself has privately admitted she "stepped in it" when SHE referred to Trump supporters that way. 'Guess you didn't get the memo.

Hillary Clinton Privately Acknowledges She 'Stepped In It' After 'Deplorables' Comment - Fox Nation

Either work with them, or choose not to, and see 2 years of stalemate followed by a overwhelming repudiation of Trumpism in 2018.

You heard it hear first.

Uh huh. Like we heard "President Hillary Clinton" "here first", right?

There'll be no "repudiation" if Trump actually does what he's said he's going to do.

As to the "stalemate", evidently you aren't aware of the fact that Pres. Elect Trump will be working with a GOP majority in both houses...and he'll be appointing conservative justices (plural) to the SCOTUS?

And, may I remind you that your guy didn't "work with" the GOP? Do as we say and not as we do, right, Mr. Young?

Buuut, who knows. A lot can happen in four years. (God knows plenty has happened over the past eight...)
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It's obvious within whom the true hatred lies. We didn't see conservatives pull something like this after Obama was elected...either time. In fact, we don't see 'the right' doing it at all:

The "tolerant", "inclusive" left is quite obviously neither.

"I Will Give Up My Gun When They Peel My Cold Dead Fingers From Around It"

We are not so lucky with the tolerant inclusive right over here, although they do have their moments.

Brexit legal challenger Gina Miller subject of online rape, racist and death threats

A word of warning, there is often a big difference between promises made and reality.

All 44 healthcare regions in England are currently drawing up five-year sustainability and transformation plans in order to save money, with £909 million cuts required in Cheshire and Merseyside by 2020.

A draft report suggested that Macclesfield Hospital’s A&E department will be turned into a minor injury and illness unit staffed by GPs.

Meanwhile two of Warrington, Knowsley and Southport hospitals would no longer treat some of the most serious conditions or be open around the clock.


  • 103540912-battle-bus-2-large_trans++pVFtQMSn7ZYEgFkbAp9DEhzhm9ukKltySsJ2KXyWHb0.jpg
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It's obvious within whom the true hatred lies. We didn't see conservatives pull something like this after Obama was elected...either time. In fact, we don't see 'the right' doing it at all:

Riot declared in Oregon as anti-Trump demonstrators damage cars, buildings | Fox News

What do those who participate in riots like these think they're going to accomplish? Do they think Trump's response to this criminal idiocy (riots are class "C" felony in Oregon) is going to be to resign the presidency, or what? Seriously. What do they think they're actually going to accomplish other than to once again make their side look like the anarchists some of them clearly are?

The "tolerant", "inclusive" left is quite obviously neither.

Yep... I am not in Portland... I don't agree with it.
Yep... I am not in Portland... I don't agree with it.

Hit send too soon. Larry, you have a tendency to put everyone in one bucket or another, nothing in the middle. That attitude causes a level of strife that stops any ability to mediate and come to consensus which; actually makes progress on something.

I am not supportive of the violence or the implication that just because people don't like Trump he should step down. He won the race fair and square, or rigged according to him (just a little humor). People can walk down the street and speak their thoughts but using violence isn't right. It also isn't fair to say the entire section of the country that voted for Clinton is violent.. my original comment was universal, it didn't point to the right, the left, the middle, the purple... you put a spin on it to blame the left.

I know this will fall on deaf ears and it will be probably be responded with some level of THE LEFT IS SO WRONG AND SO ARE YOU... or something like that.
A word of warning, there is often a big difference between promises made and reality.

Totally agree.

It will be interesting times to see what progress is made here in the US. I am looking at this with cautious optimism, will see what happens. It is clear that there is a desire for a different direction in the country, the voters asked for it. I just hope they can get something of what they want.. A small example is bringing the manufacturing jobs back, I sure hope they can but even with tariffs and mandates to not move jobs, manufacturing is moving incredibly far toward robots and automation. What we had in the 50's, 60's, and 70's simply can't be recreated for manufacturing.. what used to take 30 people to make is taking way less. I thought this article did a nice job of explaining the challenge:

If Wal-Mart Can't Bring Manufacturing Back to America, How Can Trump? - Bloomberg

There are some things that Trump's campaign has posted that I am in agreement with (aka repealing parts of Dodd Frank), I hope progress is made. I just worry the delta between the promises made during campaign and what can be done will be too far. On the other hand that is nothing different than any other President so.... maybe it doesn't matter?

As I said, will be interesting. I am going to start this by thinking optimistically.


Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
I read this comment elsewhere this morning and thought it summed it up quite well....

Now what? How about following Obama's playbook when he was elected. To paraphrase, he told Republicans in Congress at the time: "I won, elections have consequences". "Get out of the way and let us fix the mess you made". "You can come along for the ride but sit in the back".

