Situation Vacant.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Very funny - or should I call it satyr. (see def: of greek gods, etc....)
Pissed off with sweeping up leaves. Must be a better way.
Posso entrare in abbastanza difficoltà con le ragazze italiane.
Mille grazi
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dave you want one of these now if you could get a blonde to work it your quids, in leaves would never be a problem again


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Where can I get one of those from? Just what I need. I reckon to spend a minimum 7 whole days blowing leaves during a typical autumn. Do you reckon that vacuum works well on wet leaves, acorns, pine cones, beech nuts and twigs too? I think the kids toys would get stuck in the intake!
Oh the joys of a big tree filled garden...
Dave, If you find someone can you ensure they are good at tree felling/pruning, and send them over to me. I'll even feed them while they're over :D

I use the lawn tractor to sweep them up. Saves a lot of leg work, just costs 5 quid of petrol each go.
I do have a leaf sucker (billy goat), but don't use it.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
I bought one of theset Countax grass cutter things about 2 months ago. You know how it's a macho thing not to open the instruction book - we all know how to operate everything don't we.......
Well, I took a swathe off the lawn about the size of length of a cricket crease and it filled its hopper (all 390 litres of it [ you see I did read the manual in the end]with not just grass and leaves but turf. Thats the only way I can describe it. Then it stalled. It (me really) took about 30mm of 'turf' off the lawn about 1m. wide. for about 10 to 12m long. I told the 'Green Thumb' man (he called the next day to fertilize this mud patch, that I was researching. Quite what he made of I don't know.
He scratched his head and said "Researching be buggered" (try that in a broad Bucks accent). Anyway it took 24 turfs to put it right again. This machine now sits there in the garage and I'm sure it's laughing at me.
God knows what the GTD will be like - there is no instruction manual.
Thats now in for the gearbox upgrade along with new uprights and brakes from John Wisher. Has anybody fitted power steering? Hughie Absalem is looking into it for me and talking to the guys at Jack Knight.
Anyway, back to the grass. The pressure washer does a really good job !!!
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I hope you bothered to read the instruction manual before you put on full power and pulled back the stick on those 747 jobs you used to whiz around in! I believe they have lots more fiddly little buttons and knobs than a grass cutter.

Trust you never used one for grass cutting???


Dave Tickle

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Most pilots have simple minds and most of the knobs and buttons are different shapes or colours. There are loads of manuals on board anyway so you can while away the hours being a company man by reading them.
Non company men read the newspapers.
Dave M