Hot inside my GTD

Dan Kasten

After reading a post the other day I got to thinking, why is my car so hot inside the cabin. At first I was thinking that it is just engine heat coming through the firewall but now think it is a totally different problem. I was looking at the depth of the nostrils and realize that they only go down about half way on the radiator leaving the other half blowing under the bottom of the nostrils. I am thinking this heat that is going under is getting into the cabin. Has anybody had this problem as well? If you look at the picture you will see that I have a scoop on each side that has to have the heat from the radiator pumping out of these scoops and blowing in through the door jams. Do I need these scoops? Do the other cars have them? If I block them off will it give me more problems? I have to tell you that it gets so hot inside it could give you heat stroke. Before you ask, yes the car has a/c and it works, however my face stays cool and the rest of my body is as hot as the engine.
front bonnet.jpg

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Yes I have a similar problem
Also half height nostrils
Above about 25mph I find there is enough airflow to keep ambient temp down in the cabin.
Worst day was about 90 minutes to do 1.5 miles in a traffic jam in Rouen on way to Le Mans with outside temp about 40 Celsius yes I cooked!
Have not done so yet but I have heard a deep nostril swap is the way to go forcing all air from through the radiator out the nostrils and over the windscreen.

I believe all the nostril panel offerings from different manufacturers are same size.
Dawson in the UK definitely makes replacement ones for GTD


Dan Kasten

How do you think it is getting in? Do you have the scoops pushing it into the wheel area? I am thinking of doing 2 tests tonight 1. block of the scoop and 2. drive it around without the nostril panel installed.

Mike Pass

A deep nostril which goes all the way down to the floor will be a big help as it will deflect the hot air upwards and prevent it going into the front bulkhead area. It also has a beneficial effect on the amount of lift at the front of the car at speed. I noticed that with the half height nostril the whole panel was lifting as the air pressure built up under it. This high pressure will force hot air through any holes in the bulkhead and heat the cabin. With the deep nostril panel the front of the car is much more stable and the panel is pushed down rather than lifting. The triangular wedge in the centre of the nostril panel can be panelled in and used for a bit of extra storage.
Keep the top surface of the nostril panel and cut off the half height bit underneath. Bond on the deep panel with fibreglass and smooth with filler. Trim to fit round water pipes etc. It will need to be painted but at least the top surface will still be OK. Lee Dawson can make you a deep nostril panel.
Lee Dawson contact
[email protected]
Tel: 01202873780 Mob: 07979785425



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Dan Kasten

Thank all of you for the input. I have to figure how to go about this. One thing I don't want to mess with is the paint, fortunately the nostril is black so if I was to modify it I would not have to match a 30 year old paint job (blue).
Mike- Lee just makes the whole insert or the deep nostril itself?
Walt- Yes that looks great, I need to look for a fiberglass guy for any of the options.
You don`t need to buy a deep panel, just make a panel to fill the gap from the bottom of the rad to meet the bottom of the panel you already have and stop air going under and around edges. The deep panels you sometimes see were as far as I remember a GTD invention and not something I ever saw on original cars. The extended part on my car is fixed to the chassis and does not lift out. good luck.

Dan Kasten

You don`t need to buy a deep panel, just make a panel to fill the gap from the bottom of the rad to meet the bottom of the panel you already have and stop air going under and around edges. The deep panels you sometimes see were as far as I remember a GTD invention and not something I ever saw on original cars. The extended part on my car is fixed to the chassis and does not lift out. good luck.
When you get some time would you be able to send a picture? would love to see it for a reference.
My daughter will upload my pics. Poor photos so hard to see any details but its just folded aluminium painted black with foam and rubber around edges to seal it. First chance we get she will do it for me. I built it before the internet was here so bear with me.

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

See post number 10 picture of original

Dan Kasten

Wow, did not realize how big of an issue this is. I think I am going to contact Lee and see what happens, I think I can handle that install without getting into trouble. I am going to try Paul's suggestion for a temporary fix just to get through a couple of Saturday nights.

Ian- Thank you for the links.

Dan Kasten

That looks really nice, I have to go with the bottom section only in hopes of saving my paint. I was looking at my panel last night and wasn't sure how the insert could be cut in back where the nostril is almost flush with the top of the panel but now I see that it is cut across before it gets to that area. Do you have a picture of the insert only? (where it meets the top panel) I got your e-mail response this morning I will be in contact with you later today.

Again, thank all of you for the great input and advice I really appreciate it.
Hello All,
I make a replacement twin deep vent nostril panel for the GTD. I also make a single deep vent panel.
the vents are tapered at the bottom to fit inside the radiator inlet and outlet pipes.
I can supply the whole panel or just the bottom section so you can modify your own panel yourself.

I just sent you an email on the adress Mike Pass posted
Dan , I had the same problem with my GTD I went to the single nostril and modified it to cover the entire radiator, it really helped. My car did not have the side scoops you show on yours so I'm unfamiliar with what they do.


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