Thank You

In this day and age of lower cost manufacturing and supplier outsourcing, it is good to see a manufacturer of GT40 and T70 replicas in the U.S. For someone to start a business today, that takes courage. For someone to start a business, and not outsource to a low cost country or have government subsidies or an investment group of “rich kid’s”, that takes guts. To have invested personal money to the start up and locate in SE Michigan is nuts. To that courageous, gutsy nut, Fran Hall. Thank You for faith in North America.
Hi smith

Not knocking any of your comments. I agree Fran is doing a remarkable job. But who are you please and where are you and what is your interest? From your comments here so far it sounds like you must be Fran's best mate, or brother, or cousin, or other close relative. Please spill the beans.
All the best
I'm with you Lee. I don't like the implications toward those that choose to build or buy kits not from U.S.A.
My suggestion to you Mr. Smith is to acquante yourself here first and get to know these folks as we would like to get to know you. The integrity of this site is mostly due to the participants completing their profile and using their real name.

Hersh /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
On a lighter note... If his name is Smith and he is from here, maybe we are in the Matrix /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Brett (sorry couldn't resist it)


You're right Brett. Resistance is futile.


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Lee, I am no relation to Fran nor have a vested interest in any builder or distributor of kit cars.
Hershal, I did not make any implications as to what someone should buy or build.
As far as who and where, I choose to remain anonymous. To suggest that a completed profile would somehow lend more integrity is absurd. Too many time’s I’ve seen replies to post’s belittle or demean because of where someone lives or what someone drive. I will not open myself up to that.
My original post was meant to be my observations of the business and a thanks to
Fran Hall, nothing more.
Smith, I have to say you seem to be overly defensive. Frankly, your post smacks of negativity too. You make it sound like someone that buys an imported product is somehow un-American. It's a big world and the market finds its own sources for everthing it needs. Maybe your politics lead you to believe the domestic manufacturing is somehow "courageous". If it's the right thing to do, then it's the right thing to do. Wrapping the flag around a product doesn't necessarily make it the best available. That's "absurd" in my opinion. Enough politics from me - I'm done.
Smith if you're so afraid of ridicule perhaps the best thing for you would be to play it intirely safe and not post at all. Generally I don't bother with a newbie until he introduces himself and shows his enthusiasam for what this forum was developed. You jump in with both feet then proclaim "I don't want to tell you anything about myself because I'm so afraid of redicule. Too bad, you're the one that loses . So far as I know there is very little of that kind of behavior here.
Most likely you're a very nice guy and you must have an interest in these cars or you wouldn't have shown up here.
Frans cars are terrific. He fill a nich that was sorely needed in this industry. But I would find it hard to believe that all products on his cars are American made. Most all the accessories like tail lights and headlight are most likely from Europe. The days of buying ALL AMERICAN is over. It's near impossible to do that because most American companies use products from other countries to build their own. As Ford imports engines from Canada as GMC imports engines from Mexico.
Smith, if you ever get to Phoenix give me a call and we will have good visit and a few cold beverages. I'll buy the first couple rounds. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Hersh /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Too many time’s I’ve seen replies to post’s belittle or demean because of where someone lives or what someone drive. I will not open myself up to that.

[/ QUOTE ]

To the best of my knowledge, I have yet to see that happen
here. We get people from all walks of life and all over
the globe. Nobody has been targetted as a result of either
of those (except perhaps in jest, which is painfully obvious
to all).

The preference of everyone on this board, including the moderators
and the board creator, is to use yoour real name and
provide an accurate location. This need not be done in
your user name, but can be included as your signature
in posts.

Can someone show me where I posted anything about being un-American if you buy imported good? I know that many business send work offshore. Call your credit card company; you’ll most likely talk to someone in India. Ride a Harley and your riding on Japanese made shocks and forks. Forget about an American made T.V.
I’m not on a flag-waving soapbox; I just find it remarkable that Race Car Replicas is doing what they are doing and where they are doing it.
Should I feel honored that this “newbie” has garnered so much attention?
If it will make everyone happy, I’ll fill in my profile, but would anyone believe it?
You better go back and read what you posted. If you can't see how what you said would evoke this conversation then you're hopeless. I just luv the way you assume that Fran doesn't out source, not outsource to a low cost country or have government subsidies or an investment group of “rich kid’s”. How would you know that he doesn't? Hey, If you know Fran and want to compliment him, Fine, but don't come here expecting to get away with a post like that and not get questioned.
I think you should find a forum more suited to your ideals. Sorry, but it appears we don't measure up to your standards.

Hersh /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Good morning Gents....

I have just read this post and am shocked and surprised to see RCR mentioned...

