ZF Gearbox Fiasco/ Fraud / Pete Schomer


Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

One another note:
I ask that the adminstrator take off the untrue heading here 'gearbox fraud' that is not helping anyone.
I have not said one bad thing against Tom, but he has the cowboy attitude to start shooting before he knows what happened. The series 1 gearbox was part of a package that included a vintage race car that I found on Craigs List and I had no use for the gearbox. I made the mistake offering it to Tom for £7900 when I find out later they can be worth £20 > £25,000. No wonder he jumped on it, and no wonder he is upset that he did not get it. Knowing Tom, I bet he already had it sold for a good profit!
I really wish I never saw that advert. It has caused me serious issues in my business and life.
Do a google on me and you will see I have been doing this for over 40 years, and very well known in the motorsports world. One bad transaction has basically ruined my future. The problem with the internet is it never goes away even it you delet the information.
Again...stay away from Craigs List...I would think 50% of the listings or more is a scam!

Dimi Terleckyj

Lifetime Supporter
Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

The problem is Pete that you got scammed by someone and decided to pass the buck by selling something you don't have.

If you offered something for sale and a buyer pays you for that item and you can not deliver then you should refund their money.

It is not morally or legally right to hold Tom's money to make up for your other problems.

It seems that your thinking goes that if you can not recover your money from the other party then Tom's money will make up for your loss.

If you made a bad deal with some other person then you wear it and do not rip off someone else because it was done to you.
You should man up, refund Tom's money and deal with your problems without dragging someone else into your mess

These kind of low life deals leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth.



Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

Again...it's not your problem Dimi. This site should be for GT40 enthusiasts not a court house for people to make judgment calls.
Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

I find out later they can be worth £20 > £25,000. No wonder he jumped on it, and no wonder he is upset that he did not get it. Knowing Tom, I bet he already had it sold for a good profit!

"Knowing Tom"?!?!? But you don't! And you accuse HIM of selling a gearbox he does not yet have for a profit when you did the very same thing! FIRST! The problem is NOT with Craigslist, it is with you Pete.

I have refrained from commenting on this tread but Tom has provided the timeline and your replies (or lack thereof) and all you have done is complain you are being wronged.

You have promised restitution and not made it. If and when you make Tom whole we as a community will take another look at this issue and each will personally make a decision on your charecter.

Jim Rosenthal

Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

Hey, Pete, here's a reality check for you:

You were stupid and greedy. You sold something you didn't have. If you'd waited until you actually HAD it to sell it, you wouldn't be in the position you are in- now you're a thief. Just because someone ripped you off doesn't excuse your doing it to the next guy. As a matter of fact, it makes it worse, because you already had the bad example to learn from. And you didn't. So you're a thief, and the person who sold you these items (if they actually exist at all!) is also a thief. And we know there's no honor among thieves, don't we, Pete?

I suspect that what really happened here is that you didn't have the cash to actually DO the deal, and you had to pre-sell the ZF gearbox in order to have the money to make the deal. This qualifies you as a fly-by-night operator- a financial lightweight who is in over their head. Unfortunately for you, you ran into someone even less honest than you are, with the results that we all see.

Talk is cheap, Pete. Refund Tom's money and we'll all post saying what a great guy you are. We're all holding our breath for that one.

In a civilized country you'd get sued. Too bad we live in one. I'm in favor of the knee method, myself. I think you deserve it.

Jim Rosenthal

Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

On, btw, Pete. Tom has the car that this unit actually goes in. We know that. Unlike some folks we know, Tom actually owns these cars and drives them. I think your phantom gearbox was intended as a spare for Tom's GT40, not as a resale item.

Or maybe you got a better offer, Pete, and decided to keep Tom's money, too? Great business model, until they find you floating in a canal somewhere.


Lifetime Supporter
Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

So if I understand the deal went something like this. Tom who Pete doesn't know, is looking for this box. Pete knows of a box being sold on Craig's list. Pete contacts Tom and says I have the box you are looking for. Tom says, great, I am sending you money for this box. Pete fails to mention that he doesn't have the box and will be taking Tom's money and then purchasing the box from someone Pete doesn't know on Craig's list. Pete sends Tom's money to this alleged Craig's list seller who takes the money but does not send Pete the box. Tom begins asking for the box or his money and Pete gives Tom the run around. After some time Pete admits to the mechanics of the deal and tells Tom sorry, I got scammed so you are getting scammed. If that is what has happened here, you are a scumbag Pete. I would guess you are on very shaky legal ground as well.


Lifetime Supporter
Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

One another note:
The series 1 gearbox was part of a package that included a vintage race car that I found on Craigs List and I had no use for the gearbox. I made the mistake offering it to Tom for £7900 when I find out later they can be worth £20 > £25,000. No wonder he jumped on it, and no wonder he is upset that he did not get it. Knowing Tom, I bet he already had it sold for a good profit!

I am not sure where your numbers come from, but a Series 1 is less desirable than a Series 2 as they have a weaker case webbing and spares are harder to come by. A rebuilt -2 ZF can be had for around $7,500 and used from $3,500, perhaps an early -0 that could be traced back to specific use in an original GT40 might command a premium but even then I struggle to see it being worth anywhere close to your quoted $40,000.

The worst thing is that you actually imply that Tom is somehow at fault or taking advantage, that is just ludicrous. You got stiffed and I feel sorry for that fact, but Tom deserves his money refunded without question.



Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

Oh Dear...
First off!
I had no idea Tom has the GT40 this gearbox belongs to. That's news to me, he never mentioned it. Tom new I found the gearbox with other parts and a vintage racecar. I send him the photos and he said he would take it.
I have lots of photos of this ZF so it's real.
I don't think people here should call me stupid and greedy. Mr Rosental who the hell are you to judge me Sir?
Again everyone... this is between Tom and myself, you can make all kinds of comments but you are all wrong.
Mr. Mike in Colorado...you are way out of line. And your fantasty story is complete B/S!
Easy to call people names on the internet, this only makes you weak.
Mr. Muck-Mark..I do know Tom..and he is in the business like I am. I will leave it at that and not bother with this thread any longer.
Bye Bye!


Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

Julian..it was a -0... first of the series. From memory I think is was #260


Bye Bye..


Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

Not too sure this will work?

C:\Users\ToshibaUser\Gt40 GEARBOX\$(KGrHqZ,!q0E88giJL!BBPfguUIj6w~~60_3.jpg

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

Pete - use the "go advanced" feature, then "Manage attachments" to upload your picture..


ZF gearbox

These are 2 of the photos.


  • $(KGrHqZ,!q0E88giJL!BBPfguUIj6w~~60_3.jpg
    128.8 KB · Views: 507
  • 5N45I55F53Ff3Le3H8c4c84f3602ec67315ee.jpg
    25.6 KB · Views: 615


Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

Thanks Randy..at lease one person here is helpful...


Lifetime Supporter
Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

That's a picture of a transaxle, great. What in my "fantasy" story as you called it, is inaccurate?
Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

Mr. Muck-Mark..I do know Tom..and he is in the business like I am. I will leave it at that and not bother with this thread any longer.

Please do not let me put words in your mouth. When you say you "know Tom' you are saying you:

1) Have personally met him?
2) Or have had contact via phone/email/Skype, etc. prior to this "deal"?
3) Have mutual friends who put you together?

I fail to see how Tom being in the "same business" makes selling an item you did not have in your posession OK nor if he owns the GT40 or any car related to this gearbox is relevant. Now I HAVE brokered deals on cars that I did not own, however both parties knew I was the "go between" and that I did not OWN nor POSSESS the vehicle
and both parties were relying on my reputation and honesty to ensure all came out as expected.

I have a new sign in my office recently, it reminds me to do what is is right. It says "I saw that.....KARMA"
Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

Pete, A monetary offer would go a long way in showing good faith to Tom. I've performed many mediations and invaribly a settlement can be reached by two willing parties. Two "willing" parties can come to an agreement as to how the matter will be resolved. Of course most of those I've performed were reached with the two parties sitting in the same room or if the two parties did not want to see each other I would make other arrangements. Given todays technology and if you are both willing some agreement as to how and when payments could be made back to Tom should be possible. I guess what I'm asking is this....Have you offered to pay Tom anything as a show of your intentions to pay him back? Maybe you can't pay the full amount right now but could pay 1/2 now and 1/2 at an agreed date. Right now Tom has neither the ZF or his money. Regardless of what happened to you during the deal Tom is left holding his empty bag by no fault of his own. You as a responsible business man should make some effort to make good on the sale to an innocent by-stander (Tom.) IMHO it is the only right thing to do.

This collective group is just looking out for a fellow forum member who we feel has been wronged intentionally or not. All statements aside regarding you as a person you could go a long way in silencing your critics by stepping up and sending Tom something. (Hopefully a full refund or the box in question) Tom would then have to decide if he wants to accept your payment or not. That will be up to Tom.

There are a good many businessmen on this forum and they all know things can go awry at times but its what happens after that makes a person a class act or a scammer. This group, including me, views this deal as a scam because, frankly, there is no other way to see it. Get with Tom and resolve this.....somehow someway.

Tom, I hope you don't think me interfering, just trying to assist. Good Luck to you both.

Glenn B.

Lifetime Supporter
Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

Oh Dear...
First off!
I had no idea Tom has the GT40 this gearbox belongs to. That's news to me, he never mentioned it. Tom new I found the gearbox with other parts and a vintage racecar. I send him the photos and he said he would take it.
I have lots of photos of this ZF so it's real.
I don't think people here should call me stupid and greedy. Mr Rosental who the hell are you to judge me Sir?
Again everyone... this is between Tom and myself, you can make all kinds of comments but you are all wrong.
Mr. Mike in Colorado...you are way out of line. And your fantasty story is complete B/S!
Easy to call people names on the internet, this only makes you weak.
Mr. Muck-Mark..I do know Tom..and he is in the business like I am. I will leave it at that and not bother with this thread any longer.
Bye Bye!

Hey Pete,

In criminal law, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain. You knowingly advertised a product for sale that you did not own or have in your possession. To consummate both criminal and civil fraud, all you have to do is take the money and not deliver the product...exactly what you have done.

This isn't name calling...these are words that define people who commit crimes. At this juncture, you have committed criminal and civil fraud under the legal definitions of your country and ours.

We do not tolerate criminal behavior associated with the transactions by vendors on this forum. This heading was designed to notify our readership of trustworthy and honorable vendors, and to provide notice of those who are not. Your behavior and empty attempts at defense are reprehensible.

To administrators and fellow members: I suggest we keep this topic open and comment with adequate frequency to keep the thread on the front page until Tom gets paid.
Re: Pete Schomer Gearbox Fraud - Beware

Just a quick question, and maybe I missed it, but did Tom know that the transmission was part of a purchase, who's transaction was not yet complete?

If Tom knew this, and agreed to purchase the ZF from Pete anyway, then perhaps it's not so 'black and white'. I hope an amicable resolution can be achieved by both parties. Good luck.