The OLIVER thread

John B

Temp Selling Pass
Re: Oliver\'s Porn

I am here for the same reasons that everybody else is here for. I will respond to good questions as well as the really dumb ones like yours. Now i'm sure you will have a silly anserw to my response.
But I would prefer you to just not to responde at all.

Hava a gday!!! Mate

Re: Oliver\'s Porn

Yes I do sometimes make dumb comments as does anybody who is human, but it is usually backed by a logical argument, which in itself might be dumb too. But that’s why I am on this forum. To improve my knowledge in whatever way I can in a subject area that I am passionate about. And all this in an enjoyable little corner of the world where there are others who also share this passion. Sometimes to my surprise, even I manage to pass on some useful information. And as a bonus I have even struck up some new friendships as a result of my activity here.

Now this is the level of detail (although not the content) that I would have expected in your answer, especially given the clarity of thought that you claim to have. But all you presented was some wishy-washy generic reply that was certainly NOT telling it as it is, and that didn’t even fit in with your activity on the forum. I don’t see any evidence that there are any members waiting for you to start dropping pearls of wisdom before they continue with their projects so what questions are you waiting to get? In fact, a quick glance will show that your main activity is to just pop in to any thread, antagonize and then abuse.

I’m sorry Oliver, but for someone who has repeatedly drummed the same message of how sure you are of yourself, and how you’re prepared to take any crap that comes with it, you certainly do come across now as someone who is frightened to reveal his true intentions.

I’m afraid the question still stands.

John B

Temp Selling Pass
Re: Oliver\'s Porn

Yes I do sometimes make dumb comments as does anybody who is human, but it is usually backed by a logical argument, which in itself might be dumb too. But that’s why I am on this forum.

Well I guess your here for the same reason, except you choose to make a long disertation of your dumb non-logical comments. And I somtimes take the time and sontimes I don't. Now can we stop this stupid idle talk about nothing since we both agree that you and I have nothing to contribute.

givit up! please! I will not responde

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Re: Oliver\'s Porn

Although I am a newly registered member of the forum, I've been reading it for quite a while. As one of those "lurkers", I wondered what all the brouhaha was about "Oliver (the Great)". I found out and just as quickly I got over it.

I'm here b/c I am going to build a GT40 replica--by all accounts a truly massive endeavor. Oliver has yet to contribute anything to that effort (alas, I don't own Webers so I can't use the DVD), but neither has he done anything to decrease my enthusiasm for the project. IMHO, Oliver isn't even a factor that deserves this reply. I actually follow the advice he, himself, offers and frequently pass on reading his posts.

So why am I replying????

Ron, I'm replying b/c I believe that you, as developer of this forum, should feel free to exercise your best judgement in regards to "Oliver". If you believe he has something to contribute to this obsession we all share, namely to own and drive the hell out of our GT40 replicas, then even if his only contribution is comic relief as long as it is a worthwhile contribution (as Oliver, his-own-self has stated in the past) you might want to leave him on the forum. If, on the other hand, you feel that he contributes little to the future of this forum and is more of a distraction from the issue at hand than a help, well, use your best judgement. Either way, I will continue to support you and the forum and I doubt you will find many of us who won't.

My /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/twocents.gif


Ron Earp

Re: Oliver\'s Porn

Well, I've let this brew and have followed threads on the forum and I don't think it is working out. I know of now three people who used to post on the forum but will no longer do so because of Oliver/John. As I mentioned in my previous post, I am tired of dealing with the emails from members asking for something to be done about it and with work, family, forum, RF situation, I am just pulled in too many directions.

While I would like to believe that the forum is open to all and all posts are welcome, I'm inclined to not think that any longer. It has been about six months since Oliver started posting on the forum and I'll say this - IMHO the signal to noise ratio of the forum has taken a distinct change and I for one don't care for it. Clearly, the RF situation has contributed to it, but there is more to it than that. Any other comments are welcome, I need to step out in mid-post.
Re: Oliver\'s Porn

I think the best thing is to just ignore his posts entirely. He thrives on antagonizing people, so why feed his appetite? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dead_horse.gif

Personally, I have no quarrel with him. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif Yes, some of his replies are stupid or silly /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/soapbox.gif, but I just ignore them. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/zzzzz.gif You're only giving him what he wants.

