RCR and Billy Mead Thread

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Andy Sheldon

Tornado Sports Cars
GT40s Sponsor
Re: Re Missing thread.....

JP post 15

When Fran posted on that window thread I warned him that I would be posting on his complaint threads already knowing who is going to get the most complaints.

When I read this one I thought it was Christmas all over again.

As far as I am concerned he started it and I will finish it.

What you said in post 15 is Bang on.


Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Re: Re Missing thread.....

As far as I am concerned he started it and I will finish it.

Hopefully - this finishes it....

Something about people living in glass houses throwing stones comes to mind.

We all really have better things to do..

Andy Sheldon

Tornado Sports Cars
GT40s Sponsor
Re: Re Missing thread.....


Whats this about glass houses and stones?

I don't think I ever sold a customer 6 cars and ignored him.
Re: Re Missing thread.....

Currency exchange rates making a kit a good value can influence potential buyers trying to decide on what kit to purchase. A manufacturer carrying on like a high school teenager can have an influence as well.

Jim N


Lifetime Supporter
Re: Re Missing thread.....

Currency exchange rates making a kit a good value can influence potential buyers trying to decide on what kit to purchase. A manufacturer carrying on like a high school teenager can have an influence as well.

Jim N

Jim, I can't agree with you more. Your post leads me to believe that you are obviously a very savvy business man!


Lifetime Supporter
Re: Re Missing thread.....

Oh no run everyone its the RCR Militia again

You never fail to impress. Your continued professionalism truly is amazing. Mr. Nielsen's comments truly were lost, weren't they?:)

For you Andy, as you seem a little slow.
Disclaimer: These ramblings are my own and have not been approved nor authorized by anyone other than myself. They do not reflect the opinion of RCR, as I am not authorized to speak on their behalf, nor am I an owner or employee of said company.
Re: Re Missing thread.....

want to increase your sales - snipe at your competition - I don't think so sorry Andy but it is your foot you ar shooting not mine not mine :rifle:
Re: Re Missing thread.....

As far as I am concerned he started it and I will finish it.

That seems just nasty to me. Surely "we" are all in the GT40 community together. I would have thought that the old saying "if you don't have anything good to say...don't say anything" was a decent way to behave.
I have always tried to be positive about ALL the GT40 mfs, it's a difficult business for sure (especially at times like these) and anybody sniping about anybody else makes the whole GT40 community look bad. If anybody wants to say anything to me about what I have to say, please pm or email me 'cos I won't be looking at this thread again.


Andy Sheldon

Tornado Sports Cars
GT40s Sponsor
Re: Re Missing thread.....

Jim N

Comments appreciated. I will cancel your order.


I don't see it as sniping at the competition. I am just paying Fran back its as simple as that.

And are has an e on the end.

Nice gun!


Pleased that you are impressed.

Why the disclaimer? Have you been demoted?

So I guess you will all be cancelling your orders with us tomorrow?

Oh hum.
RCR and Billy

To the Forum Administrator,
I find it interesting that a thread is closed, due to the
honest but negative comments about RCR and Fran.
This forum is for feedback on all aspects of building a kit cars/GT40's, from purchasing a car to the first day you drive your car.

The purchase of the kit/GT40 and the company you will be dealing with and supporting you during the experience is as important as any aspect of the build.

Forum- an assembly for the discussion of questions of public interest,
a vehicle for public discussion.

Nowhere does it say that in what light, this discussion has to hold.

RCR uses this site as an all but free, advertising site and with the good comes the bad (truth).

I don’t believe closing a thread down gives future kit car builders/GT40 an honest insight into the task that they are about to take on.

The issues between Billy and Fran, gives future kit car/GT40 builders
an honest look at the people and companies they will have to deal with on this great endeavor.

Re: Re Missing thread.....

As you can see from my typing Andy - none of us are perfect and to be fair I include Fran in this also.

I am sure everyone is aware there are 2 sides to every story as with yourself / Fran, Billy / Fran etc etc and probably rights and wrongs on all sides.

Like others I have no affiliation to Fran or anyone else (apart from a RCR jacket that is too big) but what is clear to me is you are taking the opportunity to "stick the boot in" "stir the pot" "snipe at a competitor"

If you have a problem with Fran or anyone else - pick up the phone, send an email or get on a plane and get it sorted. Waiting until someone else has a problem strikes me as unwise to say the least. But as you have so astutely deduced I have not placed an order with you you couldn't care less anyway.

Good luck with your business in 09 and beyond :bow:
Re: Re Missing thread.....

You have no idea but you did just lose a customer. I am sure your business is so successful you don't have to worry about new customers. Congrats. I am no ones militia except the US Militia. I hope all manufactures resolve disputes in a timely manner with their customers. It is good for the community.

Jim N
Re: Re Missing thread.....

I find it interesting that a thread is closed due to the,
honest but negative comments about RCR, Fran.
This forum is for feedback on all aspects of the building a kit car,
from purchasing a car to the first day you drive your car.

The purchase of the kit and the company you will be dealing with
and supporting you during the experience
is as important as any aspect of the build.

Forum- an assembly for the discussion of questions of public interest,
a vehicle for public discussion.

Nowhere does it say that in what light this discussion has to hold.

RCR uses this site as an all but free advertising site and with the good comes the bad.

I don’t believe closing a thread down gives future kit car builder an honest
insight into the task that they are about to take on.

The issues between Billy and Fran, gives future kit car builders
an honest look at the people and companies they will have to deal with
on this great endeavor.

I had a simular experience as Billy with Fran, this is not an isolated case

Re: Re Missing thread.....

Understand where you are coming from Neil but the flipside is that these things always resort to mudslinging. So the mods are damned if they do and damned if they don't.
As I said earlier there are always 2 sides and probably rights and wrongs on both sides. But in reality only those involved will know the whole truth.

My honest opinion is that it should have remained open for the benefit of all but once a competitor joined in then locking was the only sensible option. I am sure others will correct me if I am wrong but I think forum owners have to be carefull about getting involved in libel cases which may, or may not have been an influencing factor also.


Lifetime Supporter
Re: Re Missing thread.....

My honest opinion is that it should have remained open for the benefit of all but once a competitor joined in then locking was the only sensible option. I am sure others will correct me if I am wrong but I think forum owners have to be carefull about getting involved in libel cases which may, or may not have been an influencing factor also.

i agree, however there has been other threads where competitors have posted some hurtful thing in them.

i think some people see a "one rule for one...." type thing going on. this thread has only agravated things further, and need deleting.

i think people need to take a chill pill........ or beer or what ever, just stop and relax

Ron Earp

Re: Re Missing thread.....

Hi Neil,

Nothing's closed here - complain to your heart's content.

I closed the previous thread because as far as I was concerned the only people that needed to be posting on THAT thread were the two principles involved - Billy and Fran. But you could see very quickly that some folks that didn't have a damn thing to do with the issue couldn't restrain themselves from that thread. A bit like this one.

Take care,
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