I have to say that I do buy some parts from overseas but not many.
We manufacture as many parts in house as we can and also locally source as many of the rest...being in Detroit makes that easier for us than most...

I dont know who "Smith" is but I am pretty sure he has not purchased anything from me .
I spend a lot of time ,just like all the other manufactures representative do, talking with customers but also enthusiasts that will never buy but like to be informed and I have to say that I enjoy EVERY minute of it.
"Smith"may just be someone that I have talked with in the recent past..maybe Carlilse.

Please dont associate RCR with some major flag waving patriotism ....tough anyway as I am a Brit and I am building cars in the USA.... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif?????.

I am sorry if anyone has been offended but I can assure you that RCR has nothing to do with the original posting...
Did any of the critics of Smiths first post REALLY read it ?

Explain to me why this simple and short praising of an individuals efforts should warrant the comments.

Graham @ GTA.

Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen
Smith, et al,

First, on your original post: IMHO, congratulating or praising an endeavor that is, as much as reasonably possible, US based by no means calls into question or criticizes those endeavors that are not. I completely agree with your remarks as US based GT40 products have been sorely missed; especially where the broader market is concerned. I too applaud what Fran has done and am duly impressed!

As to nationalism in general, we Americans (and I include myself) are really funny! We will talk, genuinely, about how good it is to have homemade products and support those products. On the other hand, we aren't a bit bashful about buying products that have lower prices as the result of monetary value differences (or for any other reason.) We talk the talk, but when it comes to peeling off dollars, we'll peel off as few as possible no matter what the "Made In" label says :)

But, beyond the bottom line, there are quite a few other factors that make US made products attractive to US buyers: shipping time, access to the company, physically inspecting products, etc, etc are much simpler for the broader US market when the product is produced here.

With respect to openness in profiles: I have to agree with Hersh on this one Smith. If you want the members here to read your posts and consider them credible, make the posts openly as yourself, not an anonymous moniker like Smith. Agree or disagree, I firmly believe that the majority of the forum membership will take you comments with a grain of salt as long as they are done anonymously. Trust me, the imaginings of the membership, in terms of who you are and your motivations, will be much worse than reality could ever be :) that is just human nature.

OK,OK, I repent,,,,, I am Smith. I got tired of being “The FAT Mexican singer”. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif

So THERE,,,,,,, /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif

Fran, where is the money you promised me?
Interesting series of posts....different points of view of "what was said"....

I suspect the primary conflict arose when " smith " made an assumption that RCR based their point of manufacture in the US due in some (if small) part to "patriotic" reasons.
I never made that assumption...I assumed Fran's chassis and bodies were made in the US due strictly to solid business reasons,
i.e. he can better control his cost/quality/etc with suppliers close at hand vs overseas.

The secondary conflict arose because "smith" chose not to provide details in his profile, which is a common symptom of
spammers and character assassins. This is not in any way to
suggest "smith" is either...but he should recognize that
impression can easily be made.

Well, seeing as I was the one who asked first I’d better clarify why I did so.

smith has been here a while. Registered April 23 2003. So not really a newbie. Definitely a lurker. His first post was requesting further info on a Mk111 for sale back then.

Next post was on November 17 2004 in response to the posting of Fran’s first T70 delivery.
“That is a very nice replica. Are the Jag wheels standard equipment?”

Next post was in the shoutbox on November 20 2004.
“Fran, you there?”

Next post was Tuesday January 25th, a post started by smith named ‘race car replica’ (almost the same as Fran’s company name)
“With so many traditionalists on this site, how come so many need A/C. I thought these were race car replicas. Not to many race cars I know of have A/C. ”

Next post was this one on June 2 2005, indicating his delight at Fran’s achievements.

I was not bothered about the pro-American stance. I thought that was admirable, as is the support of Fran’s achievements. My query was that the then 4 most recent posts were all something to do with Fran, one included an apparently sarcastic comment about the temporary wheels, one deliberately inviting defensive comments about aircon, and then one saying how marvellous it was to have a good ole boy from back home trying to make it big in the face of big dollar competition (whoever that is).

In all this added up to a ‘Meat’ scenario (for the longer term readers) and therefore warranted an attempt to get smith to open up a little about his agenda. I think his further comments have only added to my opinion that 'in terms of this forum', smith has nothing constructive to add so I will now ignore him, until such time as he comes back with something constructive.

I am happy with people 'winding things up' a bit - like Faili F. But we know who he is and his motives. We know nothing about smith.

In the meantime I must get on with building my car, rather than spending so much time reading all the very relevant info which is posted on this marvellous forum in between the silly comments from folk like smith.

Tim Kay

Lifetime Supporter
Nice try Faili, we love you as the Fat Mexican Singer. You cant' get off the hook that easy /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif