VOTE NOW: What do we do to Hersh...

I'm glad to hear that Hershal will not be gone long.

Cammer, it appears that there are many other places on the internet where you can enjoy Meat's posts, if that's your thing. He does seem to know his stuff about Cobra replicas, but you'll recall this is a site about GT40s, not Cobras. I have yet to see Meat bring much tech to the table here.

Meat, forty days in the desert? Death threats? I think someone has a Messiah complex and takes himself way too seriously.
Should you be allowed to come back I hope you can do so without turning this place into a soap opera and making an ass out of yourself. While this is my hope, I doubt you'll change your ways. Good luck with your single-donor GT40 project.

Enough already...I'm gonna go work on the car.



People have been trying to cut Sean some slack for years now. He is not a victim; he provokes arguments, and then, when it becomes apparent he is about to get the boot, he comes up with some sort of nonresponsive "gee how did this happen, why is everyone against me?" drivel. When I first got into this hobby, I admired Sean. Within a few months, however, I was no longer a fan. Sean is the one who needs to learn to cut others slack. He's had several years now, and shows no sign of doing so.

Maybe taking sides is putting things too starkly. But here is the point, in my view.....Let's all be grown ups, and thereby be prepared to be judged as such. Reread Meat's "apology" carefully and I think you'll see it is not a mature response to fair criticism. It's really just another veiled attack on his perceived foes. He couldn't even gracefully and simply just say "Sorry folks," but rather had to get in another dig.

If this were all in good fun or humor, I'm sure we'd all say "who cares." But there's a stupid one-upsmanship that pervades many postings here and it makes participation a drag when these little ego explosions occur. Those responsible (and you probably DON'T know who you are!) should grow up, get a clue, or get lost.

I'm sure this message will now be quoted and lambasted in familiar fashion.

Lastly and most imortantly--Thanks for your efforts, Hersh.
I will quote you, only because I couldn't have said it better myself.
Now let's all move on and enjoy the cars.


Hang in there Hersh, your company is appreciated greatly.

Hi all,

Somewhere I lost the plot in the Hersh/Meat saga.

Hersh, if I’ve got it right I gather that Ron Earp motivated the creation of the website and that you immediately joined him to drive GT40s forward. Since joining I’m really enjoying the friendly chat and the sharing of information, technical and otherwise. I’m also blown over by the technology that makes this instant type of communication possible.

What saddens me is how conflict often creeps into so many fields of human activity and the last thing I expected is that it would affect this great forum. The odd difference of opinion, yes, but not conflict. We must accept that people will always read and interpret things differently but as long as those differences lead to interesting debate that’s fine. Right now Iraq is bad enough.

Hersh, I was horrified to hear that you were thinking of quitting your own creation because a single member trod on your toes. However, relieved to hear that you’ll be back after a break. After reading your personal profile it’s not difficult to fathom out that your are a caring, helpful, friendly and sensitive person (as Lynn Larson also admits to being - nothing wrong with that!) and the many accolades you’ve had from the forum members is indicative of the great support you enjoy. There’s often a perception that men with military and police backgrounds are hard nosed, tough nuts. Not in your case. Your great water colours reveal a creative and sensitive streak as do your choice of words when you describe your family. You say ‘we were blessed with a daughter’ and not ‘our daughter was born’. Nice! And then you are also a flying man! Then last but not least anyone who likes the GT40 has real good taste! No wonder the overwhelming message is YOU STAY, HERSH!

First of all, for many years South Africa was polecat of the world because of its race policies. In 1994 that situation was resolved through NEGOTIATION unlike the rest of the African torn apart by civil war and conflict. The turnabout has been so dramatic that Cape Town is now one of the premier tourist destinations in the world. Because of this experience the South African mindset favours Winston Churchill’s saying, ‘Jaw, Jaw, not War, War’ – something I think this forum needs right now.

