Picture test

I thought there was a place here to test posting a picture. I couldn't find it tonight. Please forgive the off topic photo.


  • 50172-testrun.jpg
    25.9 KB · Views: 217
Sweet, it works.
Man, I'll be posting photo's like crazy now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hi Jim. Not too many P47s left...did you see that at Oshkosh?

Jim, the following is not so much directed at you as it is for other members of the forum.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but I would suggest you make a small financial donation to the forum before you start posting photos like crazy. Using the forum to host photos eats up much more bandwidth than straight text posts, and bandwidth costs money, which comes directly out of Ron Earp's pocket. When I post pics here, rather than having the forum host them, I usually link to pictures that I've uploaded to my own website - that way my bandwidth is supplementing that of gt40s.com. Since your username doesn't have a little star next to it I don't think you've contributed anything recently. Not a big deal, the forum is open to all and financial contributions are entirely voluntary and, like me, you probably intend to but it just takes a while to follow through. Please don't think I'm being arrogant or uppity about this, as I'm not a huge financial contributor myself - all I've given back in exchange for the three years of enjoyment I've derived from the forum is a check for $15 and one of those pin-drive nut adapters which I sent to Ron. (Note to self - send Ron a little something for effort - something more substantial that "goonga la goonga"). But I do know that forum hosted pictures cost Ron money, and I think some people who use the forum to host a lot of pictures don't realize that. I don't think Ron would come right out and say this, so that's why I am. And the reason I'm posting this message in a public forum rather than in a PM is not to attempt to publically humiliate or coerce you, but to let others know about this. It's just that I've noticed that some of the people who take greatest advantage of the picture hosting feature don't have stars next to their name. Since that was your first picture here your posts obviously aren't eating up a lot of bandwidth.

Thanks for taking my comments in the non-confrontational manner in the which they were intended.
Thanks for the input Mark,
I've never really tapped into the whole internet much. Call it lack of interest to learn, or fear of the unknown. I don't really have a clue how the whole website creation/administration/maintinence/etc. works. You have shed some light on the matter though. By the way, I was probably just talkig big on the photo posting from the excitement that it actually worked. I don't even have any digital photos of my Cobra that I could post let alone the GT40 which isn't here yet.