Cushman Competition?

I reached out to Cushman Competition to buy a set of Gurney valve covers. I sent an email stating my desire to purchase them and inquired on what was the easiest way to do that since there's no way to buy through the site. This is what I received in reply "not sure what your talking about and my guess is neither do you. I have on my website Gurney Eagle Valve Covers. I have them in stock. I have never and have no interest in fake crap. If your looking for the fake stuff why would you be on my website looking at original Gurney or GT40 parts?" I am not making this up, and did not change one letter, that's verbatim. Obviously makes me just a tad hesitant to order from this guy but I haven't found those covers anywhere else. Maybe I caught him at a bad time, bad day?


Be very hesitant in dealing with Cushman. There is much said about dealing with him on this forum.

Do you have original Gurney heads? If so he is a source. Do you have a 302 with stock heads? Then go to Tornado to buy a reproduction valve covers to stock style heads.


I reached out to Cushman Competition to buy a set of Gurney valve covers. I sent an email stating my desire to purchase them and inquired on what was the easiest way to do that since there's no way to buy through the site. This is what I received in reply "not sure what your talking about and my guess is neither do you. I have on my website Gurney Eagle Valve Covers. I have them in stock. I have never and have no interest in fake crap. If your looking for the fake stuff why would you be on my website looking at original Gurney or GT40 parts?" I am not making this up, and did not change one letter, that's verbatim. Obviously makes me just a tad hesitant to order from this guy but I haven't found those covers anywhere else. Maybe I caught him at a bad time, bad day?
I reached out to Cushman Competition to buy a set of Gurney valve covers. I sent an email stating my desire to purchase them and inquired on what was the easiest way to do that since there's no way to buy through the site. This is what I received in reply "not sure what your talking about and my guess is neither do you. I have on my website Gurney Eagle Valve Covers. I have them in stock. I have never and have no interest in fake crap. If your looking for the fake stuff why would you be on my website looking at original Gurney or GT40 parts?" I am not making this up, and did not change one letter, that's verbatim. Obviously makes me just a tad hesitant to order from this guy but I haven't found those covers anywhere else. Maybe I caught him at a bad time, bad day?

If you are doing a Windsor engine the "original" GW/GE cover will not work. We have one set of US produced GW covers for Windsor engines in stock, it is the last set we will have. These work with roller rockers however the bosses around the mounting bolts are thick and, on SOME rockers, require a bit of grinding/clearancing to clear.

We will no longer sell these covers as we have approached AAR and arranged a licensing agreement for the TRADEMARKED "Gurney/Weslake" and "Gurney/Eagle" logos. The license fee to AAR is very reasonable and is NOT the reason for discontinuing the covers; the cost from the foundry is the reason for discontinuing them. The retail pricing for a new batch would increase 40% to a point we feel is out of line. I expect that the UK produced covers will continue to be available despite that they are not licensed. While this may not mean anything to you, we take intellectual property rights seriously having had parts produced from our tooling and sold out the back door of the manufacturer some years ago (NOT the valve covers).

While we will lose sales, we can sleep at night. Dan Gurney was a class act and Justin and Kathy at AAR are also great people, and we will not trade on their goodwill and history without their consent.
Not any substance to add here, but if Cushman is this abusive when there isn't a problem, imagine how he will get when there IS a problem.



Andy Sheldon

Tornado Sports Cars
GT40s Sponsor
Our covers fit most but not all after market rockers. Every rocker make is different.
Our covers can be clearanced to suit any other rockers and we also have spacers available in a range of thicknesses if you do not want to machine them and are looking for a bolt on solution.
We have previously been contacted by AAR concerning Trade marks and a licencing agreement.
We agreed to meet any terms or conditions that they felt were appropriate.
I did inform them that Dan himself was aware of our covers and had no issue with them being produced and marketed.
As Rick says foundry costs have gone through the roof due to soaring energy and material costs so the covers are no longer as reasonably priced as they once were.
With reference to Jay Cushman I did receive a message from him several years ago in which he gave his personal opinion on products.
I can only say that I found his remarks offensive and told him that his opinions are of no interest to me what so ever.

Not any substance to add here, but if Cushman is this abusive when there isn't a problem, imagine how he will get when there IS a problem.
Some years back there was quite a long thread about an engine ( Gurney Weslake) that had been built by Cushman for a UK customer. I recall that Frank Catt was involved in rectifying some problems with that.


So the only good story about Cushman, came from the owner of 1062 who bought parts from him and flew his restorer up to meet with Cushman and collect all parts and bring them back.

Otherwise people stay away from this arsehole.
Our experience with Jay is no replies to emails. Perhaps he thinks we are looking to "compete" with him, but really just looking for parts for our customers. It looks like he doesn't need our business.

Bart Roberts

I bought the front and rear camshells that were on P1027 when that car was in his shop for restoration, these were on the car for vintage racing. The original panels were going back on the car. He also sold me the doors, rockers and roof spider. I had no issues with Jay, he did what he said when he said. We had to coordinate because he delivered to me personally while he was making a trip buying and selling in the southeast. I don't want to put words in his mouth but from conversations, solely my opinion, I don't think he is real keen on the replica market or replicas in general.


If you are keen or not about your customer, if you take money in exchange for a product, you should deliver that product and ALL of it..... It took months to get most of my order by hounding him via phone, email, mail. I still did not get my full order. That is fraud. I get it from reviews here it looks like a 50/50 shot with him, maybe it is medical or age or replica vs real. What ever his issue, at least you know ahead of time what you may be getting into. No worries for me though, he informed me I am now blacklisted from buying parts from him as I had the nerve to demand all of what I paid for!!!!!!