Please Update Your Profile

Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen
Please go to the My Home section to review and update your Basic Profile from time to time. We will be using the information contained here from time to time and it is important that the information be correct. You should do this whenever something actually changes, but you should also review the information once or twice a year just to be sure. Thank you very much for helping us provide the you with the best quality GT40 community we can!

Most of the items are pretty much self explanatory, but a few things have some special instructions.

Display Name (Name attached to your posts.) (3 - 25 characters)

Password (between 4 and 20 characters)

Verify Password

Email Address (for our administrative use only...not visible to other users) <font color="red">Please make this a valid address you check somewhat regularly </font>

Email address (displayed in profile)

Full Name <font color="red">Please use your real name, especially if you use a screen name that isn't based on your name. </font>

Your birthday

Show birthday in calendar and profile <font color="red">Yes or No, please </font>

Signature (up to 200 characters). You may use UBBCode in your signature

Homepage (up to 150 characters)


Hobbies (up to 200 characters)

Geographic Location (State, Country, etc.)

Bio (up to 250 characters)
ICQ Number

Any other comments about yourself?

Are you a GT40 Dealer or related to one? <font color="red">Please enter Yes or No as the first word here. After that you can be as clever as you want.</font>

What type of GT40 do you have? <font color="red">Please make the first word the type of GT40 you have. If it is a numbered chassis car please enter the Mark number MkI, MKII, etc followed by chassis number. If it is a replica, please enter the name of the replica. No entry or "None" is acceptable as well. After this be as creative as you'd like</font>


Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen

This is the number people use to id themsleves for AOL instant messaging and other online peer to peer chat services, I think. I don't have one, so I don't know for sure, but I think I have it right.

Anyone have a better description than my guesstimate?
