Some silly facts.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Subject: Fwd: Very important scientific facts

If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

(Hardly seems worth it.)

If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.

(Now that's more like it!)

The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 9 metres.


A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.


a cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death.(Creepy)

(I'm still not over the pig.)

Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

(Don't try this at home; maybe at work.)

The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.

(Honey, I'm home . What the...?)

The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.

(30 minutes. Lucky pig! Can you imagine?)

The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.

(What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)

Some lions mate over 50 times a day.

(I still can't believe that pig ...quality over quantity.)

Butterflies taste with their feet.

(Something I always wanted to know.)

The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.


Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.

(If you're ambidextrous, do you split the difference?)

Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump

(Okay, so that would be a good thing.)

A cat's urine glows under a black light.

(I wonder how much the government paid to figure that out.)

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

(I know some people like that.)

Starfish have no brains.

(I know some people like that, too)

Polar bears are left-handed.

(If they switch, they'll live a lot longer.)

Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.

(What about that pig? Do the dolphins know about the pig?)

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Very interesting, I guess being a pig has its advantages.

One thing though, as a left handed person I have heard the thing about early death....

The apparently came from a 1980 paper that looked at professional baseball players...

Most other data seems to show a similar life span.

Although only one in ten is a lefty, five of the last seven US presidents have been left handed.
In many cultures, left-handedness is a sign of demonic possession. Maybe they are onto something?

I mean the presidents Jim, not having a go at you, for a change! ;)

By the way. I am a Pig (according to the Mrs.) Why do my orgasms last just a second or two? So I can't even get being a pig right! For the love of pete!!

Not you Pete, the other one ;)

Very interesting, I guess being a pig has its advantages.

One thing though, as a left handed person I have heard the thing about early death....

The apparently came from a 1980 paper that looked at professional baseball players...

Most other data seems to show a similar life span.

Although only one in ten is a lefty, five of the last seven US presidents have been left handed.

Must be our superior intellect Jim!
Left-handedness and intelligence

In his book Right-Hand, Left-Hand,[29] Chris McManus of University College London argues that the proportion of left-handers is rising and left-handed people as a group have historically produced an above-average quota of high achievers. He says that left-handers' brains are structured differently in a way that widens their range of abilities, and the genes that determine left-handedness also govern development of the language centres of the brain.
McManus also says that the increase in the 20th century of people identifying as left-handed could produce a corresponding intellectual advance and a leap in the number of mathematical, sporting, or artistic geniuses.
In 2006, researchers at Lafayette College and Johns Hopkins University in a study found that left-handed men are 15 percent richer than right-handed men for those who attended college, and 26 percent richer if they graduated. The wage difference remains unexplained, and does not appear to apply to women.[30]

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
You know Jack, I think you are on to something, there is no doubt that my brain is structured differently;)

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
I tested students' intelligence for 25 years as a diagnostic not recall ever testing a student with cognitive deficiencies who was left handed...but a lot of right handed ones! It was always my professional opinion that as a group left- handed individuals enjoyed a 7-to-9 point cognitive advantage over the right handed group.



Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I tested students' intelligence for 25 years as a diagnostic not recall ever testing a student with cognitive deficiencies who was left handed...but a lot of right handed ones! It was always my professional opinion that as a group left- handed individuals enjoyed a 7-to-9 point cognitive advantage over the right handed group.

Okay then, why am I worth what I'm worth, and ALL the 'lefties' I know don't have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of (not grammatically correct, but...)?

'An anomaly...?

(Edit: ...and before someone jumps to conclusions here...I'm not claiming a net worth above a dollar and 40 cents, U.S.!)
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Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
I throw a ball left handed, play tennis right handed. Bat right handed and don't have a backhand in squash, I.E. I swap hands so I'm always on the forehand. I write with my left hand, play golf right handed... Guess I'm pretty mixed up.
Preying mantis "fact" is incorrect although they do mate for longer without heads - many get away intact having successfully mated.

I am ambidextrous which may be why my ex-girlfriends turned into such pigs after I met them. ;)