Paybacks are a B. Oh, I bet Donald has a pen and a phone also. (Along with both houses of Congress. Along with 33 out of 50 Republican Governors. Along with 68 out of 98 State legislative chambers. Along with the probability of having a Supreme Court that respects the Constitution. The people have spoken. This is a repudiation of epic proportions.

We DO need a LIKE:thumbsup: button here...

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter have a tendency to put everyone in one bucket or another, nothing in the middle. That attitude causes a level of strife that stops any ability to mediate and come to consensus which; actually makes progress on something.

What part of:
...once again make their side look like the anarchists SOME OF THEM clearly are?
...did you miss?

'Apology accepted.

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
"I Will Give Up My Gun When They Peel My Cold Dead Fingers From Around It"

We are not so lucky with the tolerant inclusive right over here, although they do have their moments.

Brexit legal challenger Gina Miller subject of online rape, racist and death threats

A word of warning, there is often a big difference between promises made and reality.

All 44 healthcare regions in England are currently drawing up five-year sustainability and transformation plans in order to save money, with £909 million cuts required in Cheshire and Merseyside by 2020.

A draft report suggested that Macclesfield Hospital’s A&E department will be turned into a minor injury and illness unit staffed by GPs.

Meanwhile two of Warrington, Knowsley and Southport hospitals would no longer treat some of the most serious conditions or be open around the clock.


We are still paying that to the un accountable euro politician slush fund of the EU
If we did not then the funding would be there for the NHS

Gina - really disappointed that she was even able to bring a case as such, the Article should have been ticked immediately and lets start moving forward

Instead more hand wring and watering down.

Oh and if Sturgeon wants another referendum for Scotland - lets have one and let the whole country vote and say goodbye or not. After all this involves the whole UK, I bet the English would vote to a break up, unlike the Scots who voted to stay!

Lets all agree to disagree but go and look at some fantastic cars on show at the NEC


Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
nope... nor this:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Larry L.
The "tolerant", "inclusive" left is quite obviously neither.

Oh, I see. So, one should always put a 'qualifier' on a statement like that to make sure no one interprets it as meaning anything other than the left 'in general'. One must always be veeerrry 'specific'...because those on the left won't tolerate anything less. :lipsrsealed:

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We are still paying that to the un accountable euro politician slush fund of the EU
If we did not then the funding would be there for the NHS

I have a vested interest as both our children work for the NHS ambulance service so I have a bit of an inside take of what is going on. A very vociferous Brexit voting colleague said "anyone who believed the bus slogan was stupid". Well I didn't but I believe many leave voters did.

So I live in hope you are correct, more than expectation.


Gina - really disappointed that she was even able to bring a case as such, the Article should have been ticked immediately and lets start moving forward


Well as David Dimbleby has been saying, why is everyone acting so surprised and wringing their hands over the court case it was inevitable. Even Cameron pointed out 5 years ago the vote was to put the outcome to parliament for debate. In fact i am sure when Nigel Farage thought he was going to loose on vote night, I am fairly sure he was talking about going to court to challenge the result and the legality of extending the student voting deadline, although I can't find anything on it now.

The point of law being correct, was actually conceded by Nigel Farage when he debated it with Gina on the Andrew Marr show on Sunday.

Unfortunately, this is what happens when your political system is not set up to rule by referendum.

Don't necessarily agree but, As former Conservative chancellor Ken Clarke’s says in his new book, if people were asked whether they’d like a National Gallery or a funfair they’d say a funfair.

There is no justification for the disgusting way Gina has been treated by some since the ruling


Instead more hand wring and watering down.


Not hand wringing, but genuine concern on both sides, as Kevin has pointed out there is
a tendency to put everyone in one bucket or another,
According to at least one on here, as a tree hugging, hand wringing blah blah blah Liberal I shouldn't own a GT40.

As a remain voter my worst nightmare was that triggering article 50 was going to drag on, it was never going to be quick no matter what. https://scontent.fman2-2.fna.fbcdn....=8c72ba6274d1c2f1dc837a02106420ad&oe=58CB99B5

So I am glad it is going to parliament for debate we need to get this right, I suspect when details of the Nissan deal come out, we will see the consequences of making up policy ad hoc.

At present the government haven't got a clue what they are doing, debate from whatever side tends to put ideas under scrutiny.

unlike the Scots who voted to stay!


Why would they vote to leave so soon after voting to stay......unless they are not happy with what they got from the result. Maybe another warning from history for us ;)


Lets all agree to disagree but go and look at some fantastic cars on show at the NEC


:thumbsup: I shall be there, on my own as my enthusiastic friends have all bailed at the last minute. Sometimes though you can get more done when you only have to please yourself and not the general populous :)
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