Tax the rich

I would love to be governed by some geezer called Pizza Guy.
How about a inexperienced black and white guy that doesn't want to be half white named Barrack Hussein Obama?
"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites." from Dreams From My Father
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Gee Al,

You have gone on and on about President Obamas experiance, have you not. In reality he has a very good resume.

Now you are defending the Pizza guy, who has in comparison, virtually no experiance.

Just more of the same from Mr Hypocracy.
Gee Al,

You have gone on and on about President Obamas experiance, have you not. In reality he has a very good resume.

Now you are defending the Pizza guy, who has in comparison, virtually no experiance.

Just more of the same from Mr Hypocracy.

I'm not defending anyone, you can't see the forest for the trees! What resume? Community
organizer? Please, you're grasping at straws. You won't even acknowlege what he wrote or who he associated with, Bill Ayers, Wright, and others? come on Jim you're not that dense, are you?
And I guess I will defend the fact that his name is Cain, and he was the sucessful CEO of a pizza company, he's not a real estate appraiser anyway.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
A Romney-Obama race would be one between two mostly rational adults and hopefully focus on substance.

I would think the Republicans would want to run someone moderate...IMHO the country is just plain tired of having all congressional votes split along party lines (well, almost all...and absolutely ALL of the critical ones, in my view).

I am nowhere near as dissatisfied with BO as are Al, LonesomeBob, etc. IMHO he seems to have done as decent of a job as anyone could have, given what he inherited from the dysfunctional Gee-Dub administration, and (again, IMHO) WAAY better than McCain would have done, with his expensive "wag the dog" war-loving attitudes. We'd still be neck deep in Iraq and all in over in Afghanistan at the same time had he won the last election, and it's clear from virtually every poll I read, regardless of origin, that the country wants our military out of the Middle East. BO has actually even honored many of the promises he made during his campaign, a rather refreshing change from the winners in recent memory (including George Bush I and his "Read my lips..." promise).

Part of me says "Republicans, PLEASE run a Bachmann and Perry ticket!", as I sincerely believe that would ensure the re-election of BO. However, that's not best for the country, we deserve the best both parties have to offer in order to make a choice at this important, pivotal time for our country.

Like Jeff, I think Romney gives the Republicans the best chance of making it a decent race....let Bachmann, Perry, even Cain into the mix and the balance shifts to the Democrats, IMHO. Add in the "kooks" like Gingrich and Ron Paul, as attractive as some of their opinions may be, and the Republicans lose even more voters to the more moderate Democrats.

Let the TEA partiers have their way and it'll be a landslide for BO.

MOST Americans are moderates of centrist orientation...NOT far left or far right leaning (like some of our friends who help discuss these political matters here on this forum). They don't want us to be any MORE radical than we have been, whether that radical lean is to the left or to the right.

It will be an interesting year, that's for sure! The key will be getting out the vote...we have a very vocal minority of dissatisfied voters who are making a lot of noise (I'm not counting the "Occupy Wall Street" movement here, to me that seems to be just plain outrage over the excess of greed displayed by the banks and traders, not so much related to politics as to economics), but the "silent majority" will have to realize their voices MUST be heard at the voting booths in order for this country to emphatically put the arguments at hand to rest....finally.


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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
I'm not defending anyone, you can't see the forest for the trees! What resume? Community
organizer? Please, you're grasping at straws. You won't even acknowlege what he wrote or who he associated with, Bill Ayers, Wright, and others? come on Jim you're not that dense, are you?

Some of President Obamas resume

BA Plitical Science Columbia University
Magan cum laude Harvard Law

Michigan State Senator 8 years

US Senator

Member of:

Senate foregn relations commitee
Senate Homeland security commitee
Senate Health education commitee
Senate Environmental & public works commitee
Senate Veterans affairs commitee

Nobel Peace Prize

Leader of the free world