Scott T's build - Safir GT40

I am familiar with that Safir, In fact I have ridden in it with Lamont.

If you are going vintage racing I suggest you double check with the organizations you intend to race with. In Europe the Safir may not be eligible for FIA sanctioned events and if so it will be in "post 1966" due to the vented AP brakes and the GW heads. In the US most sanctioning bodies will require the tanks be replaced with certified fuel cells and most likely a cage. You may want to talk to Dennis Olthoff at Olthoff Racing as he has extensive experience with prepping GT40s for SVRA/HSR here in the US. He just completed the conversion of my red MK II in my avatar to an SVRA vintage racer (not for me, the car had been sold). Dennis can supply the fuel cells and numerous other parts required to make a street GT into a track car.
1098 is featured in a Automobile Magazine article reprinted in the Ford GT40 Gold Portfolio book if you have it. Lamont is quoted and discusses the build of this car. How fortunate you are to now own such a signifcant piece of history.
as it should be, the car is a rock star. I will simply be the curator and pilot. The story of how she got to me is one of those that I could not Imagine ever happening in real life, but she is mine. That said, before i purchased her a significant amount of research was done, here being a major source. Bits, pieces, knowledge were the concern and I think all the above is available and here. I chatted with Olthoff also. I figured most sanctioning bodies here in the US were not a problem. I have owned and raced many GT350 Shelby cars and have always been of the mindset they were to be raced period correct. Not interested in a modern/historical car. This car will be period correct as much as possible, safety requirements the most significant changes. Have all ready found out the rear upper clevis has to be changed to modern one/with an angle due to tire rub at speed. Any idea where to grab one without paying a mint? Folks have them, but to suggest I did not want to buy a second car seems to insult them....


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. Have all ready found out the rear upper clevis has to be changed to modern one/with an angle due to tire rub at speed. Any idea where to grab one without paying a mint? Folks have them, but to suggest I did not want to buy a second car seems to insult them....
So you have talked with Gelscoe and Cushman!
chatted with quite a few trying to make sure the mechanic knows of anything known to be in need of changes. That one is one and they seem to have a rather lofty price, important for sure, but a bit pricey.
I am familiar with that Safir, In fact I have ridden in it with Lamont.

If you are going vintage racing I suggest you double check with the organizations you intend to race with. In Europe the Safir may not be eligible for FIA sanctioned events and if so it will be in "post 1966" due to the vented AP brakes and the GW heads. In the US most sanctioning bodies will require the tanks be replaced with certified fuel cells and most likely a cage. You may want to talk to Dennis Olthoff at Olthoff Racing as he has extensive experience with prepping GT40s for SVRA/HSR here in the US. He just completed the conversion of my red MK II in my avatar to an SVRA vintage racer (not for me, the car had been sold). Dennis can supply the fuel cells and numerous other parts required to make a street GT into a track car.

You are correct, Rick. FIA papers cannot be obtained for Safir cars, but there are other events in Europe that can be done by invitation.

I imported, in conjunction with Peter Thorp, both of Lamont's cars. I test drove 1098 for many miles in England. We ran in the Mathwall engine to make sure all was OK before loading it on a plane in Heathrow & shipping to Miami.
I also drove it with Lamont down I 75 in Florida, just to make sure it would pull 7000 in 5th. He was delighted!
right then, updates for the fans of Lani. I have now had contact with Peter Thorpe himself. Thank you Steve. Peter confirmed the engine for her was actually being built for him, to race in another car. Mathwall are the chaps that built it and when Lamont ordered the car, they struck a deal for that engine to go in 1098. Peter confirmed a full race engine and with some proper love and care, should produce results...driver talent considering. The race shop in Atlanta (Braselton actually) are "researching" the car, bits, etc as they now realize this aint no toy to just fire up over a can of Budwiser. She deserves a proper awakening, sip of fine wine and we plan on tracking her for a test there at Road Atlanta.....
nop, I selected a race program with a old feller that had worked on these cars many years ago. They are located close to Road Atlanta. They have a race there soon, then will get cracking on the awakening.
I would be shocked if anyone is still following, but in the event you are here is a very encouraging update. Lani is up on jacks, breaks sent off to AP Racing for rebuild, water pump is off for new one (sitting for 28 years sleeping will do that I am told), Webbers been taken apart and it looks very good, no pile of gunk anywhere. The prior owner loved her. The fuel in her was race fuel and he clearly tried to "pickle" her. Many of the known's need replacing...all hoses, rubber. He plans on doing the GT40 modifications to the water pump (heck I did not even know that was a thing) and then soak the cylinders for a bump over this week. I requested pics and video when she fires post 28 years and you folks well see as well, good day and to all be safe and well,

Scott t
calipers out, fuel pumps replaced, new master cylinders and clutch slave replaced, carbs cleaned, changed gaskets, jets all cleaned up. Water pump ordered and new hoses. Pics coming. The fluids all leaked out of stuff and made a tad of a hot mess, nothing looks like it cant be cleaned up with a few moments of effort.....
well chaps, yesterday Lani was sprung to life! She has had many tiny small steps along the way and the mechanic has been extremely patient with her by making sure her awakening is not harmful to her engine and bits. I would love to attach the video, however my technical limits will require your understanding as well. She of course sounds amazing after 28 years (not a typo) of sleep. The plan, shake down at Road Atlanta (I will let folks know when if they are local and wish to attend) then The Classic 24 at Daytona in November. Not sure she has what it will take to beat the big bore Lola's but she will have the heart I know. Scott t

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Congratulations Scott, that is a big milestone.

With video I find the easiest way is to upload to YouTube and post a link for interested people to follow.

Wow scott, thats great news! I agree with Ian, please upload to youtube and post it here, we're all very very keen to see her come to life with you.