I’ve always been fascinated by my fellow human beings and the games they play. They come in so many different guises, don’t they. The one clearly definable category is the aggressive, assertive, confrontational, pot stirer type. I have known and still know this type and what I find interesting and surprising is that they are generally highly intelligent people. They seem to derive some perverse pleasure by goading others into equally aggressive responses and if they don’t get it they’re off to find a another ‘victim’. My wife’s late uncle was a good example for he always said, ‘I haven’t had a good day unless I’ve had one bloody good row’.

It’s also interesting to note how certain people have the ability to develop an aura around themselves that intimidates or overawes other people. I quote an example of a famous person which is relative to this posting. I’m sure that you’ll agree that Enzo Ferrari did precisely that by engineering for himself a Caesar type persona. I know several people who went weak at the knees in his presence. In March, 1992, Ferrari’s English (Irish, actually) secretary, Brenda Vernor, came to Cape Town for a break from her busy schedule at the factory. She had accompanied David and Liz Piper and Bette Hill to Kyalami for the SA Grand Prix before heading to Cape Town. I conducted a lengthy interview with her about working for the Old Man and the article entitled, ‘Enzo Ferrari’s Right Hand Woman’, was eventually published by MOTORSPORT in London, (August, 1994 edition). What emerged from the interview was a rather different image of Enzo Ferrari that I always had and you must all agree that secretaries get to know their bosses really well (now don’t get me wrong!) First of all he in turn was often overawed by the many famous people who visited his factory, members of royal families, etc, and that he seemed more comfortable in the company of his mechanics. Deep down he was actually timid, a fact that he himself once admitted to and Brenda said he had a wicked sense of humour, not really apparent in the normally serious face. She also said that he always made a point of greeting everyone when he arrived at the factory in the morning, a character trait often missing in the dictatorial type of boss. This is an interesting insight into a famous personality and an example of masks that people often wear to belie their true natures.

Sean (Meat), whereas Hershal Byrd’s persona is easy to analyse, trying to figure out what makes you tick gives me grey hairs. I’m going to stick my neck right on the line in front of nearly 1 000 forum members by suggesting that you are actually a far nicer guy than the combatative (Ron Earp’s expression) persona you project on this forum. I also have a feeling that if some of the members of this forum who have fired back at you could meet you face to face they would be surprised at the real Sean (Meat). As a freelance journalist I set great score by how people write and the words they choose to convey feelings, messages, and sentiments (as Hersh above). Your postings are clearly well thought out and articulate and I also believe that you have an off-beat sense of humour.

My association with you! With regard to the unfortunate Bondurant spelling issue you did a posting pointing out my lack of etiquette in referring to spelling mistakes. I immediately responded by posting a thank you to you for the reminder and apologising for my glitch. An issue I believe resolved diplomatically.

Your posting with regard to the slot car/ model car issue was great. You posted some super pics of the model GT40s and made me aware of models I didn’t even know existed. Thanks to you I might order one or two. The reference to your Maltese Falcon is indicative of your off-beat sense of humour.

I quote an example, again relative to this posting. Last Wednesday we had our annual homeowners AGM. We live in townhouse complex (condo in American) consisting of 103 house on 20 acres. During the meeting one of the residents got up to his usual old tricks of harassing the chairman, throwing spears and being generally confrontational throughout the evening. Despite the fact that several fellow residents shouted him down and told him to shut up he simply persisted. I thought, hell, this guy reminds me of Meat. Problem is the confrontational type doesn’t know when to stop and when people turn on them they suddenly become all misunderstood, just like this guy and just like your apologetic posting above. The apology is again well written but the underlying and implied message is, ‘Hey guys I’ve no idea why your are all ganging up on me!’.

In my experience the confrontational type of personality uses bluster as a defence mechanism and often behind that façade hides an insecure and vulnerable soul and often one who’s crying out for attention. Also people who’ve been disappointed and hurt by much that’s unfair and unjust in this world often retaliate by adopting an aggressive stance. I have a strong gut feeling that there’s a little bit of all of this in you and please don’t suddenly develop a big ego by the comparison but perhaps there's also a touch of the assumed Ferrari Caesar persona about you. By this I mean a clever and conveniently created aura that doesn’t reflect the true nature of the person.

