More Global Cooling/Warming/Change hoax.

Truth to Flat Earth Warmers.


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There it is, in black and white. Warmers want to eliminate the engine that has fueled economic growth, and therefore the living standard of all, with one world control over the world’s economy, plunging us back to feudal times of shared misery for all but the elite.

Yep Bob, these dam Christian, Marxist, Flat Earther, Warmers are getting everywhere,

Pope : The Bible Demands The Redistribution Of Wealth

Baptist thinker Alan Bean has recently noted. He writes: "The American marriage between market capitalism and American evangelical piety makes Jesus impossible. (applies to many other countries as well)

Jesus said: "If you wish to feel complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor

Wish they would give it a rest, who wants to be reminded of this, especially at Easter holiday time for God's sake.
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Yep Bob, these dam Christian, Marxist, Flat Earther, Warmers are getting everywhere,

Pope : The Bible Demands The Redistribution Of Wealth

Baptist thinker Alan Bean has recently noted. He writes: "The American marriage between market capitalism and American evangelical piety makes Jesus impossible. (applies to many other countries as well)

Jesus said: "If you wish to feel complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor

Wish they would give it a rest, who wants to be reminded of this, especially at Easter holiday time for God's sake.
eft my former church when a young, new pastor said, “Mandela was Christlike.”
Yes, even the Christian seminaries are inundated with the Marxist agenda. I l
eft my former church when a young, new pastor said, “Mandela was Christlike.”
Yes, even the Christian seminaries are inundated with the Marxist agenda. I l

Bob, one last try

You can spin it all you like, but not a pastor, not a Christian seminary, but from the apostle’s, account about the main man himself, on wealth re-distribution, all centuries before Karl Marx was alive.
"Jesus said: "If you wish to feel complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor ".

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Bob, one last try

You can spin it all you like, but not a pastor, not a Christian seminary, but from the apostle’s, account about the main man himself, on wealth re-distribution, all centuries before Karl Marx was alive.
"Jesus said: "If you wish to feel complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor ".

Speaking of "spinning"'re doing a bit of it yourself thru selective editing, there, Nick. ;-)

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."

It's not really a 'stand alone' statement:

" ...NOT THAT either the law of God, or Gospel of Christ, REQUIRE THIS TO BE DONE OF ALL MEN, and AT ALL TIMES; for though it is a duty binding upon all, and always, to RELIEVE the poor and the needy, YET A MAN IS NOT OBLIGED TO GIVE ALL THAT HE HAS TO THEM; see ( 2 Corinthians 8:11 ) nor does either legal or Christian perfection lie in doing this: a man may give all his goods to the poor and yet be destitute of the grace of God, ( 1 Corinthians 13:3 ) much less can such an action merit the heavenly treasure of eternal life. Nevertheless OF SOME PERSONS, AND IN SOME CASES, IT HAS BEEN REQUIRED, that they part with all their worldly substance, for the sake of Christ and his Gospel; as the apostles were called to leave all and follow Christ..."
God is not interested in what you are forced to give. He looks to your soul, and only God knows what is in your soul. I won’t even begin to mention how little of what government charity earmarks actually goes to the poor.
It's not really a 'stand alone' statement:

" ...NOT THAT either the law of God, or Gospel of Christ, REQUIRE THIS TO BE DONE OF ALL MEN, and AT ALL TIMES; for though it is a duty binding upon all, and always, to RELIEVE the poor and the needy, YET A MAN IS NOT OBLIGED TO GIVE ALL THAT HE HAS TO THEM; see ( 2 Corinthians 8:11 ) nor does either legal or Christian perfection lie in doing this: a man may give all his goods to the poor and yet be destitute of the grace of God, ( 1 Corinthians 13:3 ) much less can such an action merit the heavenly treasure of eternal life. Nevertheless OF SOME PERSONS, AND IN SOME CASES, IT HAS BEEN REQUIRED, that they part with all their worldly substance, for the sake of Christ and his Gospel; as the apostles were called to leave all and follow Christ..."
OK Larry,

So we have two what appear to be contradictory messages this is my take on it, to try to explain probably not very well were I am coming from.
I'll go for the contemporary English version this time :-

When Jesus heard this, he said, "There is one thing you still need to do. Go and sell everything you own! Give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven. Then come and be my follower."

