Hello from Texas

I am the proud new owner of a GTD GT40P. I just got it a month ago and have not had a chance to really drive it yet. I had it in the shop getting the wheels painted and I removed the webers and stuck a carb on. When it's not over 105 degrees (41 degrees Celsius for our non-US friends) here I'll drive it more.

I also have a Supercharged FFR Cobra which has very impressive power and is a blast to drive.

I am very excited about the GT40 and look forward to putting many miles on it.



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Hi Jim, <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
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Yes I did buy it from Farhad. He built a very nice car that my wife actually likes. I am doing a few things to personalize it and can't wait to drive it.<o:p></o:p>
Do you know the car?<o:p></o:p>

Know the car well. You are right, Fahrad built a really nice car - better known as the "Bling Mobile" by his friends. I like the painted center sections. They look more business like than the polished ones. I was sorry to see this car leave our little group here in the Tri VAlley area. Enjoy! and welcome to the forum.
I am not sure how the car drove before the webers were removed because as soon as I took delivery, the car went to the shop to install the carb. Lost some horse power, but still great. It's now at 312 at the wheels.
"When it's not over 105 degrees (41 degrees Celsius for our non-US friends) here I'll drive it more."

So.....not planning on driving it till November? :shy:

Where are you located in Texas? Hope you enjoy your new ride once the heat lets up.
I am in Frisco (north Dallas, for everyone else).

I bought the GT40 because it has air and thought I could drive it in the summer. I don't even want to be outside right now. I drove my Cobra over the weekend and I lost 5 pounds. NEW WEIGHTLOSS tip, buy a cobra and drive it in the summertime and lose weight while you drive.

I am excited about the GT40 and can't wait to put some miles on it.