Please support me and my friend's son who needs a heart transplant

Firstly - Thanks to Ron for letting me post inthe All GT40 section

I’ve decided to ride from Paris to London in 3 days to raise funds for the BHF (British Heart Foundation), so they can help research and prevent people being affected by and unfortunately dying prematurely from heart disease.

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P><P><FONT color=black><FONT face=Verdana>Their beautiful son Joshua suffers from Cardiomyopathy (<FONT color=


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Brett, The link doesn't appear to work. However, copying and pasting it in a new browser window (IE 9) works just fine. Good luck with your efforts and thanks for taking the time to help this family. Bill

Brian Kissel

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Hi Brett !

I had the same problem. I cut and pasted and it got me there. But after filling out the information, the page frooze up, when confirming the donation. So I don't know if it went through. I'm going to be leaving shortly, but will check back later. I just checked, before I posted, and it is still froozen. I'm going to close it and will try again later.

Best of luck !!
Regards Brian

Brian Kissel

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Hi Brett !

I used the second link this time, and everything went smoothly.
Best of luck !!

Regards Brian
Thanks everyone for your support so far, it is really appreciated

With baby number 2, 7 weeks away and still finishing the house, having to train for this means the car may be on the back burner again. However, some things in life are more important - cars can wait, heart transplants and little childrens' lives can't.

Thanks once again - I'm off trying to find Dragons in the Brecons on my bike this weekend...

Think i just added another tenner to your total buddy, not to clever with IT but think it worked if not let us know.

Keep us updated on lads progress


Thanks Karl, much appreciated. Yes you managed it :thumbsup:

Joshua is doing better now they have him on the Berlin Heart, he has stabilised a bit and is managing to put weight on :) Though it still loooks like he will need a heart transplant, as they are still having difficulty with the meds.
Thanks Everyone who has supported so far, I promised updates and failed miserably... mainly because of work, family and training.

The ride is next week and I am more than a little worried, as I have had a right leg injury which flairs up when riding anything over a 2 hour period - get your shares bought in Ibuprofen next week.

As for Joshua - he still is living in GOSH (Great Ormand Street Hospital) in a combination of ICU and HDU, that's now nearly 7 months. Most recently he went back to ICU, as they found a bleed in the brain, which was caused by the blood thinners he was on; it really is a fine line. The good news is that as he is getting a bit older he seems to be coping better and they have beenable to remove the Berlin Heart for the time being; the flip side to this is that he still requires a heart transplant, but he is now up to number two on the list.

If you are around by the London Eye/Jubilee Gardens next Sunday 16th late afternoon you may see me roll in finishing the event.

Updates can be followed through following me on Twitter as @Brett_GT40

If you want to sponsor me you can go to: Brett James-Mccall is fundraising for British Heart Foundation

Thanks all again who have been kind enough to support so far
