Hi I'm thinking of building kits (Robert Logan)

OH BOY!! I will leave this one alone...

Although a friend of mine really love's the intake he GAVE him.. and he wishes Robert well. G-day
HEY Bernie's a TV star, no need to talk to him like that!!!!:dead:

Bernie I'll have a Big Mac with fries or is that a GT40 with tyre (sorry my American friends) tire fryers??:D

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
David Morton

Again looks like I need to say..

"If you don't undertsant the thread why butt in.

I'm not sure why you are so angry about this Thread.

I see the use of "f---- stupid" etc in your post. And comments like "get a life".

I don't think you are an owner of RFGT40 or know Rob. So again what's your problem?

I think you need to relax or consider anger management.

In the interim keep out of things that you are not involved in directly and keep your rude comments off this forum.

AussieKid, I have a longstanding philosophy something to the tune of "I don't have to attend every argument to which I'm invited", but I've got to tell you, I'm with David on this one.

Perhaps if you were aware of all the pain and grief this individual caused to various members on the thread, you'd understand better. David's been here for a long time, has endured things of which you have no memory or knowledge due to your recent arrival, and whether he's a GT40 owner or not, he probably knows someone who was directly affected by this previous business owner. I suspect he "gets it" better than you realize, and I think his issue might be why the thread even had to be posted at all--I don't get that, either.

Now, if this person were gearing up to begin manufacturing again, such as Ron suspected might be happening, then it would be a good idea for this community to know about it. But, that's not the case............

Hey Bernie,

If you personally knew someone who got burned on the deal would you still think this was funny? There are a few here that got left holding the bag for some underhanded business tactics and lost substantial money. Maybe they saved for years for thier car, maybe they worked two jobs to make the extra money to put a deposit ....It is not funny to them. There are a few here that hate anyone being taken advantage of.

No, I was not one of the victims. But I sure hate that anyone was.

You opened the can of worms mate, be prepared for the stench.

I'm sure you didnt mean to offend anyone with this post, and in your view saw it as cute. But try to see how it might affect others, maybe you need some sensitivity training?
This intake was a prototype by logan. I ended up getting it when I bought RF15 from Logan honest USA rep in Kentucky Jerry. Jerrry sold his car to me and used that money for a deposit on the new RF. Jerry Loosed all his money with the new ordered RF. To recoop some of his looses, the intake was part of my sale. Unfortunaly Jerry lossed both his monay and a his RF when Robert and other another western rep pulled some shinanagins. So talk about a kick in the Balls to Jerry. I offerd jerry to keep his car so he would still have a GT40. Jerry could come up with the money. So I got my RF but in a very sad transaction. I still get heated e-mails regarding this issue. Ron did a fantasic job providng the factual information about this sad story. You see!!! this situation still boils my blood so folks please be consderate of those who lost great sums of money and a dream.


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Mmmm as a late arrival to RF GT40 around since only car #2 RFGT40 in mid 1995, guess I may be considered as having limited knowledge.

I apologise to anyone who was listed as a creditor in the $500,000 wind up and who may be offended or confused by the Thread.

Worth noting that nearly $300,000 of that was Receivers fees - doesn't lessen the pain though.

The recent mailout to Creditors is self explanatory and makes the Thread and photo somewhat relevant to those listed as creditors as there is now large amounts of cash around - we all wish.

The date of the 'Thread' was the two year anniversary..and one of the creditors is extremely close to Robert and may now be flushed with cash..:D

I'm sick of explanning to those who do not know what this is about or who are not listed creditors. I do however realise that the lawyers letter in mail boxes will be a...Ah this is what he is on about
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