Keith's RCR GT40 Mk I Build

Keith, the cables are very vintage and should be kept as long you like them. I was just suggesting an additional security measure to make sure the rear section stays up when you want it to. Perhaps a small rod attached to the frame with an L bend on the other end that could slip into a hole in or near the rear section mounting hinge down low on one side. Would be hardly noticable but effective.


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Hi Keith,
To Mark's comments, here is what I did for the gas strut. I was pleased with the outcome. It helped assist when lifting the lid, plus it was stable with mild breezes. Just food for thought.....



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Window Hardware:
With the car at the paint shop I really don't have that much I can still work on. One of the few remaining items is the hardware for the vent windows. I spent some time polishing the hardware then mounted it to the windows using 6-32 stainless button head fasteners that will match the fasteners used to hold the window in. I had to sand a 45 degree chamfer on the front edge of the vent window to make it operate correctly but it appears to work well and the polished hardware looks good. I am looking forward to see how it all looks on the painted car and with the protective plastic off the window.


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Looks good. Nice job to have done.

Now if we could figure out a nice way to seal that opening around the vent so it won't leak when we get caught in an unexpected shower! Looking for ideas . . . .


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At The Paint Shop!
The car has been at the paint shop for three weeks now so I took the day off and made the 200 mile drive over for a visit and to check on the progress. I am happy to say that the car did remember me, or at least I remembered the car..............

I think they have made good progress so far. The rear clip is ready for primer and the front clip is close behind. The body guys told me that they had spent the most time so far on the gaps at the front of the doors. I was surprised at how little body filler had been used in the air duct areas of the door-spider-rear clip to get them to match. After three weeks they are still very happy with the quality of the fiberglass parts. Thank you Fran!

The stripe masking kit that I purchase from Raceline Digital is apparently the inverse of what I needed. The painter told me that he needed "the part that they threw away". I contacted Raceline and they understand what I need so they will ship another set next Monday. The good news is that Raceline discounted the new set. The bad news is that I have a masking set I can't use.

I plan on making another trip over when all the parts have been primed and they have the stripe color on prior to masking the stripes. That way I can "approve" the bodywork and any changes can be made prior to painting.

If I did have a complaint it would be the tools etc. that they set on the dash while working on the car. I don't want that expensive paint job on the dash damaged!

It looks like another five to six weeks for completion of the bodywork and paint.


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If you think the RCR 40 bodywork is good, check out some of the RCR SL-C posts.
Simply fantastic....

Fran & crew do a superb job, IMHO!


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Still at the paint shop..........

I called Bruce Bunn yesterday and he said the body work is complete and all the parts are in primer and they are currently block sanding everything. He expects to get the parts back on the chassis and paint the stripe color next week.

As I don't have much more I can do on the GT40 I decided to do some "deep cleaning" and polish and wax the Cobra.

It took an entire day but it was well worth the time it took.


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Nice Cobra. In a couple of months you will have a hard time deciding whether to take the Cobra or the '40. Ah, such a dilema . . . .


Lifetime Supporter
Looking great man!
Totally understand about the dash concern. May I suggest being proactive and laying some towels across it as insurance. It's kinduv a natural reflex to put stuff there while working, so despite their assurance they won't do it......ya just never know. Ounce of prevention and all....


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Actually...............I can't wait to be in the position where I have to do a coin toss to see which car I take to the car show.............. I am sure one will feel neglected.
Chuck, you and Ryan will have a definate advantage; the only question will be who leads and who follows.



Actually that question is easily answered. Ryan leads and I follow, regardless of which car he is driving . . . . . something to do with youth . . . . .


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Paint Progress............
I drove to Georgia yesterday to visit the car. All the body work is now complete, it is all in primer and the stripe color is on. We spent a few hours installing and adjusting all the body panels to get it ready for the stripe masking. I am very pleased with the body work and the way it looked when we got the body pannels back on. There were very few areas that will need additional work prior to paint. The body guys were still very complementary of the quality of RCR fiber glass parts.
They plan on disassembling it and painting the black and the clear yet this week. All things being equal; it should be complete in the next two weeks.
The stripe color is a Lexus "titanium" color. I appears a little "lighter" in color under natural light than it looks in the photo.
Can't wait to get it home!


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Where and who is doing the paint job. I am in the Atlanta area. If not too far away would like to drop by and see it. My paint guy has closed his shop for now, and is opening a motorcycle shop. Says he will be able to do my flares on the rear clip, but he may not be able. I also need some paint touch-ups. If your shop is in the area, would like to get several of us together. There are several in the Ga. Fla. SC. and ALA. area. A regional meet would be fun. There are some very picturesque places in the area which could be used for back drops.


Bill Hara

Old Hand
GT40s Supporter
Nice Colour combo Keith :)

I always love when these beauties get their paint, it is like they are coming out of their cocoons...

Well done mate.

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Very nice!!!

I wonder how many shops paint the car with all the body panels mounted vs painting them off the car and then "carefully" re-installing them?

I'm not near that step yet but may be by the end of summer...