Tips for the novice driver

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Track Tips for the Racing Novice
<HR style="COLOR: #dedcd7; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #dedcd7" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->1. Racing isn't dangerous: Crashing is dangerous.

2. It is better to be spectating and wishing you were out there,
than out there and wishing you were spectating.

3. Learn from the mistakes of others; you will never live long
enough to make all of them yourself.

4. To win, you must first finish; to finish, you must first start. To
start, you must first spend an inordinate amount of time and

5. Drive your own race. Others will be all too happy to tell you
what you did wrong.

6. Every driver knows the 3 simple tricks for winning races;
ask your closest competitors to share theirs.

7. An oversteering car generates higher slip angles at the rear
than the front. Keep all slip angles under 360 degrees.

8. Wear a full-face helmet. It will be easier to hide your fear.

9. Choose a close-fitting racing seat. Do not get it brown.

10. Wear ear plugs; they muffle the jeers and catcalls of

11. Good judgement comes from experience; unfortunately, the
experience usually comes from bad judgement.

12. Wave to corner workers. They will doubtless be talking about
you on their radios, and it will easier for them to refer to you as
"the idiot who is waving."

13. Obey All Flags:

Green: "All Clear" - You are free to retire from the
event at your convenience.
Yellow: "Danger" - Be alert and do not allow the faster
cars behind to pass you.
Yellow/Red Stripes: "Surface" flag (see #7 above, "Slip
White: "Emergency Vehicle On Course" - One lap to
go before he passes you.
Blue/Yellow Stripe: "Mirror" flag - A faster competitor
is closing; watch your mirrors and be prepared to block.
Black: "Aw****" flag - You have committed the uncon-
scionable; come in immediately to re-take the
written exam.
Black/Orange circle: "Meatball" - Mechanical black
flag. You have been disqualified for your illegal
cam lobes.
Red:proceed at a pace fast enough to beat everyone left with four corners on their car to the nearest shade tree
Checker: Wave to the corner workers, you idiot!

14. Be gracious in defeat, and less than insufferably arrogant in

15. Remove your arm restraints before the trophy presentation.

16. And remember, it is OK to start racing with an empty bag of experience if you also have a bag full of luck. Fill the bag of
experience before you empty the bag of luck.

I'm sure you blokes could add a few more

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
17. Youth and Talent are no match for Old Age and Treachery...

18. If you didn't buy the crew lunch - Check your own lug-nuts..

19. Objects in the mirror are not losing - they're about to kick your a$$.

20. Tie a short lanyard from the ignition key to the fire-bottle safety pin.

21. If your not just a little bit scared - you're not going fast enough..

22. That blue flag - it's for the guy behind you. Surely they'd never waive it at you!

23. A battle won against a scrutineer is surely a war lost in the near future.

24. Pain is only temporary - but Victory lives on forever!

25. That red line on your tachometer is merely a suggestion - but only a fool would ever tell his engine builder that..
26. no one ever remembers the guy in second place.

27. never look at the wall ( you will hit it for sure).

28 you are not a racer until you know about the pucker factor.

29 the way to make a small fortune in racing is start with a large one.


Connect a strong peice of elastic from your throttle pedal to your wallet, as you put your foot down it wil get your wallet out for you!

The older you get the faster you were!

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
32. 2nd place is the first loser

33. Once you experience wheel-to-wheel competition, anything less - is FAR less...

34. When the fans in the stands start to boo you, you know you're doing good!

35. Sometimes you have to slow down to actually go faster!

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
36. Staying on the black stuff is a good idea. You have to finish to win.

37. If your significant other shouts " you love racing more than you love me". And you reply "So your point is?" You are close to the level of commitment required.

38. Having a fancy drivers suit will not make you fast, it might help you pull the chicks.

39. Make sure you look after your sponsors, they are hard to find and harder to keep.
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