Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
"Mercury" in name (badge) the article clearly illustrated!
No matter how one might spin it, they were GT40s, plain and simple. ;-)

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Much the same holds true today for Ford cars and SUVs that are rebadged as Mercury.. No one is disputing the rebadging, just surprised that it had happened..

Doug Dyar

Much the same holds true today for Ford cars and SUVs that are rebadged as Mercury.. No one is disputing the rebadging, just surprised that it had happened..
You might want to wander down to your local Lincoln-Mercury dealer.
It's now just Lincoln.
Mercury is no more, just an orphan name reminding us of the past......
Can someone shine a light on the decals.
Ill assume the Autolite sparkplug decal is about 4"
Is the Pure Oil decal the same size, or just a bit smaller than the Autolite decal.
Be aware, the Autolite decal has a red surrounding also making it bigger as it appears on the black & white photo, so I am hoping somebody has colour pictures of the P1016 in 1967 in Mercury trim.


Being me Im always interested in anything T44 related.... In this info it states the failures of the T44 wee due to improper heat treatment of the input shafts.... Im sure Ive seen reference to them failing due to a dual seal arrangement that meant no lubricant reached one point on the shaft & therefore localised overheating that caused the failures.... any other old blokes with info on this?... MKIV I think we might have spoken about it.?
copy of Fortification magazine 2014 and 2015
hope this would suit your curiosity


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and in the same magazines... very good tyre publicity... really!!



  • publicity tyre longstone.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 104
  • tyre pub longstone fortyfication.pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 111
and in the same magazines... very good tyre publicity... really!!

Thankyou, great read, frustrating run for the car owners, drivers. Makes me wonder if expansion of the cases migh play a part, but they seem to sugest the teeth were marked like that before fitting. Mag cases do seem to 'grow' in service.
Yes Sir, if you can add anything! Sorry to bother you if Im barking at a wrong tree!! I might be slightly off course...happens a bit these days.
Not really, I have heard all of the versions of what caused the failures. I guess you pick the one you like and go with it.