
Interesting times at RCR...

We have been without power due to a little careless driving by a delivery guy...

He happened to be delivering propane to the factory next door and he backed into the power pole carrying our transformers...and then preceded to knock it over without noticing....or so he said.

Where the pole fell is exactly where we normally park the race hauler...it was moved for winter storage a few days ago ...phew.

The pole just missed our building by about 2 feet but the adjoining pole in the chain was pulled onto the neighboring factory..

I am glad everyone was OK but we could have had quite a crater if the pole had fallen onto the truck....

Needless to say we hope to back up and running ASAP once the power company has erected new poles, hung new transformers and got us back on the grid...


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We had some numbnuts park his truck into one of the transformers for one of our datacentres once.... you can't really miss them, they're about the size of a shipping container.....


Has to be a caption competition for what the guy on the phone in the picture is saying!

"Nah, sorry boss the yellow paint wasn't bright enough to be seen...."

Howard Jones

Fran, Someday I'll tell you about cutting down a 70 foot pine tree in a buddy of mine's yard. Sorta the same outcome, except we included the power line, telephone lines and the storm drain UNDER the street in front of his house.

I went to visit him a few years ago after a long hiatus and his wife brought the "fucking tree thing" up within minutes.

Dumb moves always cost ya, but the REALLY dumb moves are priceless.

Now fix it and get back to work! Are you coming out for the 25?

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Actually, Fran, you got off 'Scott free' compared to people in, say, New Orleans or Staten Island a little while back, no? :stunned:

I used to drive a semi y-e-a-r-s ago...'always surveyed any 'strange/new' place I knew I was going to have to back into/maneuver around in before I drove the rig in...and if I needed an extra set of eyes to feel comfy maneuvering in there - I wasn't too proud to gettum.

Screw ups sometimes happen no matter what, but, this guy might benefit from adopting the above policy just the same. :bulb:
You need to bottle up some of that good luck and get it out to the 25hour race this weekend, Unbelievable that there was no collateral damage with the high voltage wires shorting phase to ground, and it looks like the phone line were taken out also, hope you have a source of heat other than electricity, Bust some water lines from freezing will make a real mess.
That must be the most asleep-at-the-wheel driver every.....not noticing taking down a power pole? Yeah, sure.

And this guy is driving the roads next to your wife and kids in the family SUV....