London Riots

Charlie Farley


I am in entire argeament with your estimation of Judges, generally, in this country.
Only time i was up before one, was i hasten to add, as a defendant.
Basically a South African Ridgeback ( in South Africa, they used them to kill Lions ) weighing 14 stone, had stretched up onto and leaned on an adjoining 6foot high fence and pushed it over.
Came barrelling after me and took a bite and severed my achilles tendon. An injury that put me in a hospital bed for nearly three weeks, unpaid as i was self employed. Still suffer when the weather is damp or unseasonably hot, even now, 30 years later.
Went to court, the fucking judge threw the case out, said " i shouldn't have run, i was scared "! If i'd turned around and split his front legs apart and stopped the dog's heart, ( a technique that i was taught at military school by an ex Para Instructor ) i'd have been sued by RSPCA , Animal Rights Group and all and sundry.
If i could find that fucking fat bastard judge now, i'd quite happily take the consequences of binding and gagging him and taking a rusty coarse power file to his bollocks, over 36 hours.