Hamilton Fine

Fined $500 for "intentionally losing control of a vehicle" - a "burnout" in English.

Yeah right... Completely out of control he was...

Bad example, hooning or not, that is a dumb charge.

Regardless of how you feel about the "offence" itself, the fine can be viewed as the punishment for doing right in front of the fuzz.....
Regardless of how you feel about the "offence" itself, the fine can be viewed as the punishment for doing right in front of the fuzz.....

In Tas' the "fuzz" encourage you to break the law so that they can book you.
I have been "pushed" a number of times - eg: plain clothes try to get you to race them or simply just harrass you from behind to make you speed up, often with a speed trap hiding behind a bush just down the road.
The second has even been attempted on my wife twice.

I wonder if they encouraged him at all...

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Phew! When I read the thread title I thought - "has he been injured in a crash?" :laugh:

It's all a bit silly, but I think he deserved a slap. If you are unfortunate enough to live in areas where "hooning" is a constant threat to the safety and peace of residents and is viewed by the law as "anti-social behaviour" then you would have zero sympathy for him.

But there again, you might as well ban the Top Gear stunts but at least they are off the public highway.

If you burn out in the UK you are also guilty of "not being in proper control" with a resulting fine.

He should be grateful to the very fair Australian system. If he did that in Switzerland he could have landed a fine of $20,000,000! (according to his net wealth)
Last para' - Wow!

FWIW I don't care that he got pinged for it, I just think the charge is obviously contestable. Not a lawyer though. :)

Had my fair share of hoons near my house but I'm in no position to complain given my younger days, if you get my drift... :shrug:

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I don't get it. A $500 fine for doing a burn out in a public space seems completely reasonable to me. If it was $5 bucks instead we'd have a whole bunch of goofy 16 year olds doing the same and creating a public hazard/danger.

What's the big deal? If I did a burn out in front of a police officer I wouldn't be surprised in the least about getting a decent sized ticket.....what am I missing here?


I don't get it. A $500 fine for doing a burn out in a public space seems completely reasonable to me. If it was $5 bucks instead we'd have a whole bunch of goofy 16 year olds doing the same and creating a public hazard/danger.

What's the big deal? If I did a burn out in front of a police officer I wouldn't be surprised in the least about getting a decent sized ticket.....what am I missing here?

What you clearly missed Cliff, is that he's black and he didn't get fined nearly enough... :laugh:
...What's the big deal?... ...what am I missing here?


I don't think I made a big deal about it, I just thought the charge was amusing and it seemed relevant enough for this site.
I guess one man's "three blind men enter a bar" joke is another man's demonstration of the plight of the handicapped...

Maybe this will help - Situational Irony: Definitions & Examples... sheesh! :shrug:

Did you hear about the three lawyers who walked into a bar...? ;)

Keith, I will leave your insensitive comment alone for now... ;) :laugh:

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My wife (the Professor) is currently upgrading midwifery and nursing training for students and doctors in Al Ain, in the UAE. The other day she emailed me:

"If you think speeding etc fines are tough have a look at this. In Abu Dhabi two Germans have been charged with speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol and hash. The court imposed punishment has been 80, that is 80, lashes and two months imprisonment. I have noticed that there is a bigger emphasis on safe driving and imposed speed limits. There are now the dreaded electronic speed traps on the roads and the fines/punishments are savage. The fixed speed limit on the road coming from Dubai is 120km/hr."

At least Hamilton didn't get lashed here.
Hey Brian you're so fine you're so fine you blow my mind Hey Brian! :)

In my area the outright limit has been reducing every few years.
Not all that long ago it was 110kph, then it went to 100kph, it is now 90kph (except on one specific road that has a 100kph limit).
There is talk of introducing the 90kph limit across the state.
I expect this speed limit (and other non-outright limits) to decrease further as our state revenue continues to be wasted on football teams from the mainland (as one example) and therefore more money is needed from the public milking cow.

Like everything else, the reasoning and goalposts keep moving to suit the authorities current position. This 90kph limit was supposedly introduced for a short period (this time to supposedly help Monash University research) and has become permanent.
Propaganda from the government claiming success and great compliance by the public are a farce. Nobody takes a blind bit of notice of it unless forewarned of traps ahead.

Unsigned urban roads have recently been down-limited from 60kph to 50kph and it has been reported here that a 30kph limit is now being considered for these roads.
Roads with schools or other hazardous areas are already alternatively limited.

edit: Funny how these things happen. I just went to a shop and the shop radio had a report on another local limit being reduced (yet again). Anyone want to walk in front of my car with a red flag?

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Pete - There are quite a few sections of road in Tas' that have similar signage to the section of road you describe.

Here are a couple of pic's I've taken of "funny" limit signs.

The first was changed a few weeks after took the pic' (no input from me), the second was fixed as soon as I mentioned it to the authorities.



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Hi Tim
I guess that you must live in the south of the state. Thats what happens when you are surrounded by pollys and public servants! They haven't started to go silly with the speed limits up in the north west just yet. I guess they will see how much money they can rip out of the south of the state before they start on us! BTW Go the mighty Hawks!! But I also agree that we shouldnt be picking up the bill for them to play here.
Yep, sure do. :)

Mind you, now that Denison has just become marginal I have a feeling things are going to get a whole lot better... Finally! :D

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Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
It bothers me that law enforcement and governments spend so much energy on "speed", when inattentive driving (having one's head up and locked) is the major cause of accidents. Speed may increase the severity of an incident, but attentiveness will more than likely eliminate it.

If 50 is safer than 70, then...(and so on and so on)