Wooley mammoths

I see that Woolley mammoths were not driven to extinction by inconciderate car drivers who refused to buy into electric cars! :)
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Ah HAAAAA!!! Now, that lil' bit of info would have been most helpful, MARK!!!

(Thanks for the 'clue-in', brian!)


Presumably then Peekford, what you are saying is that Woolly Mammoths died as a result of Global Warming because.....

Their fur coats were too hot for them and they boiled to death?

(Sorry mate not had time to read your link)

Slowly boiled to death?

That cannot have been pleasant for the poor WM but for the early caveman perhaps a bonus 'meals on legs' service. Imagine, dropping dead right outside your door - a 50 year slow cooked 12 ton juicy giant steak simmering gently in the warming (up) sun. Wow...


Are you on heavy meds right now, Keith (read that: "booze")???

(I am a truly rotten person!)
Yes you are a complete bounder & a scoundrel sir. Why on earth did you feel it necessary to wake me at 0540 ack emma with such a pointless piece of posting?

If I was in better health, I would certainly have invited you to appoint your Seconds.
What I was suggesting is that Climate Change killed mammoths according to the latest studies and evidence. Therefore, global warming is the bad guy, not men in fossil fuel burning Ford Mustangs etc.

Global warming before the Industrial Age? Whatever next???

BBC News - DNA study suggests hunting did not kill off mammoth

"Researchers have found evidence to suggest that climate change, rather than humans, was the main factor that drove the woolly mammoth to extinction."

If only organized government was around at the time mankind hunted Mammoths, they could have levied a Mammoth Tax upon the Hunters.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Is there a point to this thread or is it just a load of bollocks? Again.
Surely most here are adult enough to start threads that are interesting and to the point.
This one seems wide of that mark.


Well there IS a point David (there always is) and I discussed this with Mark yesterday over lunch and Louis Roederer, but my original point seems to have gone astray on futile Friday (for anyone still at work).

I was highly amused at this story which highlighted the demise of the Woolly Mammoth which has now been proven to have been caused not by over hunting as had been previously surmised, but by Global Warming.

The total irony of which hit me immediately was that they died from being frozen to death.

Sorry it's taken a while but I wanted Mark to finish the story.

What do you think?

PS your forecast was annoyingly accurate again...
Is there a point to this thread or is it just a load of bollocks? Again.
Surely most here are adult enough to start threads that are interesting and to the point.
This one seems wide of that mark.
Sorry David, if this thread appears somewhat unclear as to its message or purpose. The intended targets have noit responded, so perhaps in future, I should try a little harder to be clear and on point? As for the possiblility of my message simply being more 'bollocks', well, I can live with that ;)

Whilst we are on the subject of man made global warming bollocks, I notice that Colorado is on Evacuation Alert due to flooding. I hope everyone over there remains safe, but wait anxiously for the inevitable reports that my lack of fuel milage has had something to do with it.

Mike Pass

Re: global warming bollocks.

(1) It seems that the latest fad in cooking and upmarket chefery is to cook meat slowly at low temperature in a water bath to keep the meat moist, tender and delicious. It seems likely therefore that our ancestors enjoyed a very avant garde delicious repast as they they ate the last of the woolly mammoths and that global warming is not all down sides.

(2) The dinosaurs were very successful and lasted several hundred million years (we have got a long way to go to catch up) and lived at a time when it was very hot as the carbon dioxide level was three times what it is now. The heat and carbon dioxide caused the plants to grow really well and very large. So the veggie dinosaurs grew very big (see Argentinosaurus) and so the carnivores got bigger (see giganotosaurus). So with global warming we should have bumper crops, massive cows and we will also be huge.
Which means that no one will be fitting into a GT40 in the future which is a little published downside to global warming bollocks.



Re: global warming bollocks.

(2) The dinosaurs were very successful and lasted several hundred million years (we have got a long way to go to catch up) and lived at a time when it was very hot as the carbon dioxide level was three times what it is now. T

Whaaat? They had 4x4's back then?