Tornado Build -

Had the day off work today so I did some more work on my engine bay panelling templates. I've made templates for 2 panels on the inside of the bay and just have the additional floor section to work on.

I tried to copy Andy Greens panels but the lower rear suspension arm has to pass through the first panel so I've cut a fairly large curved section out to allow room for the suspension arm and enough room to get my hands in should I need to get access.


Well spotted Trevor, however in my defence, these panels were never 100% finished ready for powder coating. The RH panel (in your photo) has to be pushed outboard to clear the starter motor mount (the reason for the double fold) in the bellhousing and is also missing the hole for the gearshift mechanism.
If you're going to panel that area I would be tempted to do it more like the originals and make the panelling go round the lower radius arm mount.

It would be a pain to put the bolts in (may need to consider how you'd do it, maybe a removable panel, how do the originals do it?).

See the attached images.


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Well spotted Trevor, however in my defence, these panels were never 100% finished ready for powder coating. The RH panel (in your photo) has to be pushed outboard to clear the starter motor mount (the reason for the double fold) in the bellhousing and is also missing the hole for the gearshift mechanism.

Thanks Andy, I didn't think yours were totally finished. I am happy with my templates for now so will turn them into aluminium and then amend as required when I start looking at the engine. Aiming to fit the engine right at the end of the build so these will be one of the last things to fit.

On another note picking up my steering and the rest of my suspension parts tomorrow so I'll hopefully be able to start bolting on some parts in the next few days

Woo hoo, just bought myself another nice little part for my car. An original GT40 lucas identification lamp. It doesn't look in perfect condition but its the whole lamp rather than just a lens. Also I already have a clear lens that I can paint green and fit to the lamp.


Also picked up all my suspension parts yesterday from Tornado so after I've been to see another wedding venue today going to start work on the rear suspension

Bit more progress, finished making the rear section card templates today. The last panel to make was the extended floor section. Was a bit of a pain as I had to block the chassis up to get to the bottom of the chassis and remove the fuel tank. Now the templates are done I'll order some aluminium and make the panels while I am fitting the suspension


Another busy night, ploughed through a good chunk of the suspension parts and cleaned all the threads using my new snap on tools. Still got another batch to do and then need to de-grease everything before fitting it to the car.

Also finished tweeking the last card templates for the engine bay panels and measured them all up ready to order the aluminium tomorrow


The work continues, all suspension bolts and housings have been cleaned/restored and degreased ready to go. Tonight I also started assembling the front and rear uprights. I've attached the bearing housings to the rear uprights and started looking at fitting the rear bearings.



Dimi Terleckyj

Lifetime Supporter
Woo hoo, just bought myself another nice little part for my car. An original GT40 lucas identification lamp. It doesn't look in perfect condition but its the whole lamp rather than just a lens. Also I already have a clear lens that I can paint green and fit to the lamp.


Also picked up all my suspension parts yesterday from Tornado so after I've been to see another wedding venue today going to start work on the rear suspension

Hi Trev

With regard to the lens for your light (and all other tailight lenses etc) they can be made to look like new by polishing with brass or silver polish.

Brass and silver polish is a very fine abrasive and will restore plastic surfaces back to new condition.
The results will amaze you.
Hi Trev

With regard to the lens for your light (and all other tailight lenses etc) they can be made to look like new by polishing with brass or silver polish.

Brass and silver polish is a very fine abrasive and will restore plastic surfaces back to new condition.
The results will amaze you.

Thanks Dimi, I've not recieved it but know exactly what you mean. I use Brasso when cleaning scratches on my Apple macbook or ipod and it works a treat. I'll probably clean the lens and keep it as a spare as I want a green lens to match the car when it's finished
More progress on the car today. I managed to get one of the front uprights fully assembled and ready to go on the car.


I am having a problem with the other front upright though as the bolts to hold the steering arm in only went so far in when tightning by hand. when we removed the bolts they were very stiff and being as gentle as we could we slowly removed them only to find the end of the bolts have been completely stripped.


With the first upright the bolts went straight in with no fuss so I think the threads in the uprights need re-cutting.

In addition to the uprights we've fitted the first few bushes into the front wishbones and fitted them to the car. I also popped to Halfords today to by a new socket set as my old set didn't cover the range I needed. The new set covers both imperial and metric and should be very handy for the build

Another good days work on the car. Finished installing all the bushes for the front suspension, fitted the upper and lower wishbones and installed the front uprights. I also started work on the rear suspension which I hope to get finished this week.


Starting to look a little more like a car now


What a difference a day makes. Had a shocking nights work on the car. Really struggling to fit the rear suspension bushes, can't get the rear uprights to fit and in the process took a chunk out of my hand.

Lastly I dropped one of the rear bearings and I've dented the top of it. Timing couldn't be worse, the bearings were due to be sent to be pressed into the housings so I need to get a new one as soon as I can. This picture isn't great but you can see the distortion at the top of the bearing. :furious:


Not a happy chappy tonight

Hang in there Trev, you just don't know how many frustrations some of us have self-inflicted! Press on regardless my friend...