Avon 275/55/15 tires


Is anyone running Avon 275/55/15 tires on 10inch wide wheels?

would love to see some pictures, also thinking of fitting 215/60/15 to 8inch wide wheels...thinking it will be a stretch, I dont like baggy sidewalls.

Any pics or advice greatly appreciated.


I run the 215 60 15 on 8 inch rims no problems. The 275 should be fine on the 10 inch rims as well although I run the 295 Avons on the 10s not the 275s.

No problems at all on a 10inch rim, but I do run lower tyre pressures before a race or qualifying which allow for increase to my desired pressure.

You should have no issues whatsoever for road use, but if I was using my car for just road use I would always go for 295s purely for "softer ride" and looks !!!


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The car is going to be doing a lot sprint events. I need to order wheels and trying to get the best look....

Brian your wheels look perfect.....tyre fitment is e actlyhow i would like them to look.
275/55-15 on the rear and 225/60-15 on the front. Rims are 10" and 8". The suspension is set a bit too high on purpose right now. My driveway is too steep for this car, so I am using wood planks to bridge the driveway to the street.



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Brian Stewart
Did the lettering myself Dave. Just got a couple of sheets of sticky paper, printed the letters on, cut them out using a craft knife to make the stencil, clean the tyre, stick the stenciled letters on, mask any tyre still showing, then a couple of coats of rattle-can off white and peel the masking and stencil off. Pretty happy with the result. Note that rear tyre stencil letters have to be larger than front to fill the higher sidewall. Send me your email address and I can send you my original rough stencil if you wish.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Man nice pic. Also look how low the car is the car behind you the guys head is way over your roof line.

I drive a Cobra replica....when I get into that car I am always mindful that the bumpers on most cars are at shoulder height... or (even worse, as in the case of a Ford 350 Super-Duty with a pipe bumper) ear height as I sit in the driver's seat. It's a scary thought and certainly increases my caution in how I drive.

Most of us have little idea how low a 40 is...until a picture like this one comes along. GOOD GRIEF....it must be almost like laying down to drive one.

How can a normal person look at that photo and not lust after a 40???




A general rule of thumb in competition is to have tread pattern width and rim widths the same as the best compromise between cornering, high speed stability and braking. And before anyone says the obvious, yes there are times when you don't want to do this depending on precisely what you need to acheive!


Lifetime Supporter
Just my personal opinion but I think most GT40s look entirely overstuffed in the rear with too much rubber and ride way too high. This looks better to me.

I like large diameter at rear and smaller in front, hence the 215's I am thinking. Mike that cars looks nice, perfect tire / wheel proportions for that classic look.


Lifetime Supporter
I do too Dave. I'm taking steps to correct mine this winter. Turns out it's quite "involved" :)

I had 295s and now just test fitted some 275s. I'll snap a pic and send it to you. I think the 275s are still too much and am test fitting some 245s and 225s to see. Probably will require some custom wheels to achieve the look I'm after. Someone told me the smaller tires look like training wheels. Different strokes for different folks :)
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Tires are very hard to get right, it also comes down to car design. Some 40 variants seem to take different wheels better than others. I am having trouble getting 10inch wide wheels to fit mine and i think I will have to narrow the suspension arms and shorten the driveshafts ,I dont want to modify my gaurds.
Yes please keep the pics coming Mike, your car is one of my favs.