S e m a


I'll be stopping by on Thursday. I'm seriously interested in building an SL-C and this will be my first opportunity to see one in person. Looking forward to meeting you.


Too late for this year, but practically speaking how does one not "in the business" get into Sema?

Not hard.....they don't really check very well when you register. I would venture that if you called the number on many showgoers "business" cards the number will not be answered by a business!

One guy I know made cards and info for all his friends to attend, one guy was V.P. of Purchasing (he was in charge of buying the beer) and another was V.P. of Marketing (he went to buy the snacks)

And while I can get in legit, I have never attended :(
Fran is going non-stop over there, I'm surprised he still has a voice. The SLC is attracting a lot of attention, last I saw him he was answering questions from Gerry Wiegert of Vector Automotive (remember the Vector?)

That was the first finished SLC I had ever sat in...kind of inspirational.
Sorry no pics to post as I was using company hardware and I won't have my grubbies back on it until Monday. BTW: The Razor was a no show due to some complications according to Fran.
I just got back from SEMA as well. It was a decent show this year, not as many booth babes as in the past ;(

The SLC looked great! It was getting a lot of interest. The car was black and really low to the ground.

The GTM got quite a bit of interest as well although I was disappointed at fit and finish of it for a show car.

Sorry, no pics here either...
Fran was very gracious and gave me the complete tour of the car. It was the first chance I had to see it in person and I was blown away. A word of caution, if you see the car, you immediately start figuring out a way to make it happen for yourself (sell kids, lease the dog, etc.)

I have pictures, but wasn't able to attach them. Something to do with a security token missing.

If someone wants to post them for me just tell me where to send them.


The SLC was beautiful, although it looked like it would be a little tight in the shoulders and head area for me. I was not offered to sit in it by Fran. :(

Kind of surprised that RCR didn't have a bidder showing, but that Ford GT that RCR works on was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!

I found it kind of funny that here were these beautiful, highly advanced pieces of equipment like the Ford GT, a Japanese prototype, and a Daytona Prototype that were just sitting there and not getting much attention. With the exception of the GT they were getting like ZERO attention. Amazing to me.
The booth babes were definitely left on the curb this year, even in the tire hall where there are ALWAYS non-stop rental babes. I'd say the economy finally caught up with that lot. :( The good news is some of them were able to find work in the new-for-this year expanded body/chassis/paint repair sections.

Dalton I'm sure there were more than a few disappointed Aussies at that, seems there were blokes from down under at every turn. I saw Perth, Melbourne, Gold Coast, South Harbor (?) and a group that were speaking some sort of heavily accented English that I could not understand nor read the town on the badge. One lady from Oz was wondering how she could get a Forgiato Camaro back home if she bought it :)

The DP cars are lets just say....pretty homely looking, also pretty beat up with low quality finishes on them. I think the super out of proportion canopy on the Daytona DP cars makes them, well....... Seems the show going crowd agrees. The Japanese Red Bull prototype suffers from the same proportion issues IMO. Sad that the G2 version of the GTM still suffers from the wheels-don't-fit-the-opening syndrome, although the car in general looks good and hopefully has addressed some of their first gen part and panel fitment issues.

Did anyone catch a ride in the Top Gear cars? I love the BBC show but I have LOW hope for this American version. I hope I am wrong but I don't feel too good about it, as they have MUCH to live up to and the talent pool on the host side is not looking promising. We'll see I guess.
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It was great to see old and new faces....

I was swamped the whole time and had many great conversations and look forward to some of the contacts made becoming RCR customers.

Crash...you might be right about there not being enough head space for you...wink...couldn't resist.


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The SLC was beautiful, although it looked like it would be a little tight in the shoulders and head area for me.

The car at the show was set up for a driver shorter than me so I was a little scrunched at the knees sitting in it, but looking at the depth of the footwell it was clear that there was plenty of room to configure it so I would fit. Width-wise, I fit in fine (170lbs, 6') but I if you are built like a linebacker (or lineman) this will not be the car for you. I had to chuckle when I saw some enormous folks try to cram themselves in the GTM at the Factory Five booth.

What DOES hit you as you enter the car. . . for which a specific process should be followed. . . is how low. . . REALLY low. . . you sit to the ground. Its not a problem for me, but I wasn't prepared for that.
Did anyone catch a ride in the Top Gear cars? I love the BBC show but I have LOW hope for this American version. I hope I am wrong but I don't feel too good about it, as they have MUCH to live up to and the talent pool on the host side is not looking promising. We'll see I guess.

Didn't catch a ride as the line was long. They had a Roll Royce, Lamborghini, Mercedes SLR, and some tamer domestic cars decked out as cabs and were giving free rides on a loop around town.

I've seen a screener for the US version of the show. It lacks all of the sophistication of the original version and I think its going to fail to find the audience for which they've reformulated it. DOA as far as I'm concerned.