Bill D

John B

Temp Selling Pass
Re: Oliver\'s Porn

Actually you guys have me all wrong. I don't thrive on negitivity or so called needed attention.
I just call it like i see it.I My comments are negitive only in respose to those who antagonize, and for that, I get critized. Like I stated in the past, just ignore it. I have actually have not been posting very much latly because the information is getting redundant. I really want to get back to what the forum is about "CARS"...That is what I love. I'm trying to put the RF situation behind me but I get frustrated when I read all the mis-information that is going on.

Regards Oliver


Lifetime Supporter
Re: Oliver\'s Porn

Bill, I agree with you that the best way to deal with Oliver is to ignore him. At times, I have failed to take my own advice. For that I am sorry. I apologize for wasting bandwitdh, my time and other forum members time. As human beings, our instincts are to defend ourselves. That includes defense to disparaging remarks and childish name calling. The fact of the matter is that Oliver will never change and he has repeatedly admitted that. He is what he is and you either have to accept him or boot him. I think Ron has been most gracious to Oliver and given him ample oppurtunity to make good on his representation to Ron that he will behave. I for one don't think Oliver has kept his word. I have ignored Oliver and even tried to joke with him. All to no avail. I have not asked Ron to remove him because I believe Oliver is doing a good job of that on his own. Give him enough rope and he will hang himself. I think he has been swinging in the wind for some time now. Ron, as you appear to have reached your tolerance level with the situation, the only solution appears to be giving Oliver the boot again. Your choice. I don't care one way or the other. However, I don't think you have so much free time that you wish to spend it babysitting an alleged adult. I don't think you have wasted as much time disciplining your own daughter. I for one know that my 4 year old is better mannered. Just my /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/twocents.gif.

Pat Buckley

GT40s Supporter
Re: Oliver\'s Porn

IMO, one should behave as though this forum is occuring in ones living room.....polite repartee, dissemination of information, etc.....

To have someone come in and crap on the rug under the guise of "telling it like it is" is just plain not acceptable.

Polite and not so polite warnings do not seem to have any effect, unfortunately.

Ron Earp

Re: Oliver\'s Porn

Pat, I agree with what you wrote. Asking questions is not a problem, but constantly debating members for the sake of debating is.

I received a new one today - essentially take Oliver off the forum or I'm leaving and taking people with me. Clearly, Oliver will not be removed due to threats of actions by members. This entire thing has reached a all time low.



Re: Oliver\'s Porn

I don't read Oliver's posts in any detail, they are not of interest to me. But they are like rust on a classic car, they just keep bubbling to the surface when you really would rather they did not exist. I won't miss the posts if his account is closed, and then I think the forum will "return to normal".

John B

Temp Selling Pass
Re: Oliver\'s Porn

The forum must be slow because i'm getting beat up pretty good! I have to say for for Malkolm to have the nerve and make a stament that he says he ignores my threads and does not read them, he surly must have made an error by clicking on the the "oliver thread" which he is suppost to ignore let alone post on the thread adding his /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/twocents.gif I missing somthing here? I just don't know! Certainly this sounds like the bandwagon act rightous and them kick oliver in the knee. I just don't know.

Re: Oliver\'s Porn

As the "Moderator/Master" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/offtopic.gif of the OFF Topic Forum, I would have normally loved this type of BS. But since the return of the "GREAT ONE", I found myself having almost no interest in this forum what so ever any more. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/zzzzz.gif
Re: Oliver\'s Porn

Hi all,
I belive its time to remove oliver from the forum before the damage caused is to great.
Oliver, im sorry if you dont like this, but you add nothing to this forum.You constantly are insulting and rude. you make unfounded accusations regarding the RF saga, whilst not being directly affected.
I came to this forum because GT40's are of great intrest to me, and any information i can gain from this forum is greatly appreatiated, any knoledge i can pass on is gladly given. You seem intent on diluting the content of just about every thread going. Im here for gt40's, not to have to try to avoid the crap that you post.
fire insults at me if you wish,but they will just be ignored. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/zzzzz.gif
Re: Oliver\'s Porn

Malc, I like your analogy of the persistence of rust, mine is the mosquito that always seems to appear just as youve got your head down, there is only one thing to do, put the light on, get up, and SWAT THE BLOODY THING !
Re: Oliver\'s Porn

Ron, you probably know where I stand on this issue - give OLIVER the boot, and make it permanent. No need for me to repeat the reasons here. I've made an effort to refrain from responding to OLIVER's goading posts over the last couple weeks. If OLIVER stays, and if he continues to act out, then I don't think I'll be able to resist the temptation to roast him when he posts stupid, meaningless crap. Yeah, ridiculing OLIVER is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel, but shooting fish can be fun, in a sordid way.

I'm sorry to hear there is talk of "secession," that's kind of petty - besides, the GT40 community probably isn't large enough to support two forums. I have no desire to get my online GT40 "fix" anywhere but here, but I do regret the collective tolerance for OLIVER's tech-less post whoring.

John B

Temp Selling Pass
Re: Oliver\'s Porn

HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Don't eat to much!

OLIVER /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banned.gif

Jim Rosenthal

Re: Oliver\'s Porn

I have been on this forum since the beginning. I have spent a lot of time on it, contributed occasionally, and helped out when I could.
It seems to me that we have always had one forum member that antagonized many of us and kept stirring the pot up. I don't dispute that speech is free, but the manner in which you choose to express yourself is not altogether free, and if anyone uses the concept of free speech as an opportunity to abuse others, it shouldn't be tolerated. This is what MEAT did. This is what Oliver does.
The fundamental principle here is this: this is a forum about cars. Ethics and decency towards each other is more inportant than talking about cars. Civility counts for everything in a situation such as this, and folks who can't be civil, who persist in provoking others, who use every new thread as a place in which to take potshots at others, shouldn't be on here. Not because their ideas are necessarily mistaken- MEAT had some good ideas, and maybe Oliver does as well- but because they can't be civil. It's possible to not agree with someone and to still express your disagreement in a decent fashion.
This morning there was a post where a photo of a GT40 parked next to several Ferraris provoked a comment from Oliver describing the Ferraris as junk. This is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. It's mean-spirited, it's negative, it's pointless, and it's childish. And it's typical of the kind of thing Oliver posts.
Frankly, I find that whatever good information comes in Oliver's abusive posts is not worth the reading of them. I'm perfectly willing to do without Oliver and the ruckus he stirs up just to have a little peace around here. This isn't a real good time for a lot of people on this forum who have taken a big hit financially. Oliver pointing out that he spotted Logan first as a bad guy is just rubbing salt in the wound and is further evidence of his inability to be civil. I think we don't need this. I also think we don't need folks who hide behind assumed names, post things we don't want our kids to see, and generally exhibit the kind of hair-trigger temper we wouldn't tolerate in a friend, spouse, or family member. Or business associate. The final decision is Ron's and whatever he decides, it's his call, but if the call were up to me, I'd end Oliver's posting privileges. It's a privilege to be here, NOT a right, and Oliver has abused it. And us.
Re: Oliver\'s Porn

hi guys

it is time for some sanity to return to this Forum, the RF situation is unfortunate we all know but this continuing SLANDER that is going on has to stop and the sooner the better.

Recently in the British courts a gentleman successfully prosecuted an outspoken lady that was simply calling him names in the public domain. I raise this point because I see this heading in the same direction, so please lets get back to meaningful logical discussion about building and driving GT40'S.

So please lets act like adults and return the forum back to what it was, before those sensible contributors that have something relevant to say all leave.


Chris Melia.