Having a clear out

Been having bit of a clear out of the loft and came across some GT40 stuff I'd almost forgotten I had. Initial feeling was to hang on to them but soon realised they would just gather dust for a few more years so better to let someone else enjoy them -Have a look - I'm sure there will be something of interest to most of you guys.

FORD GT40 - GTD BROCHURE PACK on eBay, also, Kit Cars, Car Manuals Literature, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 07-Feb-09 19:00:00 GMT)

FORD GT40 - TOP MARQUES AUTOCAR SUPPLEMENT on eBay, also, Kit Cars, Car Manuals Literature, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 07-Feb-09 19:15:00 GMT)

GULF FORD GT40 POSTCARD PRINT - DEXTER BROWN on eBay, also Car Art Posters, Prints Posters, Automobilia, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 07-Feb-09 19:15:00 GMT)

FORD GT40 PIN BADGE on eBay, also Car Art Posters, Prints Posters, Automobilia, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 07-Feb-09 19:15:00 GMT)

GULF FORD GT40 CARICATURE PRINT on eBay, also Car Art Posters, Prints Posters, Automobilia, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 07-Feb-09 21:00:00 GMT)

GULF FORD GT40 CARICATURE PRINT on eBay, also Car Art Posters, Prints Posters, Automobilia, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 07-Feb-09 21:15:00 GMT)

GULF FORD GT40 LIMITED EDITION PRINT on eBay, also Car Art Posters, Prints Posters, Automobilia, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 07-Feb-09 21:15:00 GMT)

FORD GT40 REUNION 1994 - PANORAMIC PHOTO on eBay, also Car Art Posters, Prints Posters, Automobilia, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 07-Feb-09 21:30:00 GMT)

Happy bidding !