Heart Attack Selfhelp Guide

Posted on behalf of Dave Morton.

This is what to do if you are alone when struck by a heart attack.



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Pat Buckley

GT40s Supporter
So, to summarize....unless you know exactly how to do it and what kind of heart event you are experiencing, it is much better to first call 9-1-1 and then chew an aspirin.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Thank you very much. Shows how really good these discussions can
change what I thought was bona fide information. The aspirins seem to be consistent advice and equally keep your mobile phone to hand.
Dave M
Once youve chewed the aspirin, dont swallow it. Try to keep it under the tongue. You wouldnt believe just how fast its absorbed into the bloodstream!
Quote from Wiki, Its worth having a read!
"Aspirin can be given quickly (if the patient is not allergic to aspirin); but taking aspirin before calling the emergency medical services may be associated with unwanted delay.[87] Aspirin has an antiplatelet effect which inhibits formation of further thrombi (blood clots) that clog arteries. Non-enteric coated or soluble preparations are preferred. If chewed or dissolved, respectively, they can be absorbed by the body even quicker. If the patient cannot swallow, the aspirin can be used sublingually"

But as said before, the best thing to do is get medical help FAST.
Most of all it depends upon what is actually happening to the heart. VF, ventrical fibrilation, when the heart 'quivers' can be 'reset' with a defibrilator. But if their is no electical signal from the brain to the heart and the heart is not beating..............

Having done a fair bit of medical training, Im currently an Advanced Medic on an EERV in the North Sea, the best advice I can give right now is - Know what to do, in the order to do it (If that makes sense!) If your work place has a Defib, learn how to use it!
Prompt and CORRECT action may make the difference to somebody. And its a buzz when you get to use what youve learnt to help someone.....
Sorry for the long post but I felt it might help someone,
Cheers, ben
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Oh yes, When i'm asked for seasickness tabs - thats where you put them for the fastest effect, unless its going IM!!!