Another bit of brotherly advice. On my cork board in my study I stick on all sorts of projects, messages, quips and sayings, etc. One permanent feature is GUIDELINES TO SUCCESS, eleven pointers in all. Item 2 reads, ‘Don’t be upset if things ‘go wrong’ it’s often the quickest way to right’. And on another piece of paper, ‘When one door closes, another opens, but we so often look so long so regretfully at the closed door that we do not see the ones that open for us’.

There was a posting from Robert Logan saying that you are peed off that he didn’t give you the Roaring Forties agency for the US. Take cues from above quotes. Robert probably indirectly did you a favour because if I read it right you were then motivated into starting your own GT40 project.

In similar vein it took me the best part of eight years to negotiate and finalise the GTD/CAV under-license manufacturing agreement and before I could count to ten I was out. Disappointed? Yes, for a while and then the messages on my cork board spoke to me. The British Department of Industry invited me as their guest to last year’s Racing Car Show at the NEC in Birmingham and as a result there are now nine British manufacturers interested in having their cars built in Cape Town. Can’t build them all, however. Sean, there are things in life called stepping stones. Take note, be thankful and drop the aggro towards RF. Capisce!

You mentioned 40 days in the desert. Excellent opportunity to contemplate! When you go take with you Dale Carnegie’s book, ‘How to win friends and influence people’. Read, enjoy and come back to the forum in third gear, not fifth and with you pistols in their holsters. Guess what, I’m sure many of the forum members will do an about turn and will be happy to talk to you. I’m sure that as a GT40 builder there could be much valuable technical info that you could get off this forum and in that regard you need their help and friendship. For example the one posting on transmissions was fantastic and many members no doubt learnt a great deal. If you want any further advice or help from me talk to me privately by e-mail.

Finally, Sean, do me a huge big favour. Tell me I’m right about you. I predicted that as in 1963 when the so-called ‘Bay of Pigs’ pending war was averted at the 11th hour so would be the current Iraq situation. I was wrong and I don’t like been proved wrong twice in one week!

Taken me a long time to write this! Hope it’ll be worth the effort!

Andre 40
Andre-well said, very lucid presentation. It would be great if everyone on this board would "play nice with each other".

But a little spice does go a long way to keep it interesting, just no need for personal attacks or petty squabbles. Just the really important things like why Mk Is are better than Mk IIs!



Hersh PAINTS!!!??? I can't even get the trim on the house right! Hersh, I'm continually amazed at the depth of your talents. It'll be great when you're back.

The meat saga continues to the same tune as always, he shows up and turmoil errupts. I've seen it, Tom has seen it, Ron has seen it as well as others. Hersh, don't worry about the verbal diarhea from him. See ya at Knotts.
Boy Oh Boy ! I sure didn't expect a response like this. I truly don't know what to say. I shut the computer down and walked away to just get clear of this situation. I mostly spent time down at Gordons shop getting in his way. We are getting my car spiffed up for Knott's.
I want to thank each and everyone of you for the support and kind words. You all know that I'm on this board because I love these cars and the many folks I meet while on this board or at a track. You all gave good advise and encouragment. I will do my best to heed it. I'm happy to see that things are back to a normal state.
Now which one of you guys put rabbit fur seat covers in my car and a hula girl in the rear window?
I kinda like the fuzzy dice though

*raises hand to the fuzzy dice*

sorry, left over from my gremlin, thought id give the 40 that good old stoner look

glad yer back


Good Heavans ... I take a break and find a repeat of previous events on other forums.

Guys ... we don't need to let this happen here. Best way to deal with "meat heads" of all kinds on the net is to ignore them.

Really sorry to see this happen here, but really glad to see that Hirsch is back.

Peace ... and happy wind in your hair and warm wonderful sounds behind your head
Over here in the UK we prefer the nodding dog in the back and the velour seat covers... mmmmmmm

Good to see you back

Brett "I can't do the KVA because I've bust my bloody ankle"