
Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Dear all
It is with a heavy heart that I have been asked by Lisa, Keith's daughter to pass on that Keith passed away in the early hours of this morning.

My thoughts and prayers are with Keith's family at this time.

Once I know funeral arrangements I will post it up.

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Ron Earp

Thank you Ian. I enjoyed Keith's postings, his wit, and passion. Although I never met him in person I felt as if I knew him well and would have loved to have bought him a few pints.
In my experience a funny, clever, kind, appreciative, humble man. He made me feel I had a friend even though we never met.
I wish I had made it over and had that beer.

Rest in peace mate.

Very sorry to hear the "Captain" will no longer be regaling us with his thoughts and stories. Condolences to his family and friends who will certainly miss him more than us.


Very sad to hear this. Like many others, I never met Keith but was privileged to enjoy his company in these pages. His wit and humor will be missed. I’ll raise a pint in his honor this evening...

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
He has been characterized very well in the posts above, and I will miss his special way of communicating.

Sad news. All of us have enjoyed Keith's company on this forum.

Condolences to Keith's family & his many, many friends.


Very sad to hear this. Like many others, I never met Keith but was privileged to enjoy his company in these pages. His wit and humor will be missed. I’ll raise a pint in his honor this evening...

No truer words.

Of some it can be said upon their passing the world is better off. Quite the opposite is true in Keith's case. The world could use many more like him.

R.I.P., "Captain".

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Keith has been missed greatly during his hospital and recuperation stays.
He knew we cared and loved his demeanor, wit and yes, his charm....
Keith was even tempered as a Moderator here and managed to talk many people off the edge - including me.....
Rest in peace old friend....
Colonel Mustard
(Probably a few more I’ve forgotten)
An enjoyable read was Captain Keef, farewell and thank you for sharing your time and stories.
We are all the better for it.