how old were you when you bought your 40??


Lifetime Supporter
Purchasded at 50. Still new to GT40 at 51. Young at heart!

Peter Delaney

GT40s Supporter
52 when I swapped my '89 Vette for the "just started DRB". "I should have this little job finished in a year or so" has now changed to "I will bloody-well get this huge project finished by the end of this year when I hit 54" !!!

I love Ben's signature line - "growing up" is something I never really came to grips with (just ask any member of my family !).

Peter D.
Well I'd promised myself a GT40 when I was 40, but managed to buy mine when I was 34 (i think).

From here on the plan is:
F40 at 40 (sorry)
F50 at 50
??? at 60 (any ideas??)
T70 at 70

I'm not Methusalah, so a 917 is looking unlikely if I stick to this plan!

Ordered last year when I was 31, should be ready very soon now.

I'm an April fool! April 1st was 32. So I should have plenty of years to fool around with the 40!

Can't wait,


P.S No jokes about the b'day!


I was 25 having ordered in 1990. One of my better car buys in life as it is the car I have owned the longest!

I bought the one I am driving in 1989 and finished it in 1990. I was 56. I am still driving it and love every minute of it, at 68. You are never to old if you don't want to be!!
I started racing at 24 and am stuck there, according to my wife and friends. Picked up all the pieces to build 3 J cars in '94 at the cronological age of 44 and finished the first one last year.
Just bought an EVO 8. Wonder if I am the demographic they were shooting for?
55 when bought it, 56 when it is finished it. "I am not having my second childhood, I have not finished my first yet". cb
I set a goal of having a 40 by the time I was 40. Met my goal. Drove it four years later. Am now 49, and have more fun in the car than the previous year. Grow up? What's that???
I owned a cobra for a few years, then bought my first GT40 at 51 years old .........then again at 52 years young......go figure.......

Earl Balzen

I started my GT40 this year at age 70. I have a 67 Shelby GT 500 that I bought new and drag raced with a 427 SOHC engine. Other projects: 2 place homebuilt helicoptor,restoring 69 Mach 1 Mustang, restoring 70 Mach 1 Mustang, building 4 place amphibious aircraft,building five 427 SOHC engines to sell from all my old racing parts.
I took delivery a week before my 40th and then had a 40s theme birthday party the following weekend. My friends were invited to celebrate both events and help me raise the space-frame onto the work frame.

My favorite saying...

Would you believe that I first heard it quoted by my lady.
Not sure whether this qualifies as a GT40 kit by today's standards. It was 1965. The GT40s were the hottest looking thing on four wheels, but practically nobody had ever heard of them. I was a twenty-one year old college student. Universal Plastics and Fibrefab had the only two GT40 replica kits on the market at the time, and in my mind the better looing was the Universal Plastics "Sebring GT" kit. I put down my money and received only the nose and tail sections before the company went bankrupt. Still have the pieces. Probably not the first and definately not the last GT40 kit car "rip off".
My college friend also got the bug but opted for the Fiberfab Valkyrie mid engine kit and completed construction the following year with a built C%$#@* V8 and Corvair transaxle. I have since been told by Datona Bill of this forum that there were only about a half dozen of the Valkyrie kits ever sold and I have no idea how many were ever completed.
Oh, by the way, construction of the space frame tube chassis is progressing nicely, albeit a bit behind schedule.
Hope this doesn't start another one of those flame wars.
Best regards, Orin Meyer

[ April 10, 2003: Message edited by: Blue Oval Blood ]
I bought mine last year at age 29, hope to take delivery SOON at age 30, and it better be on the road by next spring!