UK Tests New ShitBomb IED


To be used against any Caliphate...

The French are already on to it.. :shifty:


It's still in the early stages of development and needs careful monitoring of methane levels, but this prototype looks very promising...
It gives me great comfort to know that I have a constant supply of that weapon at my disposal to see off any foreign invaders silly enough to intrude around here):
We are sending a newly formed "Redneck Battalion" to fight ISIS.

They have been told there is NO bag limit, they taste like squirrel and they are directly responsible for the death of Dale Earnhart!


We are sending a newly formed "Redneck Battalion" to fight ISIS.

They have been told there is NO bag limit, they taste like squirrel and they are directly responsible for the death of Dale Earnhart!

Holeee Crap! That means WWIII! :shocked:

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
I knew it.
This will end up as armageddon, mark my words.
I want to go back into the Air Force if this happened.
With huge bombs and lots of them.