Then we have from you above, (what I would term a get out clause ;) ) YET A MAN IS NOT OBLIGED TO GIVE ALL THAT HE HAS TO THEM; see ( 2 Corinthians 8:11

Now my quote I know appears in two of the gospels Mathew and Luke I don't know it is verified in any of the other gospels and is a witness of what Jesus directly said. While Corinthians which your quotes came from were taken from letters sent by Paul to the Corinthians. I accept not everyone believes in the bible and it is full of contradictions, I see it more as a guide book, after all no way am I going to take any unbelievers to the city walls and stone them to death.

However, if it comes to a choice between the main man giving me advice, or an apostle writing conflicting advice in a letter to his mates, I would go with the main man's advice. If others take the opposite view who am I to judge them or label them fascist Marxist or anything else for doing so.

Having said that I am the worst hypocrite going as I have no intention of selling everything I own and giving it to the poor and will be quoting Corinthians 8:11 when the time comes, I need all the help I can try.

Saw this recently rang a few home truths for me When you are spiritually connected, you are not looking for occasions to be offended, and you are not judging and labeling others. You are in a state of grace in which you know you are connected to God and thus free from the effects of anyone or anything external to yourself

Do you know anyone who can supply needles with huge eyes and some small camels by any chance ;)
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Ian it wasn't a VW diesel they compared it with was it. :eek:

Actually backs up something else I get on my soapbox about, and an opinion I voice quite a lot. The government would no doubt like me to scrap my 160000 mile Volvo V70 for a more fuel efficient less polluting modern car. I am convinced that if I did this the pollution caused in producing my new car would far outweigh any savings over my driving my old Chugaboom the 5000 miles a year on average he does.

Time for me to get off the soapbox and give everyone a rest for a while as the painters have said my GT40 is ready for collection, planning for Friday or Saturday so that needs to be a priority. Play nicely children :)
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
OK Larry,

So we have two what appear to be contradictory messages this is my take on it, to try to explain probably not very well were I am coming from.
I'll go for the contemporary English version this time :-

When Jesus heard this, he said, "There is one thing you still need to do. Go and sell everything you own! Give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven. Then come and be my follower."

Then we have from you above, (what I would term a get out clause ;) ) YET A MAN IS NOT OBLIGED TO GIVE ALL THAT HE HAS TO THEM; see ( 2 Corinthians 8:11

Now my quote I know appears in two of the gospels Mathew and Luke I don't know it is verified in any of the other gospels and is a witness of what Jesus directly said. While Corinthians which your quotes came from were taken from letters sent by Paul to the Corinthians. I accept not everyone believes in the bible and it is full of contradictions, I see it more as a guide book, after all no way am I going to take any unbelievers to the city walls and stone them to death.

However, if it comes to a choice between the main man giving me advice, or an apostle writing conflicting advice in a letter to his mates, I would go with the main man's advice. If others take the opposite view who am I to judge them or label them fascist Marxist or anything else for doing so.

Having said that I am the worst hypocrite going as I have no intention of selling everything I own and giving it to the poor and will be quoting Corinthians 8:11 when the time comes, I need all the help I can try.

Saw this recently rang a few home truths for me When you are spiritually connected, you are not looking for occasions to be offended, and you are not judging and labeling others. You are in a state of grace in which you know you are connected to God and thus free from the effects of anyone or anything external to yourself

Do you know anyone who can supply needles with huge eyes and some small camels by any chance ;)

I have no idea at this point whether you've actually 'gotten' the point I was making or not.
So, rather than beat the whole topic to death in a never-ending 'back-and-forth' on it, you interpret my meaning however you wish and I'll simply be FINE with that. ;-)
I have no idea at this point whether you've actually 'gotten' the point I was making or not.
So, rather than beat the whole topic to death in a never-ending 'back-and-forth' on it, you interpret my meaning however you wish and I'll simply be FINE with that. ;-)
OK Larry no worries fine by me as well.

Is your being FINE a woman's being FINE though? I have experience of those :)


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