My RCR at Road Atlanta

Alex Hirsbrunner

Lifetime Supporter
OK, not really - but I have been using the paint shop in Forza II to get an idea of what my car will look like when I finally paint it. I know this is a Mk II, and I have a Mk 1, but there is no Mk 1 in Forza II :-(.

On the Xbox display the car is actually white, so I need to work out the gamma corrections required for better color rendering, but I think this is kind of a cool and cheap "what if..." tool (if you already have an Xbox 360).

I only did the top and left of the car, I am considering an asymmetrical paint scheme where the "RCR-40" stripe and Moto batwings are orange on the other side. I love the gulf colors, but I wanted something a little different.

Best Regards,



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