Mind blowing

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
He is cute Andre',I like the idea of a Dolpin Bond type,
I wonder if his Martini would be shaken not stirred with a dash of seaweed? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I am no expert but I wonder if dolphin who have spent a long time in captivity could be returned to the wild and survive? Maybe someone on the forum would know.
Watching the Dolphin up close with their handlers I was in no doubt that a very strong bond was formed between them.

I don't understand....with no thumbs how does he tie his kerchief?

Rick...the dumber of the animal species.... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Rick, only guessing but I reckon his good mate the Octopus
might do it for him.... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Hi Pete and Rick,

Artist's licence and fantasy go well together!

Excellent idea, Rick, when I get the series going in my dotage I'll have Oddjob the Octopus as Dinky's side kick, bit like Sherlock Holmes had Dr Watson. Must remember to write a note for the file - 'Royalties - Rick'.

Historically when tame animals, used to humans, are set free in the African bush they cannot adapt and are often singled out by their own kind and attacked. I'm sure the same would apply to dolphins.

We had a recent example of this at Monkey Land at Plettenberg Bay about 350 miles from Cape Town along the east coast. A Gibbons monkey, Bruni, was sent over from the Singapore zoo to be put back in the semi wild. Throughout our guided tour Bruni followed our group swinging from tree to tree, showing off and drawing attention to herself as if she couldn't bear to be alone in the forest.

Best wishes,
Andre 40

Senior moment! You said Octopus but Rick sowed the seed!

Back to the Dinky file and 'Royalties to Pete and Rick'.

Andre 40

Jim Rosenthal

Eating dolphin? Up here, eating dolphin means eating dolphinfish- not Flipper. Who kills porpoises and eats them? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Hi Jim,

There was something I was going to mention in the MV Agusta posting about David Kay but decided not to.

However, now that you've asked the above question I will mention it. Some time ago a Japanese customer arrived at his house with 25000 pounds in cash (the price has increased since) to place an order for an MV. David is a great character who loves animals and who calls a spade a spade. He bluntly told the Japanese gent to f... off and to go back to his government to tell them to stop slaughtering dolphins and whales. He said that if he succeeds he can come back for his MV.

That's quite something to turn down a 25000 pound order for a principle.

Best wishes,
Andre 40